Handbook 9.9
Criminal Investigation Management Information System
Chapter 2
CIMIS Security and Setup
Criminal Investigation Management Information System (CIMIS) processes sensitive
information including personnel and investigation data. Disclosure or misuse
of this information could be damaging to Criminal Investigation (CI) operations
and infringe on the privacy rights of personnel and subjects under investigation.
As a result, CIMIS was developed with security including automated security
functionality and procedural controls. Part of this chapter deals with the
different structures used to ensure CIMIS security.
The remainder of the chapter explains what information needs to be in the
system before an investigation is numbered or assigned. It also describes
the investigation number.
CIMIS Security uses automated controls, limited accessibility, and procedural
administration to protect the database information.
The automated security on CIMIS is modeled after the National Security Agency's
(NSA) C2 standard.
User options and access to the data is automatically limited based on a user's
organizational unit (region, district, etc.) and the user's functions (Group
Manager, special agent, etc.).
Consolidate Data Network (CDN) services are used to take advantage of existing
communications and security capabilities within Treasury. Where CDN is not
available, dial-up access is permitted only through modems which provide
hardware Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption in accordance with FIPS
140-1 level 3 standard or higher. Contact the CI Automated Data Processing
Security Officer at Software Systems Section 2, Headquarters, for the DES
Before employees can be granted access to the live database, Group Managers
must be certain that the following three requirements are met.
The employee has valid need to know the information on the system.
The employee has received the CIMIS Handbook 9.9 and reviewed the Law Enforcement
Manual (LEM), Part IX.
A Limited Background Investigation (LBI) has been completed or at least is
in process. (Note: by requesting access while an LBI is still in process,
a Group Manager accepts responsibility for any risk involved.)
CIMIS is restricted to CI use only. Exception requests for other Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) employees will only be considered when made by memorandum
from the employee's sponsoring function to the CI ADP Security Officer at
Software Systems Section 2, Headquarters. Such requests should briefly describe
the unique circumstances which warrant the employee's access, and also indicate
whether an LBI has been completed.
Guidelines for administering CIMIS users are located in LEM IX. These guidelines
include the mandatory use of a standard User Request Memorandum prior to
adding a user or making any subsequent changes to a user's profile (i.e.,
changes in the user-type permissions or suspend actions).
On a semi-annual basis, CI Headquarters will send each Group Manager an all-user
revalidation letter. During this process, managers are requested to verify
their users' continued need for access at the specified privilege level and
make any necessary updates.
The local CIMIS Coordinator is responsible for conducting actual day-to-day
CIMIS security on the system and for coordinating with users as needed in
order to effectively implement security. Each CIMIS user is responsible for
adhering to the proper User Security Procedures.
Any suspected computer security violations should be reported as soon as
possible to local CI management. In addition, such incidents should be reported
within 24 hours to the CI ADP Security Officer, at Software Systems Section
2, Headquarters. Refer to LEM IX for reporting security breaches.
Certain information such as special agent personnel data and district office
location data must be in the database before an operator can assign or initiate
investigations. Investigation numbers are assigned automatically.
A special agent must be established in the CIMIS database before any data
relating to that special agent may be entered. The following information
is required to establish a special agent, and any changes to these data fields
will require an update to the Special Agent Profile record:
Date of Birth
Pay Plan/Grade
Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP) rate
6C Date
Retirement Plan
Position Code
Office Code
Branch Code
Post of Duty Code
Group Code
Telephone number
The following actions require notifying Headquarters Hotline Staff by telephone
first and then confirmation by memorandum:
Establishment or relocation of groups
Establishment or relocation of POD's
Establishing or realignment of branches
Closing down groups or POD's
Realignment or streamlining district offices
The purpose of this notification is to enable Headquarters (CIMIS hotline)
to update the CIMIS database so it contains valid district location information.
District office numbers are found in Exhibit 2-1.
Investigation numbers provide a uniform system for identifying and controlling
investigations and to account for time expended on them. The system is designed
to generate an investigation number upon input of the information contained
in Section I Input Control, Section III Special Agent Assignment, and Section
IV Identification, on Form 4930.
Investigation(s) must be on the CIMIS database prior to the submission of
Form(s) 5043 reflecting investigation time being charged to the
Once an investigation number has been assigned by the system, it may not
be altered or voided.
An investigation number is comprised of nine digits.
The first two digits represent the CI office code where the investigation
was initiated. Refer to Exhibit 2-1 for CI office codes.
The third and fourth digits represent the fiscal year in which the CIMIS
system assigned the investigation number.
The fifth digit represents the type of investigation.
Type |
Code |
1 |
General Investigation (G) |
1 |
2 |
Primary Investigation (P) |
2 |
3 |
Subject Criminal Investigation (SCI) |
3 |
4 |
Subject Seizure Investigation (SSI) |
4 |
The sixth through ninth digits are the sequential numbers assigned by the
system. Sequential numbers will begin with 0001 each fiscal year for each
Examples of investigation numbers using Kentucky-Tennessee District, FY 1993
hypothetical investigations:
General Investigation: Trash Haulers 629310010
Primary Investigation: Greene, Inc. 629320013
Subject Criminal Investigation: Hood, Oscar 629330017
Subject Seizure Investigation: Hood, Oscar 629340018
In situations where more than one district has an interest in the same taxpayer,
prior approval to dual number the investigation by Headquarters is required.
The system will display a message to the CIMIS operator of a duplicate
investigation. The system will not permit the dual investigation to be numbered
until approved by the Director of National Operations. The Chief must request
approval from the Director of National Operations in writing. Headquarters
(CIMIS hotline), in coordination with the Director of National Operations,
DI area and district offices, will assess the need for, and approve if
appropriate, the dual investigation. Guidelines for coordinating inter-district
and inter-region investigations are located in Handbook 9.5.
The same investigation number will not be used to cover subsequent investigations
of the same taxpayer where the prior criminal investigation was criminally
closed. Instead, a new investigation will be initiated.
If there is an ongoing investigation on a taxpayer, then any additional violation
(tax or money laundering) should be investigated in conjunction with that
ongoing investigation. If separate districts number the same individual or
entity on different violations, it will trigger the need to request approval
for a dual investigation. Multiple investigation numbers will not be assigned
in situations where more than one violation is involved or when violations
are added after numbering, or in instances where the Department of Justice
makes a request for a follow-up investigation of other violations or of
subsequent years after a Subject Criminal Investigation has been received
by that office.
If there is an ongoing criminal investigation and criminal or civil seizure
action is to be initiated on the same individual or entity, a Subject Seizure
Investigation will be initiated. This Subject Seizure Investigation must
be associated to the Primary Investigation of the ongoing criminal investigation.
Only one Subject Seizure Investigation is numbered for a specific target.
Do not number a Subject Seizure Investigation for each location or for each
asset relating to the specific target.
Exhibit [9.9] 2-1 (09/16/98)
Criminal Investigation Office Codes
> |
Northeast DI Region |
08 |
New England (Boston) |
04 |
Brooklyn |
11 |
Upstate New York (Buffalo) |
16 |
Ohio (Cincinnati) |
31 |
Michigan (Detroit) |
38 |
Connecticut-Rhode Island (Hartford) |
06 |
Manhattan |
13 |
New Jersey (Newark) |
22 |
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) |
23 |
DI Regional Office |
80 |
Southeast DI Region |
01 |
Georgia (Atlanta) |
58 |
Delaware-Maryland (Baltimore) |
52 |
South Florida (Fort Lauderdale) |
65 |
North-South Carolina (Greensboro) |
56 |
Indiana (Indianapolis) |
35 |
North Florida (Jacksonville) |
59 |
Kentucky-Tennessee (Nashville) |
62 |
Gulf Coast (New Orleans) |
72 |
Virginia-West Virginia |
54 |
DI Regional Office |
10 |
Midstates DI Region |
04 |
South Texas (Austin) |
74 |
Illinois (Chicago) |
36 |
North Texas (Dallas) |
75 |
Houston |
76 |
Midwest (Milwaukee) |
39 |
Arkansas-Oklahoma (Oklahoma City) |
73 |
Kansas-Missouri (St. Louis) |
43 |
North Central (St. Paul) |
41 |
DI Regional Office |
40 |
Western DI Region |
09 |
Rocky Mountain (Denver) |
84 |
Southern California (Laguna Niguel) |
33 |
Los Angeles |
95 |
Southwest (Phoenix) |
86 |
Northern California (San Francisco) |
94 |
Central California (San Jose) |
77 |
Pacific Northwest (Seattle) |
91 |
DI Regional Office |
90 |
Service Centers |
Andover |
08 |
Atlanta |
07 |
Austin |
18 |
Brookhaven |
19 |
Cincinnati |
17 |
Fresno |
89 |
Kansas City |
09 |
Memphis |
49 |
Ogden |
29 |
Philadelphia |
28 |
Headquarters |
00 |
Internal Revenue Manual
Hndbk. 9.9 Chap. 2 CIMIS Security and Setup