6 August 2000
Source: MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence
Service, Stephen Dorril, The Free Press, New York, 2000, pp. 864-907.
ISBN 0-7432-0379-8. Thanks to the author and publisher.
See Chapter 36 of the book: http://cryptome.org/mi6-sd36.htm
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
'A' Force 533
Abbas Hilmi II, Khedive 629
Abboud, President 721
Abd-el-Qadar 631
Abdallah, Radi 669
Abdullah, Emir of Kuwait 671, 672, 674
Abdurrahman, Prince 681
Abid, Abdullah bin 735
Abramtchik, Mokolai 215-20
Abramtchik Faction 215, 219, 220, 221, 404
Aburish, Said K. 665
Abwehr 12, 100, 104, 166, 171, 187, 190, 191, 195, 196, 223-7, 270, 409, 410, 411, 419, 420
Acheson, Dean 363, 380, 382, 383-4, 601, 780
Achin, Reverend 339
Aciolek, Col. 263
Ackerman, Eric 53
Acland, Richard 435
Actio Catholica 176
Action Petlura 226
Adams, Gerry 740, 741
Aden Assembly 678
Aden Intelligence Centre 679
Adhan, Kamal 688, 694
Adie, Kate 791
Administration of State Security (UDBA) 342
Admiralty 26, 618, 619
Adye, Sir John 747
Aflag, Michel 616
Africa Bureau 721
African National Congress (ANC) 720
Afshartus, Gen. 585, 586, 612
Agency Africa 250
Aims for Industry 430
Air Ministry 25-6, 620, 664
Airey, Sir Terence 341, 369
Airwork Services 664, 694, 733
AJAX Operation 586, 587, 589, 597-8, 654
Ajlani, Mounir 636
Akers, Sir Wallace 140
Akhavi, Hassin 591
Alanbrooke, Viscount 14, 32
Alawi, Dr Iyad 781
Alawite tribe 636
Albanian: army 357, 388; gendarmerie 357, 358; Intelligence 390; Ministry of the Interior 395; secret police 394
Albanian National Committee in Exile 373
Albanian National Liberation Front 392
Aldermaston 159
Aldrich, Winthrop 649, 650
Aldridge, Jessica 367, 371
'Alec' (MI6) 121
Alexander, A.V. 82
Alexander, Capt. 206
Alexander Guchkov circle 407
Alexander, Harold (later Earl Alexander of Tunis) 310, 337, 338, 414
Alexander I, King of Yugoslavia 329, 331-2
All-Party Parliamentary War Crimes Group 280
Allason, Rupert (Nigel West) 205
Allen, Percy 694, 696
Allied Control Commission (ACC) 174, 351; Information Services Branch (ISB) 120
Allied Denazification Bureau 124
Allied Information Services 120, 374
Allied Military Government (AMG) 341, 352
Allied Military Intelligence units 348
Allman Sakerhetsenhet (AS) 273
ALOS 138
Alpa-Adrica movement 126
Alpass, John 776
Alpha plan 604, 607, 615
Alston, Gordon M.F. 131, 161, 333
American Committee for Liberation of the Peoples of Russia from Bolshevism 437, 492, 493, 502, 515
American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE) 437, 446, 462, 464-7, 469, 477
American Federation of Labour 440, 478
American Foundation for Youth and Students Abroad 470
American Friends of the Captive Nations 436
Americans for Intellectual Freedom 476
Amery, Leopold 166, 357, 447, 456, 457, 459, 682
Amery, Lord (Julian) 355-60, 364, 365, 366, 370, 371, 372, 374, 375, 377, 379, 380, 388, 4()2, 447, 460, 477, 500, 554, 556-7, 572, 601, 603, 616, 628-9, 662, 663, 669-70, 679, 683, 684-5, 687
Ames, Aldrich 749-50
Amit, Meir 694
Amols, Father Valdis 293
Amory, Robin 520
Ampersand 76, 479
Anders, Wladyslaw 206, 214, 217, 258, 259, 264
Anderson, Sir John 135-6, 140
AndreW, Christopher 595, 727
Andrews, George 260
Angleton, James 264, 266, 349, 390, 399, 479, 607, 614, 671, 695, 705, 706-7, 710-11, 713, 714, 717, 724
Anglican Church 430
Anglo-American Combined Allocations Board 144, 151
Anglo-Baltic Friendship Society 285
Anglo-Estonian Friendship Society 269
Anglo-German Fellowship 429
Anglo-Greek Information Service (AIS) 313, 314, 316, 317
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) 558-62, 564-8, 570, 575, 577, 578, 580, 595; Central Information Bureau (CI8) 564
Anglo-Norwegian Collaboration Committee 525
Anglo-Norwegian Intelligence Committee 134
Anglo-Norwegian Intelligence Service 134
Annan, Noel 12
Anthimos, Bishop 553
ANTHROPOID Operation 611
Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) 163, 183, 213, 222, 229, 233, 237, 238-9, 244, 404, 430, 439, 442, 443, 445, 446, 448, 449, 492, 493, 502
Anti-Bolshevik Front 229, 233
Anti-Bolshevik Guard (Hungary) 178
Anti-Bolshevik League for the Liberation of Nations (ALONS) 213
Antonescu, Ion 168-9, 178, 179, 180
ANYFACE Operation 233
APPLEPIE Operation 208, 209
Appleton, Sir Edward 140
Arab Liberation Party 622
Arab News Agency (ANA) 76, 435, 536, 540, 624-5, 631, 632
Arad, Ron 767, 768
Arajs Kommando 270, 274, 288
ARAMCO (Arabian-American Oil Company) 608, 609, 663
Aramesh, Ahmad 593
Arazi, Yehuda 546
Arc-en-Ciel 182
Archangel Expeditionary Force 19
Archer, Jane 16, 190
Ardmbadi, Col. 584
Arfa, Gen. 576
Argyll, Duchess of 686
Ariana rocket 778
Ariel Foundation 470, 474, 475, 722
Arlt, Fritz 198, 199, 200
Armee Secrete 457
Armenian Dasknak Party 493
Armia Krajow (AK) (Home Army) 230, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 262, 391, 456
Army Chemical Corps 143
Army Group E 124, 125, 126
Army League 456 Army Special Branch 53
ARNIKA intelligence reports 706
Arnold, Maj.
Arnold-Forster, Christopher 29
Arnold-Forster, Mark 85-6, 513
Arroz Cross 171, 174, 178, 223, 444
Arthur, Geoffrey 637, 732
ARTICHOKE programme 520
Artukovic, Adrija 329, 330, 336, 338, 354
Aryropoulos, Col. 306
el-Asali, Sabri 622
Ascherson, Neal 712
Ashraf, Princess 588-9
Ashtiyani, Mohammad 590
Aspin, Les 777
Asrafi, Col. 593
ASRP (social Ba'ath party) 616
Assembly of Captive Nations (ACEN) 173, 436; Albanian Committee 399; Political Committee 399
Assembly of Political Youths 469
Assheton, Ralph 603
'Assinger' (agent) 756
Assistenza Pontifica 346
Associated Press 236
Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain 443, 449
Astor, David 456, 457, 458, 463, 479
Aswan Dam 607, 623
Atassi, Adnan 636
Atassi, Fayid 636
Athenisiades, Bodosis 374
Atholl, Duke of 405
Atholl, Kitty, Duchess of 285, 404-5, 417, 425, 426, 428, 429, 431-4, 441, 448, 449
Atlantic Charter (1941) 277, 278
Atomic Energy Authority (AEA) 156
Atrash, Hassan 636
Attlee, Clement 43, 73, 86, 160, 459; Albania 367; Britain's atomic bomb 158-9; federalism 461; insists on moving out of Greece 46; Iran 562; Jewish refugees 547; opposes Bevin's power politics 37-8; possible anti-Semitism 430, 545; SOE 21, 28; WAY 469; wishes to build up the UN 38
Attlee, Heresvard 210
Attlee Doctrine 31, 377, 509, 543, 557, 720, 724
Audova, Leo 289
Auer, P. 447
Augsburg, Emil 109
Ault, John 734
Australian Secret lntelligence Service (ASIS) 718
Austrian Communist Party 84
Austrian Control Commission 123, 417
Automatic Telegram Handling System (ATHS/OATS) 786
Auxiliary Units 456
AVO 174, 175, 176
Ayer, A.J. 59, 477-8, 481
Azerbaijan crisis (1946) 534
el-Azm, Khalid 604
Azzam 'Pasha' 539
'B' Specials 317
Ba'ath Party 622
BABYLON Operation 763
BACKHAND Operation 348
Badderley, John 374
al-Badr, Muhammed 678, 697, 698
Baghdad Pact 603-4, 606, 607, 614, 632, 670, 694
Bagration, Prince Irakly 198
Baines, Gordon 153
Bairaktar, Muharren 362
Bajomi, Bela 176, 177
Baker-White, John 423-4
Bakhtiar, Shapour 745
Bakhtiar, Timour 565, 584
Bakhtiari tribes 565, 582, 585
Baku 188-9, 194, 199, 506
Balfour, David, Lord 306, 319, 320, 324, 409, 462, 549
Balli Kombetar (BK; National Front) 357-8, 359, 363, 372, 374, 376, 384, 388, 398, 399
Balmain, Col. 129, 523
Baltic Institute 255
Baltic Waffen-SS 16, 276
Baluch-Qarai, Maj. 585
Banda, Hastings 721-2
Bandera, Natalia 232, 233
Bandera, Stefan 106, 198, 222, 224-8, 230-36, 238, 239, 244, 245, 246, 443;
Banderites 106, 225, 226, 227, 236-9, 242, 244, 248, 442
Bandung Conference 88
Bangerskis, Rudolfs 271, 272, 274, 279, 280
Banja Luka 125
Bank of England 362, 487, 727, 773
Banks, Alan 255
Baqai (religious leader) 576, 582, 585
BARBAROSSA Operation 195, 216, 226, 271, 409
Barbie, Klaus 107-10, 114-15, 117
Barclay, Sam 378
Bareik bin Hamud al-Chafiri 731, 732
Barker, Elizabeth 312, 356
Barnard, Beverley 573
Barnes, Tom 307
Barnes, Tracey 392, 516, 648-9
Barnes, Trevor 63, 453
Barrass, Gordon 750
Bartlett, Vernon 78
Bash, James 686
Bashom, Caush Ali 392
Bastian, Marie 784
'Bastions Paper' 81
Bateman, Charles 371, 375
Baun, Hermann 101
Bayda, Maj. 237
Baydalakov, Victor 412, 513
Baykolov, Anatole 404, 405, 407, 417, 418, 425, 433, 441
Bayliss, John 160 BBC 43-4, 183, 361, 421, 447, 589, 609, 624, 733-4, 780, 794; Arabic Home Service 540; broadcasting to eastern Europe 381; European Services 41; External Services 78, 79, 428, 480; Home Service 41; and Iran 564; and the IRD 78, 79; Overseas News Service 479; Radio Four 609
Beamish, Tufton 447
Beauclerk, Charles, Duke of St Albans 120
Beck-Broichsitter, Helmut 103
Becker, Hans 118
Bedarfas, Louise 511
Beddington-Behrens, Edward 439, 448, 456, 458, 459, 460, 464, 496, 508
Bedell Smith, Walter 89, 264, 395-6, 464, 466, 489, 493, 497, 506, 574, 583, 587, 591
Beeley, Harold 637
Begin, Menachem 549
Behbehani, Ayatollah 585
Beihan, Sharif of 692
Belarus Legion 217, 219, 220
Belic, George 246, 294
Bell, Brian 493-4
Bell, Walter 51, 53
Bellringer plan 671
Belorussia National Committee (BNC) 503
Belorussian American Association 220
Belorussian Central Council (BCC) 217, 219, 503
Belorussian Central Representation (BCR) 219, 220, 221
Belorussian Democratic Republic 221
Belorussian Liberation Movement 220, 221
Belorussian National Centre 219
Belorussian National Council 493
Belorussian National Liberation Committee 221
Ben-Gurion, David 616, 626, 640
Benelux Customs Union 458
Benes, Edvard 61, 139
Benn, Tony 85
Bennett, Eric 690
Benson, Rex 456
Benton, Frank 537, 540
Benton, Kenneth 416, 544, 547
Berger, George 278
Bergmanis, August 284
Beria, Lavrenti 483, 485, 500, 505-6
Berkis, Vitold 288, 293
Berle, Adolphe, Jnr 436, 437, 461
Berlin: blockade 84; Radio 251; tunnel 525-6; Wall 707, 751
Berlin, Isaiah 59, 478
Berman, George 111
Bermondt-Avalov 406
Bermuda conference (1953) 505
Bernhard, Prince, of the Netherlands 496, 497
Berry, George 121, 131
Berthoud, Eric 562-3, 565, 570
Berzins, Alfred 271, 279, 444
Besse, Antonin 601
Bevan, John 156
Bevin, Ernest 65, 76, 82, 121, 147, 260, 385, 435, 458, 534, 541; Albania 367, 368, 377, 382, 383, 384, 394; announces withdrawal from Palestine 549; anti-communist 36, 73-4, 78; attacked at UN 72-3; Britain's atomic bomb 158-9; compares Stalin to Hitler 37; a Cyprus radio station 539; economic information 487; federalism 461; Greece 317, 319, 323, 324, 327; immediate objectives (1949) 85; Iran 535, 562; the IRD 71, 77; Jewish refugees 547; M16 conditions of service 27, 30; possible anti- Semitism 430, 545; power politics 38; the PWE 71-2; the Russia Committee 42-3; 'signs SOE's death warrant' 28; SO 42, 87; Stetsko 443; stops war crimes investigations and trials 353, 434; the 'Third Force' 46; the Tito-Stalin split 68; vision for the Middle East 543; Western Union 461-2
BG / FIEND see VALUABLE Operation
Bichet, Robert 462
Bickford, David 773, 774, 797, 798, 799
Big Four conference (1947) 127
Bihbihani, Ayatollah 592, 593
Bilderburg group 650-51; conference (1954) 508-9
Biological Weapons Convention (1972) 766
Biopreparat 766
Birdwood, Lady 690
Bishop, Frederick 613
Bissell, Richard 400, 659, 660
'Black Cat' guerrilla forces 217
Black Legion 336
'Black Sunday' 592
Blackburn, James 389, 393
Blackett, Frances 434
Blackett, Patrick 135, 434
Blair, Tony 328
Blake, George xv, 112, 131-2, 298, 423, 494, 522, 523, 526, 704-5, 723, 725
Blake, (Lord) Robert 5
Bland, Neville 27
Bletchley Park see Government Code and Cipher School
BLOODSTONE Operation 210, 373, 439
Blount, B.K. 521
BLUEBAT Operation 667
Blues regiment (Royal Horse Guards) 256
Blum, Ignacy 235
Blum, Leon 431, 463
Blum, Robert M. 64, 99
Blumenfeld, Eric 458
Blunt, Anthony 245, 411
BMP3 weapons procurement programme network 790
BND 765, 771
Board of Trade (BoT) 141, 142, 487
Boase, Thomas 536
Boban (of the Black Legion) 336
Boel, Baron Rene 466
Bogdanor, Vernon 455
Bohlen, Charles E. 478, 574
Bohr, Niels, 152
Boldyrev, Constantine 416, 417, 437
Boloselsky, Prince 416
Bolsover, George 39, 60-61
Bondy, François 457, 477
Bono, Hank 116
Boorman, David 749
BOOT Operation 578, 580, 581, 585, 587, 597-8
Boothby, Robert 459, 460, 462, 500, 508, 627
Boresztoczky, Miklos 176
Borkenau, Franz 476
Bormann, Martin 96, 102
Boroujerdi, Ayatollah 585
Borovets 230
'Boscoes' brothers 574
Bose, Chandra 612
Bosley, Rex 269, 275
Bossom, Alfred 285
Bourbon-Palma, Pierre de 685
Bourne, Robert 587
Boursicot, Peter 634, 640
Boutros Ghali, Boutros 787
Bowden, J. 673
Bower, Susan Ann 50
Bowie, Peter 501
Boxshall, Edward 212
Boyle, Antony 680, 685, 686, 690, 692, 693, 694
Boyle, Charles 116, 117
Boyle, David 'Archie' 537-8
Boyle, Sir Dermot 685
Braden, Thomas W. 465, 466, 467, 470, 475, 478, 479, 481
Bradley, Michael 659
Bradley, Omar N. 490
Braithwaite, Roderick 758, 759
Braun, Werner von 145, 149
Brezhnev, Leonid 789
Briance, John 545, 570, 651, 724
Brichah escape organisation 544
Bridges, Sir Edward 31, 619, 621, 649, 660
Briggs, Harry (Frank Higgins) 737
Brimelow, Thomas 208, 279, 280, 281
Brimmell, Jack 75
Brinton, Crane 579
Bristow, Desmond 4, 18, 57, 142, 501, 508
Britanova 435
British Aerospace 761
British Airways 761
British Army: in Austria 337; Gaddafi and 735; Information Teams 733; Jewish Brigade 544
British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) 98, 102, 289, 345; 506th Military Government Relief Detachment 431
British Central Scientific Office (BCSO) 152
British Commonwealth Scientific Office 152
British Commonwealth Shipping Company 664, 694
British Control Commission (BCC) 98, 99, 142, 242, 351, 480, 512; Intelligence Division 99, 714; 'Technical Section' 295
British Council 471, 536, 537
British Empire Union 429
British Federal Union 456
British Free Movement (BFM) 441
British HQ Liaison Mission (Italy) 360
British League for European Freedom
(BLEF) 261, 285, 418, 425, 426, 428-41, 446-9, 492
British Middle East Office (BMEO) 534, 538, 541, 577, 600, 661, 66o; 'Co-ordination Division' 600
British Military Mission 313, 314, 318, 323, 333, 377, 386
British National Committee 470
British National Council of Social Service 468
British Petroleum (BP) 595, 596, 670, 671, 677, 735, 761
British Police Mission 320, 323
British Political Institute 437
British Security Co-ordination (BSC) 49-50, 51, 53, 55, 96, 154, 454, 477, 610, 611
British Society for Cultural Freedom 479
British Troops Greece 313
British Union of Fascists (BUF) 441
British Youth Council 470
British Zone of Occupation (Germany) 98
BROADWAY Operation 262, 263, 275, 292, 371, 385, 394, 540, 622, 625, 626
Brody, Battle of (1944) 241
Brook, Sir Norman 156, 367, 619, 624, 641, 658, 670, 675
Brook, Robin 21, 146
Brook-Shepherd, Gordon 119, 128, 613
Brooke, Maj. 697
Brookes, Tohn G. 524
Brooman-White, Dick 375
Brown, Anthony Cave 191
Brown, George 716, 726
Brown, Irving 476, 478
Brown, Lord Justice 796
Browne, E.G. 564
Bruce, David 50, 54, 709
Bruce-Lockhart, John 112, 121, 291, 396, 398, 416, 514, 516, 517, 523, 551, 554, 579, 640, 641, 662, 670, 720-21, 722
Brugmans, Henrdryk 461, 462, 477
Brummell, Bill 392
Brunderschaft 103, 115
BRUSA 11, 12
Brussels Treaty 81
Bryan, Joe 380-81
BUCCANEER Operation 562
Buchardt, Friedrich 216, 218
Buchko, Bishop Ivan 171, 202, 232, 238
Bujanovic, Josip 337, 339
Bukharin, Nikolai 187
Bulgarian National Front 444
Bulik, Joe 704, 705, 708
Bull, Roger 446
Bullard, Sir Roger 534
Bullock, Alan 476
Bulmer-Thomas, Ivor 428, 430
Bundesbank 779
Bundy, McGeorge 708-9, 716
Bureau of People's Protection (ONZA) 342
Burgess, Guy 68, 75, 77, 212, 244-5, 295, 396, 495, 622
Burke, Harry 748
Burke, Michael 378-9, 387, 389-90, 395, 396
Burkhardt, Frederick 477
Burnham, James 588
Burns, Tom 430
Busemann 146
Butenas, Julijonas 295
Butler, Sir Harold 460
Butler, R.A. 649, 689, 716
Butterworth Scientific Publications 140, 141
Buzzard, Sir Anthony 290
Byroade, Henry 587
Byron, Lord 24
Caber, Dragutin 350
Cabinet: Intelligence Sersrices Committee 758; Office 501, 522, 661, 672, 706 727, 744, 747, 754, 776, 780, 800; Overseas and Defence Committee 673, 683
Cabot, John M. 349
Caccia, Harold 32, 84, 130, 131, 309, 606, 648, 657
Cadogan, Sir Alexander 9, 10, 31-2, 538
Callaghan, James 475, 716, 743, 747
Camp 030 100
Camp King, near Oberusal 100, 104, 183, 210, 420
Camp Ritchie, Maryland 138
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) 784
Campbell-JohIlson, Hon. George ('The Pack Rat') 736, 737-8
Camrose, Lord 462
Camus, Albert 457
Canadian Atomic Energy Project: National Research Council (NRC) 153
Canaris, Wilhelm 187, 191, 224, 227, 409, 422
Canellopoulos, Panayotis 400
'Cantwell, James' (MI6) 756
Capel-Dunn, Denis 27
Carew-Hunt, Robert 12, 16, 99
Caritas Internationalis 116
Caroz, Yaacov 630
Carpathian Sic Guard 224
Carr, Harry 224, 225, 231, 242-6, 258, 262, 268-9, 273, 275-6, 288, 294, 295-6, 298, 407, 499, 511, 514
Carrington, (Lord) Peter 345
Carroll, George 588, 593, 596
Carter, Hodding 436
Casey, William 97
Castro, Fidel 611, 789
Catherine, the 'Cat Lady' 584
Catherwood Foundation 473
Catholic Action 438
Catholic Church 126, 172, 330, 336, 338, 342; see also Vatican
Catholic Resistance Movement 176
Cavendish, Anthony 131, 293, 654-5, 709, 711-12, 744
Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor 12, 23, 26, 27, 42, 84, 136, 254-60, 333
Cazelet, Victor 166, 250, 251, 427, 455
Ceausescu, Nicolae 789
Cecil, Robert 13, 15, 16, 21-2, 28, 36, 42, 303, 495
Central European Committee 169
Central European Federal Study Clubs 166, 167, 170, 239, 432; London 432
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 27, 51-2, 55, 57, 62, 76, 89, 96, 105, 145, 152, 153, 163, 173, 175, 184, 235, 239, 243, 245, 246, 247, 266, 305, 385, 448, 454, 496, 501, 503, 505, 508, 511, 514, 527, 551, 598, 640, 664, 749, 750, 767, 769; ACEN 436; Albania 383, 388, 390, 393, 395, 397, 399; American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism 492, 493; AQUATONE 617; assessments on South-East Asia 715; attempt to overthrow Saddam 781-2; 'Black Files' 396; CCF 481; Church House conference 446-7; conspiracy theory 484-5; 'Detachment A' squadron 617; 'Detachment B' squadron 617, 660; Directorate of Plans 400, 649; Discoverer 709; economic warfare 488-9; Egypt 601, 602, 607, 616, 628, 636, 645, 646, 648; and the Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs 469; Germany 778; Greece 325, 326; Hungary 516, 517; ICFTUE 440; International Organisations Division 467, 478; Iran 566, 579, 582, 583, 586-96, 598; ISC 473; joint conference with MI6 (1952) 150; London conference (1951) 295; Lumumba 721; manipulation of the student movement 471; the mujahedin 752; Near East Divisions 584; NTS 422, 423, 424, 516; and nuclear proliferation 765; Office of Special Operations (OSO) 243-4, 245, 294, 368-9, 496; Oldfield and 742; OPC 395, 400; PEN 480; relations with MI6 89, 131, 155, 396, 422, 454, 467-8, 475, 506, 515, 520, 522, 523, 524, 626, 646, 648, 703, 711, 736, 752; Saudi Arabia 734; SCLL 292, 296; Slansky 485-6; student bodies 471, 472; supports the non-Communist political left 467; suspects Philby 295; Syria 655; training 298, 502; U-2 aircraft 617, 659; Watch Committee 642; WAY 469, 470; Yemen 695; Yugoslavia 353; Zionists 485
Central Intelligence Group (CIG) 54, 55, 62, 105, 152, 321, 566, 753; Liaison Group 54
Central Office of Information 535
Central Personality Index (CPI) 100, 102, 107, 111
Central Registry (CR), Germany 113
Central Registry of War Crimes and Security Suspects (CROWCASS) 102, 103, 107, 111, 112, 113, 128, 240, 435
Central Treaty Organisation 670, 694
Central Unioll of Post-War Russian Emigres (ZOPE) 513
Centre d'Action Europeenne 469
Centre International des Syndicalistes Libre en Exil 440
'The Centre' (Poland) 257
Centres d'Action Internationale 460
Chadwick, Sir James 134, 152
Challe, Gen. 637
Chambers, Sir Paul 466, 508
CHAMELEON Operation 607, 608
Chamoun, Camille 666, 668
Chandler, Geoffrey 313, 314, 318-19, 322
Channon, Paul 740
Chauncy, Maj. F.C.L. 730
Chehab, Farid 665
Chemical Defence Establishment, Porton Down 520, 611, 688-9
Cheshire, Cyril 269
Chetniks 125, 331, 333, 335, 336, 337, 345, 353, 419, 434
Chigley, Corp. 686
Chisholm, Anne 706, 708
Chisholm, Roderick'Ruari' 706, 708
Christchurch Conference 474
Christian Democratic Union of Central Europe 438
Christian Democrats (Italy) 372
Christie, John 665, 670-75, 687-8, 691
Christie, Malcolm 405
Chudleigh, Derek 552
'Chuprynka Plan' 239
Church House conference (1952) 446-8, 492
Church of England 438
Churchill, Sir Winston 5, 42, 51, 167, 332, 357, 461, 464, 486-7, 489, 504, 510, 514, 521, 577, 583; Atlantic Charter signed 277; Baykolov advises 405; Central European Committee 169; the Congress of Europe 463; DFP 158; East German rebellion 503; Egypt 603; EM 458; European integration 457; fears a civil war in Italy 21; a federated Europe 165-6; flights over Soviet territory 519; the Foreign Office 495, 500, 505; Greece 308-14, 317; Iran 570, 571, 573, 587, 594; loathes EAM/ELAS 306; 'percentage' agreement with Stalin (1944) 14-15, 39; PEU 458, 459; Poland 251; purge of Communists in secret establishments 10; removal from Downing Street 28, 36; return to power 454, 570; suspicious of Russia 303, 308; tries to prevent Menzies' appointment as 'C' 4; UEM 460, 462; UNTHINKABLE 25; wants an international agreement with Soviet Union 467; Yugoslavia 334
Ciex 795
'Cilley' (an Iranian) 566, 592-3
CIRCLE Operation 349
Civil Mixed Watchman's Service 345
Civil Security Liaison Officers 100
Civil Service Selection Board 784
Clarke, Alan 764
Clarke, Dudley 157
Clay, Lucius D. 210, 220, 237, 373, 463, 464, 465
Clemins, Gustav 270, 271, 279
Clerides, Glafkos 556
CLIMBER Operation 211
Cline, Ray 586, 709, 710, 714
Clinton, Bill 773
Clissold, Stephen 346, 347, 352
Clive, Nigel 306-9, 313, 314, 316, 320, 322, 323, 549, 615, 621, 626, 714, 722, 726, 742
Cloak and Dagger (film) 379
Clowder Mission (Austria) 23
Clutterbuck, Richard 772
Clutton, Sir George 495, 580, 582, 583
Codreanu, Cornlieu 178-9
Cohen, Kenneth 30, 167, 416, 498
Collage Croatto, Rome 346
Collier, George 289
Collins, Bill 378
Collins, H. John 600, 601
Collins, Michael 20, 223
Colonel's Camarilla 336
Colonial Development and Welfare Acts 692
Colonial Office 31, 377, 469, 509, 535, 552,
679, 688; Information Policy Committee 76
Colville, John 64, 583
Combat Corps (Kutepov) 268
Combat network (France) 457
Combat Union for the Liberation of the
Peoples of Russia 421
Combined Chiefs of Staff (Washington) 56
Combined Development Trust 138
Combined Intelligence Priorities [later Objectives] Sub-Committee (CIOS) 136, 137
Combined Operations Headquarters 456
Combined Raw Materials Board 138
Combined Research and Planning Organisation (CRPO) 533, 534
Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre (CSDIC) 545
Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) 64, 66-70, 72, 73, 74, 327, 364, 366, 471, 475, 484
Comintern 7, 13, 68, 69, 304, 325, 419
Commission for Criminal Organisations 100
Committee for a Free Europe 373, 380, 382, 392
Committee for Cultural Freedom 476
Committee for European Federation 457
Committee for Free Albania 379-82, 387, 391, 399
Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR) 198, 214, 412-13, 415, 421; Armed Forces (VS KONR) 413, 458, 486
Committee for the Liberation of the Ukraine from Bolshevism 244
Committee for the Provision of Experimental Facilities for Intelligence 521
Committee to Save the Fatherland 584
Common Cause 435, 436, 437, 448
Common Cause Inc. 436-7, 448
Common Market 650
Common Wealth Party 435, 436
Commonwealth Investigation Service 354
Commonwealth Relations Office 239, 469, 509, 557
Communist Party of: Albania (CPA) 356, 360, 361, 366, 402; Cyprus (AKEL) 552; Germany 103; Great Britain (CPGB) 8, 61, 436, 448, 469; Greece (KKE) 305-11, 315, 318, 321-5, 327; Indonesia (PKI) 718; Lithuania 292; Malaya 718; Soviet Union 754; Yugoslavia 376
Company 400 392, 393, 401
Confederation of Central European Nations 169
Confederation Generale du Travail Ouvriere 440
CONFLICT Operation 129, 130
Congress for Cultural Preedom (CC14) 4,5, 477-82; International Committee 479
Congress of Delegates of Independence Movements Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations of Europe and Asia (1950) 442, 443-4
Congress of Delegates of the Oppressed European Nations (1946) 432
Congress of Europe 463
Congress of Industrial Organisations (CIO) 464
Conquest, Robert 75, 78
Conseil Franc,ais pour l'Europe Unie (CFEU) 460, 464
CONSENSUS 11 mission 359
Conservative Party: foreign donations 790-91; general election (1970) 732
Continental Union 175
CONTRARY Operation 522
Control List 507
Controller Production Research (CP2) 30
Cook, Robin xv, 767, 775, 776, 796n, 800
Coombe-Tennant, Henry 673
Cooper, Sir Alfred Duff, 1st Viscount Norwich 9, 10, 426, 431, 459
Cooper, Chester 610, 612, 628, 641, 642-3, 645, 646
Cooper, Gary 379
Cooper, Maj. John 664, 685, 686, 688, 690-93
Cooper, Yvette 780
Co-ordinating Centre for Anti-Bolshevik Struggle 502-3
Co-ordinating Committee (COCOM) 488, 501, 508
Co-ordinating Secretariat of National Union of Students (COSEC) 472, 473
Co-ordination Centre for Anti-Bolshevik Action (KCAB) 503
Copeland, Miles 583, 594, 602, 605, 634, 649
Copplestone, Frank 472
Cordeaux, John 29
Cornwallis, Sir Kinahan 539-40
Cossacks 344, 414, 431, 433
Cottam, Richard 579, 588, 593, 595
Cotton, F. Sidney 192
Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count Richard 165, 166, 167, 186, 438, 455, 456-7, 459, 461, 462, 464
Council of Europe 441, 446, 465; Consultative Assembly 440
Council of Foreign Ministers 73, 534, 571
Council on Foreign Relations 461, 496; War and Peace Study Group 462
Council for the Liberation of Lithuania 283
Counter-Intelligence (C1) G-2 War Room 99, 111
Court of Appeal 768
Courtney, Commander Anthony 212, 290, 291, 293
Cowell, Gervase 708
Cowell, Pamela 708
Cowgill, Felix 7, 10, 11, 15-16
CPA see Communist Party of Albania
CPGB see Communist Party of Great Britain
Crabb, Lionel 'Buster' 525, 617-20, 621, 626, 630, 633, 660, 661
Cradock, Percy 747-8, 751, 752, 754, 757, 763
Craig, Keith Robert 791
Cram, Cleveland 523, 651
Crampton, John 519
Crawford, Albert 409
Crawford, David 731-2
Crichton, David 414, 602, 652
Criminal Justice Bill (1998) 794
Cripps, Stafford 562
Critchett, Ian 602
Critchfield, James 681, 689
Croatian Clerical Party 339
Croatian Confraternity of San Girolamo 169, 339
Croatian Liberation Movement (HOP) 354, 444
Croatian Red Cross 169
Croatian State Committee 352
Crockett, Norman 114
Crofton, John 289, 293
Crook ('Kruk'), Maj. 107, 108
Crosland, Anthony 336
CROSSLINE Operation 348
Crossman, Richard 479, 480, 539, 716
Crosthwaite, Moore 380
Crouch, Michael 686
Crouchley, Arthur 517
Crow, Sir Alwyn 145
Crowfoot, John 540
Crowley, Aleister 441
'Crown project' 419
Crozier, Brian 712, 714, 716-17
Cruickshank, Gerald 142
Crusade for Freedom 373
Crusaders (Krizari) 339-43, 348, 352, 353
Cuban Missile Crisis 708
Cumming, Malcolm 408, 521
Cumming, Mansfield 4
Cuneo, Ernest 49, 50, 55, 154-5
Current Intelligence Group (CIG) 748, 764, 790
Curry, Jack 11, 15
Curtis, John 695
Curwen, Christopher 753, 758
Customs and Excise 501, 772, 775
CX Book (Weekly Summary of Intelligence) 749; reports 761, 766, 793
Cyprus Defence Regulation 643
Cyprus Emergency 553, 554
Cyprus Intelligence Committee 552
Czech government-in-exile 427
Czech Intelligence Office (CIO) 183, 184, 235, 407
Czechoslovak Export Agency 523
D-Day 241
da Silva, John 687, 690, 691, 696
Dadsetat, Farhat 696
Daftary, Gen. 593, 594
Daghestani, Gen. 636, 668
Dallas, George 430
Dalton, Hugh 367, 430
Daly, Ralph 686, 691
Damascene Group 655
Damaskinos, Archbishop 307, 311, 312, 315, 319
Damjanovic, Miodrag 331, 335, 345, 352
(BE)DAMN programme 566, 588, 595
Dangerfield, Mrs Elma 425-8, 431-4, 437, 438, 447, 449
Daniel, Norman 667
Dankers, Oskars 270, 271
Dansey, Claude 124, 131, 168, 174, 426
Darbyshire, Norman 537, 560, 561, 563, 564, 570-73, 577, 578, 580, 585-6, 588, 589, 592, 629, 654, 665, 670, 707
Darwin, Charles 140
Dassault 761
Dattner, Stephen 232
Daugavas Vanagi 279, 289
Daunoras (Baltic agent) 285
Davidson, Gen. F.H.N. 14
Davies, Brig. E.M. 357-8
Davies, Ted 525, 618
Dawson, Robert 703
de Courcy, Kenneth 250, 429, 430, 447, 448, 506
de Garston, Lancelot 547
de Gaulle, Charles 170, 173, 457
de Gooreynd, Kock 456
de Haan, Teddy 547, 600, 654
de la Billiere, Peter 686-7
de la Vallee Poussin, Senator 507
de Salis, Charles 410
de Silva, Peer 717, 719
de Zulueta, Philip 673
Dean, Maurice 85
Dean, Patrick 509, 586, 621, 624, 626, 627, 630, 636, 640, 641, 658, 662, 669
Deane-Drummond, Tony 664
Debardeleben, Dan 632-3
Debringhaus, Erhard 110
Deci, Selim 394
Dedijer, Vlado 395
'Defectors Committee' 145-6
Defence and Overseas Policy Committee 670
Defence Advisory Group 753
Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) 518, 524, 723, 742, 764, 777
Defence Research Agency 774-5
Defence Scientific Intelligence Unit 149
Defence White Papers: 1957 677; 1966 696
Deksnys, Jonas 279, 282, 283, 285, 287, 292, 293, 296
Del Greco, Dominic 117
Delegation of Armed Forces (Delegatura Sil Zbrojnych (DSZ)) 256, 257
DELFINIUS Operation 524, 525
Delmer, Sefton 96, 97, 536
Democratic Army (Greece) 324, 327
Demyanov, Aleksandr ('Max') 385, 410, 411
Denard, Bob 685-6, 686
Denham, Hugh 623
Denne, Alurid 29
Dennison, Malcolm 664, 730, 731
Dennys, Rodney 363, 391, 624
Department of Army Detachment (DAD) 109, 114, 210, 362
Department of Trade and Industry 789
Department to Combat Bandits (USSR) 235
Deportees Committee 428
Dering, Dr Vladislav 434-5
DERMOT Operation 663
Desert Fox Operation 772
Desert Storm Operation 675, 753
Deterding, Sir Henry 406
Deutsche Arbeitsfront 175
Deutsche Revolution 107-10
Deva, Xhafer 357, 358, 372, 382, 387
Deverell, John 741
Dhofar Liberation Front 730
Diana, Princess of Wales 788
Dickson, Dickie 158
Dimitri Pavlovitch, Grand Duke 409
Dimitrov, Georgi 175
ed-Din, Saleh 629
Dine, Fiqri 359, 362
Diomedes, Alexander 380
Directorate of Counter-Intelligence and
Security (DCIS) 723-4
Directorate of Forxvard Plans (DFP) 157, 158
Discoverer satellite programme 709
Displaced Persons Act (1948) 240
DISTANT signalling system 707
Divall, Tony 297, 512, 737
Diversified Corporate Services 795
Divsaller (Shah's mistress) 563
Dixon, Peter 633-4
Dixon, Piers 307, 310, 581
Djilas, Milovan 395
Doctors' Plot 499
Dodds-Parker, Douglas 20, 33, 37, 188, 260, 440, 458, 467, 510, 624, 625, 641, 644
Dodds-Parker Committee see Psychological Warfare Consultations Committee
Doenitz, Adm. 25
Dolbeare, Frederic 437
Dollan, Sir Patrick 428
Domobrans (Home Guard) 332, 335, 337, 338, 339, 345; Black Hand 332; Information Department 332
Donnelly, J.G. 52
Donovan, William 51, 52, 53, 167, 437, 454, 462, 464, 465, 538
Doran, Desmond 544
Dorman, Geordie 686
Dosti, Hassan 372, 373, 382, 387, 391, 399
Douglas, Jeff 691
Douglas-Hamilton, Lord Malcolm 448
Douglas-Home, Alec (Lord Home) 681, 682, 684, 689, 691, 693
Douglass, Kingman 53, 54, 55
Dowlatshahi, Shapour 591
Dowling, David 659
Downes, Donald 45
IDownton, Eric 679, 681
Draganovic, Father Krunoslav 116, 169, 171, 330, 336, 339-40, 342, 346-50, 354
Dragon Returnees 148-9
Dragutin Subotic School of Slavic Studies 351
Drew, John 157
Drljaca, Simo 328, 329
Drossos, Giorgos 316
Druze tribe 636, 642, 666
DST security service 757
Dubinsky, David 464
Duclos, Jacques 66
Dulger-Sheiken, Nicholas 409
Dulles, Allen 54, 89, 105, 119, 124, 129, 168, 169, 198, 245, 264, 368, 373, 399, 400, 419, 437, 457, 458, 462, 464, 467, 479, 484, 496, 504-6, 566, 574, 579, 581, 583, 586, 587, 591, 595, 596, 598, 607, 614, 615, 622, 627, 633, 637, 642, 646, 647, 649, 651, 655, 660, 668, 669, 707
Dulles, John Foster 169, 436, 437, 461, 462, 495, 497, 504, 505, 581, 582, 587, 588, 596, 604, 608, 620, 627, 633, 636, 642, 646, 655, 657
Duncan, Sir Andrew 462
Dundas, Charles 536-7
Dunderdale, Wilfred 130, 147, 166, 186, 188, 189, 211, 249, 250, 405
Durcansky, Ferdinand 171, 181-2, 183, 443
Durrell, Lawrence 550-51
Dwyer, Peter 153, 154, 368
Dyan, Moshe 640
Earley, Peter 750
Eastman, Max 436
Easton, James 26, 130, 146, 298, 367, 384, 385, 396, 493, 494, 547, 621, 625, 630, 662
EASTWIND Operation 203, 433
Ebjehaj, Abal Hassan 576-7
Ebtahaj, A. 584
Eccles, David 460
Economic Co-operation Administration (ECA) 463
Economic Commission for Europe (proposed) 460
Economic League 430
Eden, Anthony 14, 21, 28, 36, 37, 53, 469, 487, 490-91, 494, 496, 497, 500, 504, 510, 514, 549, 553, 612-13, 618, 624, 631, 646, 658; Egypt 602, 603-4, 606, 607-8, 612, 613, 614, 616, 620-21, 623, 626, 627, 628, 634, 636, 637, 639, 640, 649, 666; Eisenhower 608, 609, 648; Greece 307, 308, 311; Iran 570, 571, 573, 578, 581-2, 583, 586, 587, 598-9; resignation 652; U-2s 617
'Edmundes' (agent) 297
Edward VII, King 3
Edwards, Bob 447, 460
Edwards, Geoffrey 694
Edwards, Robin 692
Eek, Ake 276
Egerfangst 524-5
Egerton, Sir Alfred 140
Egypt Committee 623-4, 627
Egyptian Army 629, 657; General Staff 601, 604
Eichelberger, James 601, 610, 615, 620
Eichmann, Adolf 109
8th Army 23, 122, 125, 341
Einsatzgruppen: B 216, 226; C 226
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 89, 102, 157, 258, 267, 373, 396, 480, 495, 496, 497, 504, 505, 516, 519, 580, 581, 589, 590, 594, 607, 609, 621, 636, 645, 647, 648, 657, 659, 663, 669; Doctrine 668
electronic intelligence (ELINT) 524
Eleksynas, Juozas 271
Elizabeth II, Queen 626, 776
Ellersiek, Kurt 107
Elleston, Harold 790-91
Elliot, Roger 110-11
Elliot, T.S. 438
Elliott, Geoffrey 176
Elliott, Kavan 175-6
Elliott, Nicholas 190, 418, 419, 605, 618, 619, 626, 647, 670-71, 684, 705, 710, 722
Ellis, Charles 50, 51, 54, 135, 166, 167, 189, 190-91, 405, 407
Elwes, Dominic 695
EM see European Movement
Emami, Jamal 573
Emmet, Christopher 436
Enemy Personnel Exploitation Section 137, 143
Enemy Publications Committee 139
ENGULF Operation 623, 647
Enigma machine code 250, 622
Enosis 550, 552, 556
EPSILON Operation 139
Erglis, Janis 295
Ermneji, Abas 357, 372, 374, 392, 398-9, 401
Estonian National Committee 286
Etezadi, Mrs NIalekeh 592
Eugen, Prince 337
Europe Study Group 456
European Defence Community (EDC) 487,650
European Economic Community (EEC) 467, 474
European Federalist Movement (EFM) 457
European Freedom Council 222, 449
European Fund for Exiles (proposed) 447
European League for Economic Co-operation (ELEC) 459-60, 462, 463
European Movement (EM) 168, 375, 437-40, 449, 453, 454; Action Committee 467; aims 465; British strength within 464; Central and Eastern European Commission 439-40, 446, 492, 507; Churchill and 458, 465; and the Council of Europe 465; and ELEC 459; EYC 469; funding 464, 465-7, 470; key members 457; NATO 465; origins 455-6; role 463; UK National Council 446 European Recovery Programme (ERP) 53, 65, 462-3
European Union (EU) 755, 780, 790
European Union of Federalists (EUF) 440, 461, 462, 464, 467
European Voluntary Workers (EVW) programme 285, 288, 433, 442, 443
European Youth Campaign (EYC) 469, 470
Europol 775
Evalovsky, John 263
Evang, Wilhelm 524
Evans, D.E. 209
Evans, Glynne 792
Eveland, Wilbur C. 615, 616, 621, 628, 633, 637, 638, 652, 653
Explosives Research and Development Establishment 634
External Trade Organisation 762
Extradition Tribunal, Hamburg 351
Fain, Nandi 177
Faisal, King of Iraq 623, 667, 695, 696, 698
Faisal, Prince, of Saudi Arabia 681, 682, 687, 693
Falle, Sam 570, 571, 575-79, 667
Falques, Roger 685, 686, 738
FANTASTIC Operation 522
Farago, Ladislas 95-6, 102
Fardust, Hossein 563, 576, 654
Farfield Foundation 479, 480
Farkas, Ferenc 178, 444
Farm Hall, near Cambridge 139
Farmer, John 603, 629-30, 652, 653
Farouk, King of Egypt 538, 601, 652
Farrell, Terry 776
Farzaniega (Iranian conspirator) 594
Fatemi (Iranian Foreign Minister) 590
Fawzi, Mahmoud 636
Faysal, Shihab Bin 731
Fearnley, John 570
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 97, 154, 384
Fees, James 689, 692, 697
Feis, Herbert 15
Fergusson, Bernard 635, 643, 644
Ferjencik, Gen. 182
'Ferret' flights 53
Fesq, Suzanne 120
Fforter, Alexis 570, 602, 654, 667-8, 670
Field, Noel 484, 485
Field Information Agency (Technical) (FIAT) groups 137
Field Security 100, 102, 107
Fielding, Xan 376
FIEND Operation see VALUABLE Operation
5th Corps 200, 338
15th Cossack Cavalry Corps 337
15th Waffen-SS Latvian Division 271
50-50 agreement 559, 568, 595
Figel, Leopold 124
Figg, Leonard 635
Figgures, Frank 726-7
Fildes, Paul 611
Findlay, C. 347
Finklestone, Joseph 545
Finnish Intelligence 278
Firebrace, Col. 13
First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY) 378
First Belorussian Convention (1918) 219
First Ukrainian Division 198-202, 204, 241; 14th Galician Grenadier Division 241
1st Partisan Brigade 360
1st Russian National Liberation Army 413, 415
1st Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (Provisional) 617
Firth, Maurice 605
Fischer, Ruth 476
Fishery Protection Service 291
Fishwick, Nick 791, 792
Fisk, Robert 125, 129, 666
FitzGerald, Desmond 711
Fleischmann, Julius 479, 480
Fleming, Sir Alexander 140
Fleming, Anne 481
Fleming, Ian 137, 176, 610-11, 649
Fleming, Robert 462
Fletcher, Richard 791
Flowers, Ken 725
Flowers family 289
Flux, J.B. 632
Foley, Charles 550, 552
Foley, Maurice 470
Foot, Sir Hugh 534, 555-6
Foot, M.R.D. 28
Foote, Allan 418-19
Footman, David 29, 59, 416
Force 399 360
Foreign Affairs Information Service 441
Foreign Affairs Select Committee (House of Commons) 765, 776
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 239, 277, 290, 306, 405, 474, 488-90, 504, 509, 514, 522, 527, 549, 661, 672, 698, 768, 784, 789, 792; abandons 'roll-back' 496; advocates armed preparedness against Soviet pressure 258; Albania 355, 362, 371, 380, 385; All-Party Parliamentary War Crimes Group 280; anti-drugs drive 775; Baykolov 433; Church House conference 447-8; Churchill 495, 500, 505; Cold War 34; the deal with Harel 670-71; 'Diplomatic List' 787; Eastern Department 558, 564, 572; and Eden 510; EDES 307; Egypt 606, 620, 630, 643; EM 446, 453; émigré affairs 446; forced repatriation 431; gas bomb reports 688; German Department 281; Greece 314, 316, 324, 325, 327; Information Department 539; IPG 429; Iran 558, 561, 568, 570, 571, 578, 583; JIC 660, 747, 759; limits circulation of PHP texts 14; and M16 723, 776, 777-8, 798; Non-Proliferation Department 764; Northern Department 242, 279, 510; NUS 471; Plechavicius 282; Poland 252, 254, 428; Positive Vetting Section 495; propaganda unit 442; Research Department 535; Russia Committee (Committee on Policy Towards Russia) 40-43, 71, 73, 74, 78, 82-6, 172, 365-7, 393, 471, 491-2, 499-500, 510, 534-5, 561; the SAS 663; Security Department xvi; and Selwyn Lloyd 608; Serbia 791; Service Liaison Department 67; SLEF 442, 443; the SOE 303, 467, 534, 535; Southern Department 67-8, 316, 344; and Stewart 445; and Stokes 434; Suharto 718; UN Weapons Inspectorate 767; US State Department 675; Voight and Mrs Dangerfield persona non grata 427; Waffen-SS tattoos issue 285 WAY 468-9; Yugoslavia 331-3, 340, 344, 347, 349, 351, 353, 790; and Zarine 279, 280
Foreign Organisations Branch (UZU) 421
Foreign Relations Council 438
Forest Brotherhood 270, 275, 283, 286, 292
Foroud, Fatouah 563
Forrestal, James 53, 242
Forsyth, Frederick 102
Fort Detrick Special Operations Division 634
Forward March committee 435
'Foster' (MI6) 423
Foulkes, George 475
Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs 469
14th Intelligence Company 328
Francis Ckryvana Library 218
Franco Bahamonde, Francisco 430
Frank, Charles 134, 139
Franke-Gricksch, Alfred 103
Franklin, George S. 464
Franks, Arthur 577, 596, 704, 744, 745
Franks, Brian 33, 377, 684, 685
Franks, Lord 36, 88, 746, 747
Fraser, Fiona 685
Fraser, Hugh 683
Fraser, Sir William 595-6
Frasheri, Mehdi 357, 358
Frasheri, Midhat 357, 358, 372-4, 379, 381, 382, 387
Frastachy, Dr 182
Frawley, Ray 623
Frazier, Robert 45, 66
Fred Olsen Ltd 524
Free Czech Information news agency 183
Free European Press Service 440
Free Iraq radio station 753
Free Unionist Officers 735
Freedom and Independence (WiN) 257,
260-66, 497; Home Organisation 263-6;
London WiN Centre 263, 264, 265
Freedom First 75-6
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) xv
Freitag, Fritz 197-8
Fremde Heere Ost (FHO; Foreign Armies East) 101, 103, 104, 409
Frenay, Henri 457, 461, 464
French Army 409, 456
French General Staff 194
French Intelligence 170, 250, 294, 375, 381
French National Committee 10
French Navy 637
French Resistance 408
Fressanges, AN.M. 519
Friends of Nationalist Spain 430
Frontline Reconnaissance Detachments 101
Frye, Richard 579
Fuchs, Klaus 151, 153, 154, 155
Fugitt, Warren 446
Fuller, F.C. 441, 442, 445
Fuller, Horace 'Hod' 392
Fulton, Andrew 791-2
Fulton, James 30, 146
Fund for International Student Co-operation (FISC) 475
Fund for Youth and Student Affairs (FYSA) 473
Furlong, Geoffrey 564
Furnival-Jones, Martin 111
Fyvel, T.R. 478, 479-80
G2 Int. co-ordinator 665
G7 summit (1996) 774
al-Gaddafi, Muammar 735, 736, 737, 793
al-Gadr, Sheikh Naji bin Ali 692
Gafencu, Grigore 180
Gailitis, Arvits 296
Gaitskell, Hugh 497, 508
Galdins, Andrei 293
Gale, Roger 409
Gamelin, Gen. 194
Gandy, Christopher 682
Gane, Barrie 753, 759, 760
Gano, Col. 255
Gardai Special Branch 741
Gardener, John 622
Gardiner, Charles 123
'Garis' (MGB agent) 293
Gascoigne, Sir Alvary 489
Gaspari, Alcide de 62, 173, 342, 463, 508
Gatehouse, Maj. 193, 194, 248
Gattiker, David 138
Gecas, Anatas 271, 288
Gedda, Luigi 438
Gehlen, Reinhard 101, 103-6, 109, 246, 291, 294, 409, 410, 424, 496; Organisation 104, 105-6, 246, 291, 297, 421, 422, 423, 502, 515, 525
GEN 42 (secret Cabinet Comn-dttee) 738, 739
General Intelligence (Operations and Intelligence) (GI (OPs & 1)) 386
General Investigation Division (GID) 735
General Staff (Research) (G.S.(R)) (later Military Intelligence (R) (M.I. (R)) 20
'General Support Branch' (M16) 742
George II, King of Greece 305, 306, 310, 311, 312, 316, 320, 321, 323, 324
George V, King 3
Georgian Security Ministry 506
Gerar-Fubto, Col. 111
Gerhard, Jan 236, 265
German Army 228, 272, 329, 334, 411
German Intelligence Service (GIS) 99, 103, 104, 228, 229, 407, 408, 409, 419, 502, 778
German Special Service Division 'R' 409, 412
Gerson, John 797, 800
Gestapo 11, 100, 118, 195, 199, 226, 228, 234, 254, 273, 274, 332, 337, 358, 406, 409, 411, 412, 413, 419
Gheorghi-Dej, Gheorghe 180, 181
Gibb, Andrew 429
Gibson, Archie 175, 180, 207, 269
Gibson, George 462
Gibson, Harold 199, 242, 269, 277, 543
Giffard, Diana (Lady Airey of Abingdon) 427
Gilchrist, Sir Andrew 718
GiInashah, Gen. 584
Ginters, Vladmars 274, 281
GIRAFFE Operation 756
Giscard D'Estaing, Val6ry 337
Gizenga, Antoine 721
Gjura, Adem 393, 394
Gladins, Andrei 288
'Gladio' 32, 99; Glaive 182n
Glass, Leslie 552, 554
Glove, J.G. 632
Glubb, John 612, 625
Glyn, Lord 644
Godfrey, John 34, 137
Goebbels, Joseph 442
Gogo, Gaqi 379
Goiran, Roger 574, 577, 584
Gold code-breaking unit 545
GOLD Operation see STOPWATCH Operation
Goldberg, Arthur 464
Goleniewski, Michal ('Sniper') 704
Golitsin, Anatoli 707, 714
Gollancz, Victor 460
Gollin, Edward 135
Golling, Otto 147
Goncharov, Vadim 526
Gonda, Col. 127-8
Goodwin, Joe 588, 592
Goodwin, Michael 479
Gooley, Mike 691
Gorbachev, Mikhail 747, 748, 750, 751
Gordievsky, Oleg 742-3, 749, 750, 751
Gordon-Smith, Col. 121
Gorka, Paul 176, 177, 178
Goschen, Anthony 131
Gottberg, Kurt von 216, 217
Gottlieb, Sidney 649
Gottwald, Klement 61
Gouzenko, Igor 29, 152
Government Code and Cipher School (GC&CS), Bletchley Park 5, 35, 96, 139, 303; Abwehr ciphers 12; funding 27; reads the cipher of the Luftwaffe 12; and the Red Army 410-11; Soviet signals initiative 16; success in signals cryptanalysis 249-50; transfers to Eastcote 56
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) 56, 57, 501, 519, 521, 524, 527, 534, 545, 551, 561, 605, 620, 622, 623, 640, 647, 650, 682, 719, 722, 727, 728, 748, 762, 773, 775, 777, 781, 788, 789, 797, 799; H Division 623; J Division 751
Gowen, William 349, 350
'G(R) 16' Mission 195
Graham, Lt-Col. A.G. 636
Graham, Brig. John 732
Grant, Alastair 378
Grazier, Albert 637
'Great Raid' 237
'Great Sweeper' 485
Greek: Central Intelligence Service (KYP) 305, 326; Gendarmerie 318-23, 326, 327; government-in-exile 306; National Army (GNA) 321, 326, 327, 384; National Guard 309, 310, 314, 316, 317; National Party 323; National Unity 309; Security Committees 320; War Ministry 318
Greene, Graham 120, 391, 547
Greene, Hugh Carlton 78, 79, 381, 510, 624
Greene, Tom 166, 211
Greenhill, Denis 711, 715, 725, 726, 727, 744
Greer, Eric 527
Gregorovic, Milovan 632
Gregory, Sir Richard 140
Grennan, Dennis 475, 722
Grew, Joseph E. 437
Griffith, W. 446
Grimson, Tom 130, 523
Grisewood, Harman 75, 479
Grivas, George 310, 320, 550, 551, 552, 553, 555, 557
Grives, Gen. 138
Grocholoski, Count Ksawery 259-60
Grotewohl (East German communist leader) 61, 63
Grottrup, Helmut 149
Groves,'Butch' 117
GRU see Soviet Military Intelligence
Gruber, Karl 119, 124, 127, 128
GUARDIAN Operation 352
Gubbins, Sir Colin 31, 32, 33, 71, 98, 187, 192, 193, 254, 261, 268, 363-4, 377, 414, 439, 457, 495, 496, 508; accused by the British intelligence community 251-2; the AK 253; Albania 356, 372; anti-communism 19, 20; and assassination plans 611-12; Beddington-Behrens 456, 458, 460; Cavendish-Bentinck 23; the fusion of the SIS and the SOE 27, 28; Mikolajczyk 251; places forty missions in Italy 21; the Polish Mission in Paris 249; the Promethean League 187, 194; Retinger works with 463; Sikorski 250; VALUABLE 363
Gulf War 762, 764, 765, 769
Gurrey, Donald 737
'H-bomb' test (1957) 159-60
Habsburg, Archduke Otto von 165, 167, 173
Haddon, Col. 142
HADES Operation 765
'Haescher' (of BND) 756
Haganah 544, 546, 547, 549
Hagelin cipher machine 623
Hague Conference (1948) 439
Hague war crimes tribunal 328
Hahn (agent) 77
Haig, Al 769
Haines, Joe 141
Hakluyt Foundation 795
Hale, Harry 666
Hall, Sir Richard 605
Hallstein, Walter 458
Haloun, Gustav 208-9
Hambro, Sir Charles 138-42, 510, 525, 624, 641
Hambros Bank 525
Hamdi, Mohamud 605
Hamdun, Mustafa 622
HAMILCAR plan 626
Hamilton, Denis 692
Hamilton, John de Courcy 601-2
Hammarskjold, Dag 636, 721
Hampshire, Stuart 106
Hamud Al Bu Said, Hamad bin 731
Hankey, Lord 255, 603
Hankey, Robin 83, 98, 122, 255, 325, 366
Hanna, Yousseff Megali 632
Harapi, Anton 357
Harcourt, Viscount Bill 360, 361
Harding, Sir John 552, 554
Hare, Alan 357, 359, 371, 374, 380, 386
Harel, Isser 670-71
Harney, Desmond 687, 744-5
Harriman, Averell 460, 464, 574
Harrison, G.W. 106
Harvey, Sir Malcolm 429
Harvey, Oliver 40
Harvey, William 396, 516, 523, 611
Harvey-Jones, John 157-8, 290-91
Hasan, Prince Hasanbin 697
Hashemi, Jasmed 760
Hashimi-Nijhad, Muhsin 597
Hasluck, Margaret 355-6
Hassan, Abdul Fattah 644
Hassanein Pasha 538
Hastings, Edward 29
Hastings, Stephen 554, 555-6, 557
Hattersley, Roy 471
Hawkesworth, Gen. 310
Hayhoe, Barney 470
Haynes, (Sir) George 468
Hayter, Sir William 77, 84, 319, 365, 368, 369, 441, 482
Hazell, Ronald 250, 260-61
Head, Viscount 735
Healey, Denis 37, 68-9, 75, 496, 497, 508, 648, 717, 725, 727, 728
Heath, Sir Edward 460, 474, 738, 739
Heathcote, Mark 746
Hebblethwaite, Sydney 624, 644
Heber-Percy, Bill 686, 691
Hedayat, Gen. 576
Hefer, Stejpan 337, 354, 444
Heikel, Mohammed 602, 610
Hejai, Gen. 576
Helios II photographic satellite 778
Helms, Richard 105, 368, 637, 651, 689, 694, 710, 716, 717
Henderson, George 686, 689
Henderson, Loy 45, 574, 581, 587, 590, 591, 593
Henderson, Nicholas 481
'Henley' (security code word) 325
Henry, John 633-4
Herbert, Auberon 200, 257, 375, 405, 444, 445, 447, 517
Herbert, Mr and Mrs Aubrey 355
Herman, Michael 751
HERO Operation 704, 708
Heydrich, Reinhard 611
Hibberdine, John 357, 374-5, 390, 395
Hibbert, Sir Reginald 334, 356, 359, 360, 365, 366-7, 402
HIGHJUMP Operation 343
HIGHLAND FLING Operation 203
Hilali Pasha 601
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe 57
Hills, Denis 149, 201, 202, 203, 255, 433
Hilton Assigment 735-8
Himmler, Heinrich 197, 227, 230, 271, 411, 442
Hinchinbrooke, Viscount 603
Hinsley, Harry 12, 52, 54
Hinton, Geoffrey 601, 704
Hiram, Dan 680
Hirsch, Walter 143
HIS (hostile intelligence services) 786
Hitler, Adolf 37, 40, 179, 191, 194-7, 227, 270, 272, 332, 335, 360, 409, 410, 411, 441, 442
Hlinka, Monsignor Andrej 181
Hlinka Guard 171
HND 335
Hodgkin, Edward 537
Hodson, L.S. 488
Hoffman, Emil 107, 108
Hofmann, Peter 149
Hohenlohe, Prince Max 168
Holdsworth, Gerry 33, 363-4
Holford, Sir George 3
Hollis, Christopher 447
Hollis, Leslie 7
Hollis, Roger 9, 447
Holocaust 546, 547
Holroyd, Fred 741
Home Executive Committee 225
Home Office 347, 399, 433, 435, 486, 768
Hooded Men 442
Hook, Sydney 476
Hooper, Robin 631
Hoover, Herbert, Jnr 581, 595
Hopkinson, Henry 550
Hoppe, Ernst 97
Horn, Carl von 682
HORNBEAM Operation 524
Horniblow, Phillip 685
Horsford, Derek 671-2
Horthy de Nagybanya, Miklos 173, 329
Horvath, Imre 178
Hotchkiss, Ted 588, 596
Houghton, Harry 704
Hovey, Allan, Jnr 469
Howarth, David 123, 257
Howarth, Patrick 255, 261
Howe, Geoffrey 749, 763
Hoxha, Enver 356, 357, 359-62, 364-7, 369, 370, 372, 374, 376, 379-84, 386, 388, 392-5, 401, 402
Hoxha, Muhamet Zeqir 397, 398
Hrynioch, Father John (Ivan) 199, 200, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 234, 235, 238
Hsaj-Rezati, Tayyeb 593
Hubt, Sir John 706
Hudal, Bishop Alois 115, 346
Hudson, Col. 'Bill' 253
Hughes, Aneurin Rhys 474
Hughes, F. 731
Hulton, Edward 435-6
HUMINT (human intelligence gathering) 135
Hungarian Freedom Fighters (HFF) 177
Hungarian government-in-exile 427
Hungarian Uprising (1956) 177, 516, 640, 645, 653
Hurd, Douglas 610, 758, 765, 780
Hurn, Roger 777
Hurran, Christopher 783-4
al Hussain, Prince 697
Hussein, King of Jordan 612, 639, 655, 668, 669, 679, 681, 694
Hussein, Prince Mohammed 682, 684
Hussein, Saddam 752, 753, 766, 76,, 781, 782, 800
Hussein, Sharif 680, 686
al-Husseini, Haj Amin 537
Huston, Lawrence 51
Hutton, Robert 140
Hyde, H. Montgomery 190, 508, 611
Hyde, Henry 51, 54
Hyman, Ronald 46
Hynd, Harry 460
Ibn Hussein, Sharif Saleh 679-80
Ibrahim, Ahmed Bin 731
IDEA see Sacred Bond of Greek Officers
Idris, King of Libya 694, 735, 736, 737
IG Farben 143, 144, 246, 362
Ignatieff, N. 13
'Ilok, Stefan' 182
Ilyan, Michel 622, 628, 636, 637, 638, 642
Imperial Defence College (IDC) 72, 77, 82-3
'Imperial Films' (fictional) 379
Imperial Policy Group (IPG) 250, 429
Independent Labour Party (ILP) 428, 435
Independent League for European Co-operation (ILEC) 458
Independenza 372, 399
Indian Communist Party Congress (1948) 87
Industrial Bank of Persia 581
Information Co-ordination Executive 635
Information Research Department (IRD) 71, 72, 75, 78, 79-80, 82, 147-8, 183, 442, 444, 445, 447, 468, 476, 479, 480, 482, 490, 507, 625, 635, 714, 726, 733, 787
Inglis, Sir John 618
Ingram, Capt. D.C. 290
Ingwar 409
Inner Line 189, 406-7
Institute for the Study of Democracy 754
Institute for the Study of the USSR 423
Institute of Central and Eastern European Studies (proposed) 447
Institute of Directors 430
INTEGRAL Operation 223, 242
Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC)
(House of Commons) 780, 798
Intelligence and Security Co-ordinator (ISC) 727
Intelligence Services Act (1994) 758, 761, 794
Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees (IGCR) 348
Inter-Service Committee on Propaganda Dissemination 77
Inter-Services Liaison Department (ISLD) 306, 333, 533, 544
Intermarium 17, 113, 126, 163, 166, 167, 170-76, 181, 183, 237, 238, 239, 279, 404, 430-31, 432, 434, 492
Internal Security Corps (KBW) 254
International Anti-Bolshevik Co-ordination Centre (MAKC) 503
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 765
International Centre of Free Trade Unions in Exile (ICFTUE) 440, 447
International Committee for the DP and Political Emigres 234
International Court of Justice, The Hague 362
International Day of Resistance to Dictatorship and War (1949) 476
International Federation of Free Journalists of Central and Eastern Europe 440-41
International Flag of Liberty 492
International Monetary Fund 576
International Peasant Union 175, 447
International Press Bureau 239
International Publishing Corporation 482
lnternational Red Cross 346, 347, 350
International Refugee Organisation (IRO) 354
International Student Conference (ISC) 471-5
International Student Congress 43
International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) 469, 470
International Union of Students (IUS) 471
Inverailort Irregular Training centre 24
Inverchapel, Lord (Sir Archibald Clark Kerr) 25, 45, 53, 441
Ionides, Michael 667
Iraii, Col. Richard 224, 225-6, 234
Iran, Empress of 590
Iran, Mohammed Pahlavi, Shah of 558, 559, 560, 563, 564, 566, 567, 569, 572, 575, 576, 577, 579, 582, 585, 587-98, 654, 691, 744, 745
Iranian Ministry of Intelligence 771
Iranian National Bank 567
Iraqi Army 674
Iraqi National Accord (INA) 781-2
Iraqi National Congress 782
Iraqi Petroleum Company 606
Irgun 549
Irish Republican Army (IRA) 20, 223, 317, 429, 738-41, 768, 771, 781
Iron Guard (Romania) 178, 179, 180, 223, 444
Iron Wolf (mythical guerrilla unit) 278
Ironside, Field Marshal 19, 268, 428
Irving, Barrie 776
Ishaki, Ayaz 196
Isham, Col. 280
Isham, Sir Gyles 544
Islamic Fighting Force 793
ISOS (Intelligence Section, Oliver Strachey) reports 7
Italian Army 231
Italian Intelligence 226, 390
Italian Peace Treaty (1945) 341
Italian police 350; 'Special Branch' 341
Ivanovic, Branislav 354
J. and P. Coats 429
J. Henry Schroeder 581
J. Walter Thompson 96
Jackson, C.D. 392, 497, 505, 506, 590
Jackson, R. 570
Jackson, William H. 53, 55, 89
Jacob, Sir Ian 43, 78, 79, 84, 494
JAGUAR Operation 734
James, Christopher 795
Jamieson, Sir Archibald 462
Janke, Ernst 107
Janums, Vilis 270, 275, 289
Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry 761-2
Jarvis, Fred 472
Jasenovac concentration camp 125
JASON Operation 734
Jebb, Gladwyn 13, 42, 73, 83, 85, 138, 146, 148, 365-6, 368, 372, 383, 505, 545
Jebb Committee 85, 510
Jeddah agreement 696
Jeffes, Maurice 28
Jelic, Brancko 331-2, 347
Jellicoe, Earl 368, 385
Jerrod, Douglas 430
JETSTREAM Operation 778-9
Jetton, Francis 656
Jewish Agency 544, 545
JIO see Joint Intelligence Organisation
Johnson, Ben 705
Johnson (CIC officer) 420
Johnson, Jim 684-5, 688, 691, 693, 738
Johnson, Lyndon B. 715, 716, 717
Johnson, Quentin 708
Johnston, Sir Charles 680, 683, 685, 686
Johnstone, Andrew 741
Johnstone, Kenneth 313
Joint 543, 545
Joint Chiefs of Staff 490, 519
Joint Concealment Centre 157
Joint Documents Center, Hochst 104
Joint Information and Propaganda Committee 713
Joint Intelligence Bureau (JIB) 26, 54, 55, 72, 148, 149, 396, 487-8, 522, 723
Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) 25, 35, 39, 65, 67, 81, 82, 86, 103, 133, 135, 136, 142, 155, 205, 252, 254, 281, 494, 505, 509-10, 521, 522, 533, 541, 626, 638, 642, 646, 661, 706, 720, 748, 758-9, 762, 764, 766, 777, 785; CIG on the Balkans 790; control of 660-61, 747; Economic/Industrial section 743; Egypt 602; forecasts Soviet expansion 534; the Foreign Office 660, 747, 759; Iran 535, 561, 771; Lord Hankey and 255; 'Priority 1' targets 150; PUSC 494-5; 'Relations with the Russians' 25; report (July 1948) 150-51; Requirements Directorate 743; the Russian Committee 40; the Russian 'Mafia' 773; Scientific section 743; the Sputnik launch 656; trade controls 508; Yugoslavia 328
Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIO) 726, 727
Joint International Committee of the Movement for European Unity (JICMEU) 462, 463, 464
Joint Interrogation Centre, Fort Morbut 696
Joint Money Laundering Steering Group 773
Joint Planning Staff (JPS) 25, 31, 32, 35, 88-9, 156, 308, 510
Joint Review Committee 348, 350
Joint Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee (JSTIC) 135, 136
Jones, Eric 54, 640, 647
Jones, Muriel 494
Jones, R.V. 53, 133-6, 139, 143, 505, 521-2
Jonson, Lt-Col. 338
Jordania, Noe 211
Josey, Alex 712-13
Josselson, Michael 477-80
Josten, Josef 183
Jovanovic, Dragoljub 350-51
Joyce, Robert 368, 369, 373, 382, 385, 393, 396, 399
Jumblatt, Kamal 666
JUNGLE Operation 288, 293
JUNK Operation 297
Kabbani, Umar 637, 655
KADESH Operation 642
Kajehnuri, Ebrahim 583
Kajteh-Nouri, Muhammed 584
Kalmucks 445
Kamazuk, Ilarion 244
Kameradenwerk 103
Kaminsky (Russian Nazi) 408
Karadzic, Radovan 791, 792
Karamanlis, Constantine 556
Karamessines, Thomas 321, 323, 326
Kashani, Ayatollah 565, 571, 576, 582, 583, 585, 593
Kashuba, Ivan 234
Kasmowich, Dimitri 216, 218, 221, 222
Kassem, Brig. 670, 672-3, 675
Katyn Massacre 251, 427
Kaunda, Kenneth 475, 722
Kavran, Bozidar 337, 339, 342, 348, 352
Kazem-Bek, Alexander 406, 409, 515
Keating, Rex 539
Kedia, Mikhail 196
KEELHAUL Operation 202, 343
Keenan, George 370, 478
Keightley, Gen. 635, 641, 644
Keitel 227
Kell, Sir Vernon 408
Kellar, Alexander 471
Kemp, Peter 253, 351, 357, 360, 381, 390, 395, 430
Kemsley, Viscount 462
Kendall, Raymond 774
Kendrew, Maj.-Gen. 553
Kennan, George 437, 441
Kennedy, John (aka Gvozdenovic) 790, 791
Kennedy, John F. 675, 689, 707, 709, 715
Kent Corps Specials 547
Kenwrick-Piercy, Maurice 791
Kenyan African National Union 721
Kenyatta, Jomo 739
Kerby, Henry 407, 408
Kerensky, Alexander 493
Kerno, Ivan 129
Kerr, Sir Archibald Clark see Inverchapel, Lord
Kerr, Philip (Lord Lothian) 456
Kerstens, P.A. 463
Keynes, J.M. 47
KGB see Soviet Ministry of State Security
Khairi, Mehmed Hussein 629, 644, 652, 658, 659
Khalil, Isameddine Mahmoud 629, 630, 652, 653, 658, 659
Khan, Kajum 444
Khan, Maik al Mohammed 567
Khatami, Lt. Mohammad 590-91
Khatibi, Hussain 585
Khokhlov, Nikolai 507
Khomeini, Ayatollah 593, 598, 745, 771
Khorunzhi, Nikita 502, 507
Khrushchev, Nikita 506, 507, 627, 707, 708, 713
Kiddie, Joy 767-8
Kielgast (informant) 77
Killearn, Lord 535
Kimiche, Jon 635
Kindleberger, Charles P. 460
King, Andrew 131
King, Cecil 69, 84, 481, 482
King-Hall, Stephen 460
Kirby-Green, Philip 555
Kirkpatrick, Ivone 27, 41, 72, 73, 74, 82, 365, 366, 606, 612, 613, 625, 626, 627, 630, 648
Kisvalter, George 705
Kiyani, Gen. 594
Klagenfurt, Bishop of 342
Klatt (Kauder), Richard 410, 411, 419, 420, 421
Kleinwort Benson 779
Klimkans, Janis 299, 515-16
Klimov, George 513
Klose, Hans Helmut 291, 293, 296, 298, 506
Klugman, James 333
Knightley, Philip 11
Knupffer, Georgi 413-14, 417, 418, 424, 433, 441
Knuth, Maria 266
Kock, Stephan 761
Koestler, Arthur 476, 477, 478
Kogon, Eugen 461, 477
Kolabic, Nikolai 342
Kolberg Ring 265-6
Kolchak, Adm. 19
Kolendic, Anton 127
Konovalets, Eugene 223, 224
Korbonski, Stefan 260, 261, 447, 448, 496, 507
Korean War 88, 89, 263, 391, 477, 488, 520, 524
Korfes, Gen. 226
Kosakivsky, Mykyta 226
Kostajnica 125
Kota, Nuci 399
Kovacevic, Milan 328, 329
Kowalski, Gregor 265-6
Kreisky, Bruno 123
Krek, Miha 171, 330, 332, 335, 339, 432, 434
Kren, Vladimir 347
Kripens, Arvids 271, 280
Kristol, Irving 480, 482
Krivitsky, Walter 190
Kroll Associates 795
Kruglov, Sergei 277-8, 284, 296
Kruk, Bohdan 229, 230
Kruk, W. 245
Krumins, Zigurd 297
Kryeziu, Gani 356, 359, 360, 372, 392, 393
Kryeziu, Hasan 359, 360
Kryeziu, Said 359, 360, 372, 381
Kube, Wilhelm 216
Kudirka, Zigmas 297
Kuhn, Prof Richard 144
Kulikowski, Col. 263
Kupi, Abas 356-60, 367, 372, 375, 376, 379, 381, 382, 385, 392
Kurelis, Janis 272
Kurelis resistance group 272-3, 284
Kushel, Franz 216, 217, 218, 220
Kutchuk, Fazil 556
Kutepov, Alexander 189, 268
Kuwait Oil Company 671
Kuwait Supreme Council 674
Kuwaiti Army 671
Kvaternik, Dido 329, 330, 336
Kwiesinski, Wincenty 262
Labour League of Youth (LLY) 469, 470
Labour Party 436, 471, 475, 480, 543, 724, 743; Baykolov and 404; CCF 482; defeats Churchill's 'caretaker' government 28, 35; EM 453; general elections 317, 728, 732; Hulton attacks 435; Iran 562; Keep Left group 461; lack of knowledge of security and intelligence services 80; 'third force' position 431
Labour Service Units (US) 289
Laci, Xhemal 392
Ladell, Dr 634
Laden, Osama bin 772
Lakhno, A.V. 502
Lambton, Ann 560-61, 562, 565, 570, 578
Lamda 1, 2 (spies) 704
Lancaster, Donald 712
Land of Fire operation 96
Lander, David 797
Landon, Timothy 731, 732
Lane, Arthur Bliss 436
Langardge, Dick 635
Langer, William L. 477
Langman, Nicholas 788
Lankarani brothers 571
Lapitski, Maikalaj 219
Lapping, Brian 593
LARWOOD Operation 127, 128
Laski, Harold 36
Lasky, Melvin 476, 477, 478, 481-2
Last, Tommy 375
Latamer Ltd 96
Latham, Ryder 512, 670
Latvian Central Council (LCC) 272, 276, 281
Latvian Guerrilla Communications Staff 286
Latvian Legion 271, 272, 275, 279, 289
Latvian Ministry of Interior: Committee of Latvian Volunteer Organisation 270
Latvian National Committee 274
Latvian National Council 274
'Latvian Red Cross' 279
Latvian Restoration Committee 289
Latvian SS Legion 276
Law, Richard 448, 496
Lawrence, T.E. 531
Lawson, Dominic 788
Layton, Lord 460, 463
le Carre, John 484
League of Nations 224; International Labour Office 456
League of Saint Andrew's Flag 421
League of the Rights of Man 431
Leatham, John 378
Lebed, Mikolai 200, 224-8, 230, 232, 234-9
Lecky, Terence 704, 705, 707
Lee, David 672
Lee Kuan Yew 712
Leeper, Rex 307, 309, 311-20, 323, 536
Legalite movement 357, 359, 372, 375, 376, 385, 388
Leger, Paul 610
Leib, Joseph 395, 398, 400, 401
Leibbrant, Georg 195, 216, 408
Leich, John 446
Leithammel, Col. 270
Lend-Lease 50
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 58, 88
'Leningrad case' 485
Lenkovsky, Stefan 235
Lennox-Boyd, Mark 690, 698
Leohnis, Clive 52
Lethbridge, J.S. 99, 144
Lett, Gordon 546
Letts, Robin 719
Lever, Peter 759
Leverkuehn, Paul 194
Lewis, Gen. 519
Liberation of Oman and the Arab Gulf (PFLO-AG) 734
Liberation of South Yemen (FLOSY) 697
Liddell, Guy 266, 407, 408, 418, 433, 486, 622
Liddell Hart, Sir Basil 38
Lieszkovsky, Vladimir 177
'Light' (agent) 605
Lindsay, Frank 264, 334, 369-70, 378-9, 395, 396-7, 400, 496
Ling, Walton 415
Link organisation 429
Liosis, Gen. 318
Lipa, Marko 387
Lipovec, Franjo 342, 343
LIST X firms 785
Listowel, Lord 357
Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) 271
Lithuanian Freedom Army (LFA) 272
Lithuanian Freedom Fighters Association 282
Lithuanian Home Army 273, 275
Lithuanian Police Battalions 288
Little, Tom 631
Littlejohn brothers 741, 742
Litvinov, Maxim 38, 39
Liudzius, John 298, 498
Livitsky, Andrew 238
Liwycky, Mykola 244
Ljotic, Dimitrije 331, 332, 335, 352
Lloyd, Guy 428, 429, 434
Lloyd, John Selwyn 608, 614, 617, 620, 629,
630, 636, 637, 640, 647, 656, 657, 663
Lloyd George, David 405
Lloyds Bank 462
Locher, Karel 170, 432
Lockard, Lawrence 565
Lockerbie disaster 793
Lockhart, Robert Bruce 25, 71-2, 75, 77, 78, 432
Lockhead, Finlay 338
Loewe, Lionel 456
Logan, Donald 570-71
Logoreci, Anton 366
Lohr, Gen. 124, 125, 127
Loizides, Socrates 551
London Controlling Section (LCS) 156, 157, 290
London Press Service 76, 624
London School of Slavonic Studies 39
London Socialist Vanguard group 457
Long, Gen. 28
Long, Leo 114
Long Range Desert Group 363
Longbottom, Charles 470
Longin, Ira 420, 421
Lonrho 722
LORD Operation 130
Lovat, Lord 24, 28
Lovat Scouts 24
Love, Kenneth 586, 592
Lovegrove, Peter 116
Lovestone, Jay 465, 479
Lovett, Robert 422
Low, Robert 379, 380, 382, 387
Low, Toby 200, 337
Lowenthal, Richard 'Rix' 456
Loyys 285
Lozoraitis, Stasys 285-6
LPK (Latvian welfare organisation) 271, 279
Lubric, Max 336
Luce, Clare Boothe 436
Luce, Sir William 732
Luftwaffe 12, 100, 126, 127
Lukasevics, Janis 284, 291, 295, 296, 299, 515, 516
Lukashenko, President 222
Luks, Walter 511
Luksa, Jonas 278
Luksa, Juozas 283, 285, 287, 292, 294, 296, 297
Lumumba, Patrice 721
Lunn, Peter 129-30, 472, 523
Lursen-S deception operation 293
Lurssen brothers 290
Lyall, Archibald 175, 331, 351-2, 374, 381, 395, 430
Lykowski, Michael 246
Lyne, Derek 552
Lynskey Tribunal 76
Lyons, Paul 116
M13 26, 320
Maastricht Treaty 779
MacArthur, John 659
MacAskie, Frank 306-7, 311, 313
MacBride, Geoffrey 605
McCaffery, John 124
McCargar, James 371-2, 373, 385, 387, 388, 390, 391, 401
McCarthy, Senator Joseph 436, 579
McCloud, Eric 374
McCloy, John 106, 469, 581
McClure, Robert 590, 596
McColl, Colin 747, 753, 759, 763, 772, 791
McCone, Tohn 707, 710
McCoy, Tom 76
McCulloch, Angela 711
McDermott, Geoffrey 553, 555, 603, 604, 607-8, 621, 626-7, 631, 641, 648, 668, 707, 710, 724-5
McDonald, M.L. 659
McDuff, David 781
Macek, Eugen 342
McEwen, John 429
McGlashan, John 631
McGowan, Lord 456, 462, 465
McGreery, Gen. 98
McGuinness, Martin 740, 741
McGwire, Michael 65
Machray, Cyril 207, 210
Mack, Sir Henry 203
MacKay, Lord 761
McKenzie, Bruce 722
MacKenzie, Stephen Moir 142, 523
McKibben, Alexander 269, 273, 274, 276, 278, 281, 282, 287, 288, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 511, 512, 514
Mackintosh, Malcolm 60, 61-2, 66, 84, 501, 672
Maclean, Donald 13, 14, 159, 295, 396, 495
Maclean, Sir Fitzroy 85, 86, 131, 188, 192, 204, 332-3, 334, 344-5, 346, 347, 354, 365, 370, 375, 603, 795
McLean, Neil 357-60, 365, 366, 371, 372, 374, 375, 379-80, 384, 444-8, 628-9, 680-88, 693, 695-8
Maclean Mission (War Office Screening Mission) 344-8, 350, 351, 352
McMahon Atomic Energy Act 133, 152-5, 656, 657
McMichael, Sir Harold 540
McMillan, Hamilton 660, 795
Macmillan, Harold 20, 159, 160, 310, 312, 375, 439, 440, 460, 466, 467, 494, 509, 510, 531, 554, 556, 608, 609, 618, 619, 627, 646, 649, 652, 653, 656-8, 660, 662, 663, 668-71, 673, 677, 682, 684, 689, 705, 709, 714-15, 720, 795
McNeil, Hector 68, 75, 76-7, 205, 319, 322, 344, 476
MacStiofain, Sean 740
McSween, Norman 755
MacVeigh (American Ambassador) 321, 323
Mafia 611
Magan, Bill 555, 557
MAGIC CARPET Operation 695
Magruder, John 369, 478
Maher, Ali 606, 629
Mahl, Thomas 45
Mahmoud, Ahmed Amin 632
Mahmoud, Sayed Amin 632
Maikovskis, Bolreslavs 279
Maisky, Ivan 38, 39, 506
Majlis (Iranian Parliament) 559, 560, 563, 564, 565, 572, 573, 577, 578, 596
Major, John 741, 758, 762, 773, 791
Major, Major 377
Makarios, Archbishop 550, 552, 553, 554-5
Makarushka, Dr 200
Makins, Sir Roger 155, 365
Makki, Hossein 571, 576, 582
Malaparte, Curzio 330
Malawi Congress Party 721-2
Malayan Emergency 661, 712, 720
Malenkov, Georgi 66, 485, 500, 501, 507
Malleson, W. 189
Mana International 767
Manbar, Nahoum 767
Mandela, Nelson 720, 766
Manderstam, Len 413, 414
MANGO Operation 690
'Manhattan Engineer District' 135, 152
Manhattan Project 151, 154
Maniadakis, Constantine 309
Mann, Wilfred 152-5
Manningham-Buller, Sir Reginald 705
Manoilescu, Grigore 443
Mansfield, Earl of 428-9
Mao Tse-tung 713, 740
al-Maraghi, Ahmed Mortada 603, 629, 630, 644, 652, 658, 659
Marcus, Karl 101, 106, 108, 418
Markarov, Victor 755-6
Markos (communist guerrilla leader) 325
Marks, Leo 32
Marks & Spencer 462
Markulis, Juozas-Albinas 283, 287, 293
Marsack, Alfred 537
Marsh, Richard 690, 693
Marshall, George 462-3, 464
Marshall Aid 47, 56, 62, 64, 65, 73, 74, 81, 438, 462-6, 477, 483
Martin, Arthur 707
Martin, Geoffrey 474-5
Martin-Smith, Patrick 123, 338, 414
Massey, Lewis 255
Massoud, Ahmed Shah 752
MATCHBOX Operation 143, 144
Mathews, H. Freeman 587
Mathews, Kenneth 311
Mathewson, Iain 797
Matjani, Hamit 399
Matwijejko, Mynon 234, 244, 245
Mau Mau 739
Mavromichalis, Petros 320-21, 321
Max-Klatt intelligence network 410, 411, 419, 420
'Maxis' network 294, 296, 298, 506
Maxwell, Betty 141
Maxwell, Colin 664
Maxwell, Robert 141
May, Alan Nunn 151
Mayer, Stefan 255
Mayhew, Christopher 66-7, 71-4, 76-80, 148, 344, 353, 434, 458, 476
Mazepa (Ukrainian social democrat) 238
Mboya, Tom 721, 722
ME 42 98
Meade, Stephen 588, 596
Meadows, Dick 719
Meandov, Gen. 412
Melich, Mirko 737
Mellor, David 749, 763
Melnyk, Andrei 198, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 232, 234
Melville, Mary 428
Menant, Guy 362, 364, 365
Mende, Gerhard von 196, 198, 199, 217, 219
Menzies, Sir Stewart 18, 30, 33, 34, 42, 49, 67, 77, 83, 85, 135, 138, 154, 189, 203, 265, 290, 417, 498, 537, 568-9; the 'Abramtchik Faction' 215; accord with the CIG-Joint Intelligence Board 55; agreement with Douglass 54; Albania 364, 367, 372, 379; Austria 166; aware of currents of Whitehall politics 5; background 3; Beria 506; Carr 275, 276; Courtney 212; the damning report on Philby 396; the 'Defectors Committee' 145-6; Enigma 250; Fitzroy Maclean 333; Habsburg 167; the IPG 429; Jewish refugees 546, 547; Maclean 188; MI6 reorganisation 28; Military Intelligence in World War I 3-4; OSS breaks accord with 51: overworked personality 4; the Promethean League 186; retires 493-4; succeeds Sinclair as 'C' 4; upset by the Philby affair 493-4; VALUABLE 363; Welsh 134
Mercury News Service 176
Merk, Kurt 109-10
Merlika-Kruja, Mustafa 372
Metaxas, Pierre 315
Metaxas, Yanni 305, 309, 312
Meyer, Alf Martens 518, 524, 525
MGB see Soviet Ministry of State Security MHBK (Hungary) 178
MI3 289
MI5 99, 404, 407, 421, 551, 557, 704, 740, 743, 775, 789, 792, 797, 799; C Division 723; co-operation with US counterpart 104; D Division 512, 517; E2 (Overseas) Division 544; E Branch (Colonial Affairs) 555, 724; F Branch 471; Fuller under surveillance 442; G9A section (counter-terrorism) 793; hunt for moles xv; Ireland 738, 739, 741, 768; K Branch 724; Klatt 411; Malta 377; membership of the JIC 67; Palestine 543; POST REPORT 486; Registry records 10; relations with MI6 509, 520, 760, 799; security files on emigres 418; supports Baykolov 433; and Wilson 744
MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)): the ABN 443, 444; anti-communist, pro-German exile groups 17; assassination 610-11, 612, 614, 793-4; the attempt to overthrow Saddam 781-2; attitude to SOE personnel 377; in Austria 166; Baltic resistance organisations 17; in the Baltics 755; becomes devalued 728; BIN/KOORD 85, 510; blackmail material on Makarios 556; and Blake 705; Board of Directors 661; budget 798, 799; and the Cabinet Office 672; changes 723-4, 776, 777; Christmas Massacre 759-60; co-operation with US counterpart 104; concentrates its efforts on 'Red Russia' 4; conditions of service 27, 30; conflict with SOE 306; conspiracy theory 484-5, 548; criticism of 797-8; cuts (1993) 761; CX Book (Weekly Summary of Intelligence) 749; Dutch Section (P8) 112; Egypt 600-603, 605, 606, 608, 610, 616, 620-21, 626, 627, 628, 630, 633-6, 638, 645, 649, 670, 676; EM 453; exile group funding 448-9; expansion of the Special Liaison Centre 288; F Branch 43; the Falklands 746-7; the Foreign Office 723; founded as the foreign section (MI1c) of the Secret Service Bureau 4; funding 27; gadgets 784; and GCHQ 773, 777-8; General Service 749; 'General Support Branch' 328; in Germany 93-4, 101, 778; Global Issues Controllerate 775; Global Tasks 762, 777; the Gulf states 696; headquarters (from 1994) 776, 786, 800; the Hilton Assignment 735-8; Information Operations (I/Ops) 766, 787, 788; Intelligence Branch 749, 760; Inter-Services Liaison Department 250; Intermarium 170; Iran 568, 571, 578, 580-83, 586, 592, 596, 760; the IRD 490; Ireland 738-42; joint conference with the CIA (1952) 150; liaison with Mossad 549; London BIN station 472; Lucky Break reports 607, 614, 621; Maltese training camp 390; membership of the JIC 67; and Military Intelligence 110; 'Mother Load' agenda 797; the mujahedin 752; N-Section 522, 538, 785; Northern Division 242, 258, 262, 275, 295; nuclear weapons and BW/CW 764-8; officers 783-9, 794; Operational Support 777; P5 section 249, 250; P17 section 679, 687; Political Section (R1) 58-9, 308, 416; post-war policy 314-15; Production Section 744; 'Q' Ops Department 377-8, 633; R3 290, 524, 618; R5 353, 707; R6 (Economic Requirements section) 487; R9 135; recruitment 113; relations with the CIA 89, 131, 155, 396, 422, 454, 467-8, 475, 506, 515, 520, 522, 523, 524, 626, 646, 648, 703, 711, 736, 752; relations with MI5 509, 520, 760, 799; reorganisation 26, 27, 28-31; Requirements (R5) 30, 43, 55, 79, 661, 744; Requirements and Production 744, 761, 772; rivalry with SOE 19, 20; role 4, 19, 761, 764; sabotage against Jewish ships 546-9; Section D 68, 187, 356, 363, 435; Section IX see Section IX; security 785-6, 788-9; Security Directorate 665; and Selwyn Lloyd 608; Seniors' Club 18; Sinclair replaces Menzies 494; SOE fuses with 27, 28, 32; Special Operations Branch 568, 612, 729; Special Political Action (SPA) 42, 473, 510-11, 598, 614, 625-6, 639, 652, 669, 718, 742, 787; Special Support Directorate 784; Strategic Trade Section 501, 506; and student bodies 471, 472; supports NTS 406; Technical Operations Section 522; Technical Section 32, 520; Technical Services Division 614; training 22-3, 289-90, 502; transcription service 130; UKB Unit 778-9; uses Nazi intelligence officers 94; Vietnam 718; War Planning 28, 32-3, 377, 568; wartime intelligence-gathering on Germany 5; the 'Westward Ho!' workers 288-9; and Wilson 744; Y-Section 522, 661
MI9 34, 100, 103, 104, 115; Intelligence School No. 9 427
MI10 143
MI14 103, 104
Michael, King of Romania 179
Mid-European Studies Centre 261
Middle East Centre for Arab Studies (MECAS) 643, 661, 704
Middle East Command (MEC) 671, 677
Middle East Defence Organisation (MEDO) 550
Middle East Forces, Cyprus 554
Middle East Information Department (MEID) 535
Middle Zone Association 427, 428
Middleton, George 567, 572-3, 574-5
Midland Bank 761, 779, 789
Migonis, Motiejus 271
Mihahlache, Ion 180
Mihailovic, Dreza 60, 125, 331, 333-7, 342, 351, 427
Mikalovics, Zsigmond 176
Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw 251, 252, 254, 257, 259, 260, 261, 389, 447
Mikoyan, Anastas 63, 499
Milano, James 116, 117
Military Intelligence 3, 98, 104, 105, 108, 110, 113, 136, 187, 249, 284, 315, 326, 341, 343, 355, 377, 536, 628, 638, 665; Field Security Service units 338
Military Intelligence Free Officers 601, 623
Military Intelligence (Research (MI(R)) 175, 187, 192, 363; Special Operations and Political Action Branch 192
Military Mission to Warsaw 261
Mills, A.K. 143
Milmo, Helmus 511
Milne, Ian 523, 559
Milne, Tim 142, 696
Milner, Frederick 620
Milos, Ljbo 337, 347
Milosevic, Slobodan 791, 792, 793
Mindszenty, Cardinal 176
Ministry of Defence 488, 509, 510, 521, 634, 664, 706, 753, 759, 762, 764, 784, 785, 789, 798; Defence Liaison Staff 742
Ministry of Economic Warfare 250
Ministry of Labour 285
Ministry of Supply 444; Atomic Energy Directorate 133, 152, 153
Minor, Robert 379, 380
MINOS exile programme 383n
Mintoff, Dom 735
Mir-Ashrafi, Sayyed 594
Mitchell, Andrew 779
Mitchell, Graham 512
Mitchell, Leslie 649
Mitrovic, Rexhep 358
Mixed Service units 289
Mladorossy ('Union of Young Russia') 406, 409, 413, 417, 433, 441
Mobutu, Joseph 721
Modin, Yuri 242, 245
Moir, Guthrie 468, 469
Molden, Fritz 118, 119, 124
'Molecular Theory' (NTS) 421-2
Mollet, Guy 508, 640
Molloy, Robert 656
Molotov, Vyacheslav 63, 72, 168, 499
MONASTERY Operation 410
Monckton, Anthony 788
Monckton, Rosa 788
Moncrieff of that Ilk, David 429
Monheim, Prince Abdul 603, 629
Monnet, Jean 456, 460, 463
Montagnon, Capt. 523
Montague Brown, Anthony 495, 509
Montecassino (1944) 258
Montgomery, Bernard 25, 59, 82, 98
Montgomery, Brian 569
Montgomery, Hugh 115, 396
Montini, Giovanni (later Pope John Paul I) 115-16
Moore. Sir Thomas 429
Moqadam, Gen. 576
Morgan, Eric 110
Morgan, Gwyn 474
Morgenthau, Henry 97
Morris, Anthony 250, 262
Morris, Harry 176
Morris, Nigel 683
Morrison, Herbert 430, 545, 561, 563
Morton, Desmond 10, 417
Morton, George 439
Moslem Mountaineers 196
Mosley, Sir Oswald 430, 441, 442
Mossad 543, 545, 546, 548, 549, 616, 617, 626, 654, 670, 676, 680, 695, 738, 762, 767
Mossadeq, Mohammed 558-9, 560, 562, 564-77, 579-95, 597, 598, 602, 614, 625, 745
Mossman, James 633
Mounier, Emanuel 457
Mountain Brigades 309
Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma 456
Movement of Lithuania's Struggle for Freedom (MLSF) 292, 293, 296, 298
Movement of National Liberation (LNC) 356-60
al-Mubarak, Sheikh Abdullah 672
Mudabbir, Brig. 593
Muggeridge, Malcolm 11, 51, 57, 59, 440, 477-81
al-Muhaymeen, Abd 793
Mukhabarat 631
Mullen, Nicholas 768-9
Mulloch, Jack 690
Multhopp, Hans 147
Munn, John 29
Munzenberg, Willi 69, 477
Muravitz, F. 139
Murphy, David 526
Murray, Ralph 75, 76, 644
Murray Hill Project 138
Muscat Regiment 685
MUSKETEER Operation 624, 634
MUSKETEER REVISE Operation 634-5
Muslim Brotherhood 622, 629
Muslin, George 263, 265
Mussolini, Benito 329, 356, 428, 441, 457
Musson, John 32
M'utazeo, Capt. 584
Mutual Security Act (1951) 466-7
Mutual Security Agency 467
Muzaffar, Sheikh 537
Muzayyeni, Brig. 585
MVD see Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs
Myers, Brig. Eddie 306, 307
Myz-Mysin (counter-espionage expert) 171
'Nachfigall' (Abwehr programme) 226, 227, 228, 232, 246
Nagy, Ferenc 174, 175
Nahas Pasha 629
Nakashidze, Dr George 206, 214
Narodyi Trudovoy Soyuz (NTS) 147, 190, 405-17, 421-4, 433, 437, 441, 493, 502, 503, 507,513-16
Nash, James 686
Nasser, Gamal Abdul 541, 549, 601-10, 612-16, 620, 621, 623-8, 630, 633-6, 638-9, 642, 644-7, 649, 653, 656-9, 663, 666-70, 675, 676, 681, 682, 683, 688, 691, 693, 695-8, 733
Nassiri, Nemotollah 584, 590, 591
Nassirir, Mohammed 576
National and Grindlays Bank 680
National Audit Office 798
National Bank (Iran) 576
National Committee for a Free Europe (NCFE) 173, 373, 437, 440, 447, 448; Exile Political Operations division 373
National Committee for Free Albania 382, 383, 384, 387, 447
National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) 773-4
National Defence Corps (TEA) 326
National Democratic Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arab Gulf (NDFLO-AG) 730, 734
National Democratic Hellenic League (EDES) 306, 307, 311, 323
National Front (Iran) 571, 572
National Intelligence and Security Organisation (SAVAK) 596, 654, 670, 695, 744
National Intelligence Authority 54
National Liberation Front (EAM) 306-15, 317,324
National Liberation Front (NLF) (Aden) 686, 697
National Military Union (Narodowy Zwiazek Wojskowy (NZW)) 257
National Organisation of Cypriot Combatants (EOKA) 551-5, 557
National Peasant Party (Romania) 180
National Popular Liberation Army (ELAS) 306-11,314-17
National Security Agency (NSA) 56, 57, 527, 545, 623, 640, 642, 650, 698, 719-20, 748, 777, 778, 782, 788
National Student Association (NSA) 471, 473
National Ukrainian Council 244
National Union of Students (NUS) 43, 471, 472,474,475
National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) 722
National Will 564
Nationalist and People's Party (Egypt) 604
Naval Intelligence Directorate 34
Naval Intelligence Division (NID) 135, 501, 524, 617; Russian Section 16 290
Naval Intelligence Forward Intelligence Unit 112 1
Nazi Party 93, 187, 225, 406
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939) 187, 188, 191, 269
Near East Association (NEA) 539, 540
Near East Broadcasting Station (NEABS) 536, 537, 539, 552, 571, 635, 643
Neave, Airey 100, 427, 704
Nedic, Gen. 330-31, 335, 342
Neel, Tony 357, 361
Neguib, Mohammed 601, 602, 603, 628, 629, 632
Nehru, Jawaharlal 88
Nehru, Pandit 721
Nelk, Boris 512
Nelson, Carl 131
'Nerren' (Iranian) 566, 592-3
Netanyahu, Binyamin 767
Neufville, Lawrence de 391-2
Neville-Jones, Pauline 759
New Labour 780, 800
New York Federal Reserve 716
Newell, Mr (M16) 130
Newman, Anthony 399
Newton, Ronald 95, 96
Nexbritsky, Capt. 407
Nicholas, Grand Duke 192
Nicholson, Brig. John 33
Nicholson, Leslie 180, 269, 270, 276, 408
Nicolson, Harold 476
Nie (Niepodleglosc (Independence)) 253, 254
Niepokolczycki, Franciszek 262
Nightingale, Ray 734
1941 Committee 435
NKGB (Latvia) 284, 287, 295
Nkomo, Joshua 722
Nkuradze, Prince 196
Noel-Baker, Francis 319
Noli, Bishop Fan 355, 387
Nollau, Dr Gunther 69-70
Noone, Richard 718
Nordhausen 138
Nordic League 441-2
Norman, Sir Clifford 374
Norman, Frederick 139
North Atlantic Treaty 45, 465, 550
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) 128, 184, 328, 382, 383, 465, 496, 551, 556, 614, 620, 646, 749, 755, 781, 792
North Caucasian Committee 445
North Yemen, Ahmed, Imam of 678, 681
Northern Information Department (NID) 74-5, 83, 84
Northern Ireland Office 785
Northrop, Anthony 357, 391, 394, 398, 399
Norton, Sir Clifford 323, 408
Norwegian Intelligence 278, 518, 525
Norwegian Royal Air Force 517
Nosi, Lef 357
Nouvelles Equipes Internationales (NEI) 438,462
Nuffield, Lord 462
Nuremberg war trials 434
Nuremberg International Military Tribunal 280
Nuri es-Sa'id 604, 606, 623, 637, 655, 667, 670
Nutting, Anthony 553, 613
Nyerere, Julius 721
Oakeshott, Michael 476, 479
Oakley-Hill, Dayrell 356, 392, 393
Oatley, Michael 740-41, 795
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) 104; Abwehr 11 272
Oberlander, Theodor 226, 227, 246
Obukhov, Platon 755
O'Connor, Cathal 547
O'Connor, Tim 53
Office of the Co-ordinator of Information (COI) 51
Office of Special Projects (later Office of Policy Co-ordination) 464
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (US) 5, 20, 51, 55, 97, 99, 100, 125, 135, 180, 232, 274, 308, 321, 358, 419, 437, 454; Research and Analysis section 361, 579; X-2 111
Official Secrets Act 619, 794, 796
Offie, Carmel 210, 237, 373, 375, 387, 391, 439,476
OGPU see United State Political Directorate
O'Hanlon, Pat 620
OHIO Operation 234, 235
Ohletz, Werner 422
Okhrymovych, V.0. 247, 507
Okolovich, Georgi 407, 409, 421, 423, 502
Oldfield, Maurice 384, 474, 546, 634, 649, 665, 706, 709-12, 715, 718, 722, 724, 725-6, 738, 741-4
Oldman, Hugh 732
Olskej, Michail 421
Oman Regiment of the Sultan 663
Oman Research Department (ORD) 734
Omand, David 778
Omani Air Force 733
Omani Intelligence Service (OIS) 733, 734
Omani Liberation Army 663
'Omar' (agent) 571, 577
OMEGA 614-15, 620, 636
Onu-dpol 737
Open Skies agreement 754
Operations Co-ordination Board (OCB) 581
Oras, Ants 269-70
Orcada (British spy) 779
Organisation for Assistance to Foreign Displaced Persons in Germany 416
Organisation for European Economic Co- operation (OEEC) 463
Organisation in Rome for Assisting Allied Escaped Prisoners-of-War 115
'Organisation' (mercenary) 697
Organisation of African Unity (OAU) 722
Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists 223-6, 230, 231, 232, 235, 236, 243, 247, 248, 421, 442; OUN-B[andera] (later OUN-r) 106, 113, 198, 222, 225-39, 242, 245, 246, 247, 442-3, 514; OUN-M[elnyk] (later OUN-s) 225, 227, 228, 233n, 234, 236
Organisation Suddeutschland 107, 118
Orwell, George 428, 431, 457, 476, 479, 480
Osborn, Myles 712
Osborne, Sir Percy 168, 169
Osenberg List 138
Osiris radar image craft 778
Osis, Robert 270, 271, 274, 276-7
Ostministeriurn (OMi; Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories)) 187, 196, 199, 216, 217, 225, 229, 408, 409, 443; Institute 108
Ostrowsky, Radislaw 214-22, 443
OSVAKIN Operation 147
Oveissi, Ghularn Reza 584
OVERCAST Operation 137
Overseas Consultants 566, 567, 597
Overseas Students Trust (OST) 475
Owen, David (later Lord) 80, 727, 743
Padek, Mark 289
Paillole, Paul 7
Paine, Natalie 436, 448
Palestine Arab Higher Command 549
Palestine Police Political Branch 545
Paliy, A. 202, 205
Palmer, Alan 362
Palmer, Michael 767
Pan-European Committee 166, 167
Pan-European Congress (1943) 457
Pan-European Union (PEU) 165, 166, 186, 455-9
Panchuk, Gordon 202, 240
Papagos, Alexander 374, 397, 553
Papajani, John 379
Papandreou, Andreas 305, 308, 309-10
Papee, Casimir 171
PAPERCLIP Operation 144
Paprocki, Stanislaw 206
Park, Daphne, Baroness 645, 718, 721, 722, 752, 780-81, 789
Parker, Maj. Jerry 536
Parker, Peter 55
Parsons, Sir Anthony 744
Parsons, 'Knocker' 698
Partel, Vaino 288
Parti Populaire Syrien (PPS) 616, 622, 636, 637,642
The Partisans of the Right 629
Pasechnik, Vladimir 766
Paterson, Eveline (Lady Cotter) 45
Paterson, Halliday 378
Patrascanu, Lucretiu 181
Patriotic League 584
Patton, George Smith, Jr 182, 217
Pauco, Josef 206
Paul, Crown Prince 320
Paulson, Paul 517, 638, 643, 665, 666, 669, 670,687,722
Pavelic, Ante 125, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 338-44, 346, 349-50, 354, 444
Pawley, 'Pop' 687
Peake, Charles 67, 69, 393
Pecanac, Kosta 331
Peck, David 713
Peck, Edward 317-18, 321
Peck, John 445-6
Pecnikar, Veliko 337, 339, 343
Peenemunde 137, 145, 149
Peet, John 259
Peierls, Rudolf 153
Peiracki, Gen. 224
Pelczynski, Gen. Tad 206
Pellay, Jean-Marie 610
PEN (writers' association) 480
Feng Teh-huai 713
Peniakoff, Pamela 130
Penkovsky, Oleg 704-8, 710, 713, 727, 742
Penney, R. Rosslyn 131
People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) 180, 187, 196, 217, 218, 234, 245, 248, 254, 270, 277, 281, 282; arrest of former SOE agents in Poland 256; é6migré associations 422; forced repatriation 431; Intelligence Centre 411; Kerby 408; Manderstarn 413; murder squads 253; the MVD succeeds 259, 283-4; and the Nazi Party training school 225; NTS 406, 412, 416; OBO 278; the OGPU 269; Philby 7-8, 423; prime objective 8; regarded as a potential I enemy organisation' 10; Secret Political Department 410
PEPPERPOT Operation 552
Peredzh, Col. 207
Peres, Shimon 616, 640
Pergamon Press 141, 142
Pergau Dam affair 761
Perkins, Harold 23, 32, 146, 199-200, 250, 252-3, 255, 256, 261, 363, 367, 371, 374, 376, 377, 380, 381, 392, 394, 398, 546, 547
Permanent Bureau of Continental Foreign Ministers 455-6, 458
Permanent Secretaries' Intelligence Services (PSIS) 747, 776, 798
Permanent Under Secretary's Committee (PUSC) 84, 86, 489, 490, 491, 494-5, 510, 514,541
Permanent Under-Secretary's Department (PUSD) 509, 510, 522, 621, 626, 631
Peron, Juan 348, 350
Perowne, Victor 349
Perrin, Michael 134, 135, 139, 154, 155
Perron, Ernest 563, 590, 591
Perry, Lewis 343
Persian American Relations Society 583-4
Pestrak, Andre 226
Peter, Gabor 174
Peter II, King of Yugoslavia 337
Peterson, Sir Maurice 65, 534
Petherwick, Maurice 428, 429
Petkov, Nikola 181
Petlura, Ataman Simon 185
Petrenko, Roman 234
Petroleum Development (Oman) (PDO) 730, 731, 732
Petrov, Waldemar von 189, 190
Petrovranov, Yevgeny 526
Petty, Alan 750, 759, 792
Phantoms 72, 75
Philby, Kim xv, 6, 15, 28, 58, 153, 183, 207, 213, 242, 244, 246, 296, 303, 430, 498, 510, 566, 579, 598, 601, 622, 681, 704, 707, 710, 711, 723, 725, 750; the Abramtchik Faction 221; agent for the NKVD 7-8, 22; Albania 370, 375, 384-5, 389, 394-8; the Baltic states 275; in Bari 362; betrays operations in Turkey and the Middle East 211; and the Cold War 21, 22; controls R5 30, 55; defects 211; and Easton 26; and Gehlen 104, 105; Greece 315; heads Section IX 16, 42, 178, 418; heads Section V 11, 30, 410; in Istanbul (1947) 363, 384, 391; on the Jebb Committee 85; and le Carr6 484; Lebanon 669; meetings with the US State Department 239; on Menzies 5; Menzies upset by 493-4; on the MI6 Reorganisation Committee 29; MI6/CIA meeting (November 1950) 294; recalled from Washington 295; replaces Machray in Istanbul 210; the Russia Committee 393; tasks 423; in touch with Burgess 212, 244-5; trains Osis 277; on Tsarist émigrés 416; under strong suspicion as the 'Third Man' 396; Washington post 384, 385, 422; the WiN operation 264, 266; Wisner suspects 396
Philip, Aidan 540
Philip, Andr6 457, 469
Phillips, Tracy 438
Phillpotts, Christopher 190, 525, 551, 556, 726
Photographic Development Unit 192
Photographic Interpretation Units 519
Pickering, F. 208
Pickles, Mike 250, 254
Pieck, Wilhelm 63
Pierce, John 674
Pilsudski, Rowmund 427, 428, 432, 447
Pinay, Antoine 508
Pincher, Chapman 190, 611, 710
Pineau, Christian 616, 636
Pioneer Corps 378
Pipenelis, Panayotis 380
Piplys, Kazimieras 287, 292
Pirasteh, Sayyed 594
Piratin, Philip 539
Pirie, Richard 686
Pisani, Sallie 567
Pitans, Bolislov 296
Pittuck, Charles 631
Pius XII, Pope 115, 169, 335
Plastiras, Nicholas 306, 313-16
Plechavicius, Povilas 272, 273, 277, 282, 285, 292
Plensners, Alexander 271
Plessner, Dr 149
Polaris missile 159
Police Foundation 776
Polish Army 186, 206, 214, 258, 262
Polish Cipher Bureau 250
Polish Communist Party (PPR) 254, 256, 259
Polish Corps 258
Polish Ex-Servicemen's Association 261
Polish General Staff 249, 265; Second (Deuxi6me) Bureau 250, 255
Polish government-in-exile, London 170, 206, 213, 217, 219, 230, 251, 252, 255, 261, 432, 455; Ministry of Information 427, 433
Polish Intelligence 130, 249-50, 255, 407, 767
Polish Military Liaison 218
Polish Military Mission 218
Polish Ministry of the Interior 257
Polish Mission in Paris 249
Polish Peasant Party (PSL) 251, 254, 256, 257, 259-62
Polish Political Council 262
Polish Second Army Corps 170
Polish security police 259, 260, 261
Polish Security Service 407
Polish Trade Mission 522
Polish VI Bureau 250, 252
Political Office with the Middle East Forces (POMEF) 601
Political Warfare Executive (PWE) 71, 72, 76, 79, 84, 119, 157, 312, 313, 427, 428, 533, 635
Pollock, Gen. 535
Poncet, Franqois 116
Ponikewski, Maj. 206
Ponting, Clive 50, 51
Pope, Michael Kyrle 524
Popieszalski, Anton (aka Tony Currie) 253
Popov, Gregori 308, 311
Poppe, Nikolai N. 208-9
'Popski, Colonel' 130
Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arab Gulf (PFLO-AG) 730
Populist Party (Greece) 315, 317, 320
Populist Party (Syria) 655
Popvic, Radovan 151
Poremsky, Vladimir 409, 412, 413, 415, 416, 421,513
Porter, David Haldane 345
Possev publishing house 416
Post Office Technical Department experimental station, Dollis Hill 129, 526
POST REPORT Operation 418, 486, 512
Post-Hostilities Planning Sub-Committee (P HP) 13, 14
Posten, Ralph 643
Potocek, Dr 183
Poutschine, Marsha 120, 121
Powell, Charles 751, 757
Powell, Enoch 603
Powers, Gary 660
Prater, Donald 131, 622, 649
Precnikar, Vilko 350
Prenci, Tahir 399
Prendergast, John 554, 555, 556
Preseren, Monsignor Anton 171, 335, 339
Press, Robert 155
Preston, Simon 516-17
Previsi, Prenk 357, 359
Priestley, J.B. 435
Prime, Geoffrey 748
Prior, Mr (Austrian Jew) 130
Prizren League 357
Prochazka, Col. 183
Profumo, John 686
Progressive Youth of Asia Conference (1948) 87
Project 279 (Afghanistan) 752
Promethean League 17, 113, 163, 185-7, 192-9, 206, 207, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219, 220, 222, 223, 237, 404, 431, 455, 492, 506
Protocol M 74, 76, 77
Protulipac, Ivan 342
Prouty, Fletcher 235
Provisional Austrian National Committee 118
Pryce-Jones, Alan 120-21
Psychological Warfare Branch (PWB) 120, 480, 534
Psychological Warfare Bureau, Jerusalem 351
Psychological Warfare Consultations Committee (Dodds-Parker Committee) 510, 624, 641
PT16B (M16 officer) 793, 794
Public Information Office 352
Public Records Office (PRO) xv
'Purple Primers' 12
Putlitz, Baron Wolfgang zu 408
'Q' devices 32
Qaboos, Sultan 730-34
Qashqai tribe 567
Qassem, Abdel Karim 667
Qavam Saltaneh 572, 575, 578
Quadripartite Censorship Committee 117
Quayle, Anthony 358-9
Quennell, Hugh 140,141
Quine, John 703
Quinlan, Sir Michael 776-7
Quinn, Frank 377-8, 633
el-Quwwatli, Shukri 604
'Radford' (M16 officer) 423, 502, 513
Radiation Operations Committee (ROC) 620
Radical Students Alliance 473, 475
Radio: Atlantic 97; Cairo 624, 635, 642, 643, 675, 679; Free Albania 392-3; Free Europe 96, 173, 440; Liberation 173, 244; Liberty 440; Luxemburg 183; Moscow 246, 499, 501-2; Tehran 560, 594; Tirana 401, 506; Warsaw 262, 266, 497
Rahman, Tengku Abdul 718
Raikes, Victor 428
Rallis, lonnis 315-16
Rally Films 685
Ramadan Offensive Operation 683
Ramanaukas, Adolfas 286-7, 298
Ramsay, Alex 338, 430
Ramsay, Baroness Margaret 475, 758
Ransom, Charles 707
Ransome, John 295
RAP 700 (special operations action branch) 610
Rar, Lev 421
Rashidian brothers (Assadolah, Qodratollah and Seyfollah) 563-4, 571, 573, 577, 578, 581-5, 588, 589, 592, 597
Rathbone, Eleanor 428
Rawlins, Gen. 318, 320
Rawluk, I. 449
Razmara, Gen. Hadj Ali 559, 560
Reagan, Ronald 163, 748, 750, 769
Ream, Bob 393
Rebane, Alphons 275, 288, 511, 512, 516 Red Army 13, 15, 26, 28, 119, 121, 126, 127, 148, 168, 169, 171, 198, 199, 211, 217, 229-32, 235, 241, 252, 253, 254, 263, 269, 272, 273, 275, 277, 336, 409-12, 414, 415, 428, 430, 486, 518, 603, 756
'Red Lilac' 108
Reddaway, Norman 75, 78, 624
Redfearn, Mason 524
Redfern, G.H. 204
Redlich, Roman 421
Rees, Goronwy 59, 481, 578
Rei, August 273
Reilly, Sir Patrick 59, 486, 489, 494, 495, 509, 630-31
Reinhards, Paul 270
Rejewski, Marian 250
Rendis (Greek Foreign Minister) 319
Rendle, Frank 713, 714
Renner, Karl 119
Rennie, Sir John 624, b43-4, 726, 738, 742
Renton, Edward 122, 337, 338
Reporter, (Sir) Shapour 563, 654
Reppe, Walter 143
Republic National Committee (Baltic) 273
Republican army (Spain) 376
Republican Party (US) 436
Research Centre for Central and Eastern Europe 447
Retinger, Dr jozef 250, 427, 439, 440, 453, 455, 456, 458-64, 469, 495-6, 497
Retired Officers' Association (Iran) 582
Reuters news agency 536
Revolutionary Command Council (Egypt) 634
Reynaud, Paul 463
Reynolds, Alexander 631
Reynolds, Mike 795
Rhodes, Cecil 456
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 190, 227
Ribic, Mitja 126
Richards, Francis 777, 778
Richardson, John 401, 717
Richardson, Trooper 686
Richmond, John 674, 675
Ridd, John 792
Riga, Treaty of (1921) 215
Rijkens, Paul 463
Rimington, Stella 741, 776
Rimini Brigade 309
'Ring of Five' 13, 707
Riyahi, Gen. 590, 594
Roberts, Andrew 783, 784
Roberts, Douglas 192, 269
Roberts, Frank 14, 36-7, 39-40, 60, 365, 367, 499,534
'Roberts, Kenneth' 791
Robertson, T.A. 'Tar' 99, 111
Robets group (Baltic) 506
ROBIN Operation 519
Robinson, Robert 659, 660
Rockefeller family 437; David 462; Nelson 581
Rocket Propulsion Research Establishment, Westcott 145
Rodin, Nikolai 523
Rogozhin, Anatol 414-15
Rohracher, Archbishop Andreas 172, 340
'Roland' (Abwehr programme) 226, 228
'roll-back' 486, 496, 497, 505
Rolo, Cyril 123, 606, 621
Romanian Communist Party 549
Romanov, Yvegniy 416, 421
Rome Association of Officers 115
Roosevelt, Archie 584, 628, 634
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 14, 277, 538
Roosevelt, Kermit 566, 574, 580-84, 586, 587, 589, 591, 592, 594, 597, 598, 602, 605, 607, 614, 616, 637, 648, 653, 655
Rose, George 631
Rose, Lord justice 768-9
Rose, Sir Michael 792
Rosebaud, Paul 140, 141, 142
Rosenberg, Alfred 108, 216, 442, 443
Rosi, Ernesto 455, 457
Rositzke, Harry 243, 248, 294, 295, 363, 369, 502
Rostow, Walt W. 460
Rote Kapelle (Red Chapel) 418
Rothschild, Lord 480-81
Round Table Group 456
Rover, Srecko 337, 342, 343, 348, 352, 354
Rowlett, Frank 523
Rowley, Denys ('James Kent') 665, 735
Royal Air Force (RAF) 391, 519, 520, 617, 645, 659, 663, 664, 673, 677, 694
Royal Bank of Scotland 779, 789, 798
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 145
Royal Family 429, 538
Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) 41, 169, 261, 628
Royal Marines 297
Royal Navy 290, 291, 384, 515, 545, 549, 551, 677
Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) 739
Royal Yugoslav Army (RYA) 345, 346
Royle, Anthony 736
Royse, Prof. 344, 348
Rozman, Bishop Gregory 330, 332, 335, 339, 341-2, 350, 434
Rudel, Hans 103, 115
Rudkowski, Roman 253, 391
Rumbold, Anthony 371, 375, 380
Rumnieks, Feliks 276-7, 284
Rupnik, Leon 332, 336, 338
Rusan, Mahmud 668
Rushdie, Salman 771
Rusinovic, Nikola 349
Russell, Bertrand 476
Russell, Col. 97
Russia Committee see under Foreign Office Russian Federal Counter-Intelligence Service 765
Russian Federation of ex-Combatants 189
Russian Imperial Army 414
Russian Intelligence Service 11, 264, 390, 513
Russian Liberation Movement and Army (ROD; Vlasov Army) 411-12, 413, 416, 417,419,422
Russian 'Mafia' 773
Russian Monarchist Organisation 421
Russian National Central Committee 419
Russian National Socialist Movement (ROND) 406
Russian Nazi Party 408
Russian Revolution (1917) 406, 413
Russian Revolutionary Force (RRF) 417, 424, 515
Russo-Finnish War 225
Russo-German pact (1939) 426, 477
RUSTY Operation 235
Rutter, Maj. 200
Ruzhadze (betrayed by Philby) 211
Ryan, Allan 109
Ryan, Brinley 527
RYAN (Nuclear Missile Attack) Operation 749
Rykens, Paul 496
Ryle, Gilbert 420
Rzepecki, Jan 256, 257, 260
Saarsen, Villen 269
Sacred Bond of Greek Officers (IDEA) 314, 318, 320, 321, 327, 380
Sacred Squadron 309
Safa, Col. Muhammad 637
SAFEHAVEN Operation 27
Sahsaven tribe 585
Said bin Taimur, Sultan 664, 729, 730, 731, 732
St Laurent, Louis 241
Salam, Saeb 666
Salisbury, Sir Edward 140
Salisbury, Lord 504, 587, 596, 627
al-Sallal, Col. Abdullah 678, 679
Salnai, Vladmars 274
San Jacinto Fund 473
Sanders, Rex 519
Sanders, Ted 176, 178
Sandys, Duncan 137, 453, 456, 459, 460, 462-6, 662, 683, 684, 686, 689
Sanger, Eugen 146
Sapieha, Pawlem 263
Sargeant, Howland H. 492
Sargent, Sir Orme 14, 20, 23, 24, 25, 35, 36, 38, 43-4, 68, 73, 169, 371, 372
Saric, Bishop Ivan 329, 341, 350
Sarraj, Abdel Hamid 622, 655-6
Saud, King of Saudi Arabia 615, 637, 680, 681, 683, 693
Saudi royal family 615
Savage, Gerald 638
Savage, T.W. 'Bill' 474
Savimbi, Jonas 722
Sayid, Jallal ul 616, 622
Sayyed Zia Ad-Din 564, 573, 575
'Scandinavian-Black Sea Unit' 239
SCANT radio station 635
Scarlett, John 755
Schaetzel, Tadeusz 206
Schapiro, Leonard 59, 500-501, 714
Scheibe, Col. 104
Schellenberg, Walter 101, 106, 108, 168, 208, 410, 411, 418
SCHOLAR Operation 472
School of Slavonic Studies, University of London 426
Schutzmannschaft police units 270-71
Schutzmannschaft-bataillon (Guard Battalion) No. 201 228
Schwarzkopf, Norman 583, 589
Schwind, Don 592
Scientific Advisory Board 140
Scientific Intelligence Section 135
Scobie, Ronald 309, 310
Scopes, L. 240-41
Scott, Sir Robert 711, 715
Scott Inquiry 762, 763
Scott Report 763
Scott-Hopkins, James 203
Scottish Communist Party 10
Scottish 'Invasion Committee' 426
Scottish League for European Freedom (SLEF) 170, 285, 418, 425, 428, 429, 432, 433, 434, 441-5, 448
SCRUM HALF Operation 501
'Sean' (MI6 officer) 756
Secker and Warburg 480
Second World War: declaration of war 269; German invasion of the Soviet Union (June 1941) 270; successes of British Intelligence 5
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) see MI6
Secret Service Bureau 4
Secret Vote 79, 297, 487, 798
Secretariat of Exiled Intellectual Organisations 447
Section V (counter-espionage) 147, 232, 363; 'the brightest feather in C's cap' 6; expansion 7; German primer 99; Philby heads 11, 30, 410; SCI units controlled by 5; and Section IX 11; X-2 liaises with 11
Section IX 61, 106, 276, 303; 'charter' 21; creation of 16; expansion 16; Philby heads 16, 42, 178, 275; the pre-eminent department of M16 22; R5 replaces 30; recruits among exiles 418; role 11; and Section V 11
Securitate (Romania) 181
Security Battalions (Greece) 307, 309, 310, 316, 317, 318
Security Executive 9, 10
Security Intelligence Middle East (SIME) 555,712
Security Service see MI5
Seddon, Maj. 256
Seddon, Richard 565
Sedgwick, W.B. 545
Selbourne, Lord 21, 23-4, 98, 250, 251, 254, 331, 413, 414
SELECTION BOARD Operation 109, 110
Senate Church Committee 649
Separated Enemy Personnel (SEP) 201
Serbian Government of National Salvation 330, 335
Serbian State Guard 331, 335
Serious Fraud Office 772
Serov, Ivan 146
Service de Comentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionage (SDECE) 218, 610, 634
Services Liaison Department 84, 509
Seton-Watson, Hugh 60, 62, 64, 87, 308-9, 314, 319, 331, 333, 351, 376, 501
Sevriuk, Alexander 195
Seydahmet, Cafar 196
Shaban Jaa Fari 582, 585, 593
Shadwell, Laurence 431
al-Shahli, Umar 736, 737
Shaker, Farid Sharif 653, 658
Shakir, Ghassan 734
al-Shami, Ahmed 685, 691, 693
Shandruk, Pavlo 186, 187, 195, 198, 199, 200, 202, 205, 206, 213, 214
Sharp, Jack 501
Sharpe, Rosemary 756
Sharq al-Adna 536, 537, 539, 540, 541, 635
Shayler, David 793, 794
Sheehan, Olive 8
Shehu, Kacem 397
Shehu, Mehmet 376, 386
Shehu, Zenal 399, 400
Sheiken, Nicholas 424
Shell 730, 731, 732, 761, 795
Shephard, Sir Francis 559, 571
Sheppard, A.W. 317-18
Sheptytsky, Metropolitan Andreas 227
Shergold, Harold 99, 416, 512, 704, 706, 724
Shinwell, Emmanuel 561
Shishakli, Adib 636, 655
Shoosmith, Maj.-Gen. 209
Short's of Belfast 752
SHRAPNEL Operation 416, 422-3, 513
Shuckburgh, Evelyn 68, 97, 495, 497, 505, 607
Shukhevych, Roman ('Taras Chuprynka') 226, "9, 230, 231, 237, 238, 243
Sichel, Herbert 45
Sicherheitsdienst (SD) 12, 100, 101, 106, 168, 208,411
Sienko, Stefan 263, 265
Sigailis, Arthur 274, 289
signals intelligence (SIGINT) 11, 12, 52, 54, 56, 135, 150, 398, 620, 660, 719, 748, 778
Sigurin-d 364-5, 388, 400, 401, 506, 507
Sihanouk, Norodom 712
Sikorski, Wladyslaw 166-7, 250, 251, 265, 455
Silarajas, Rudolph 288, 296-9, 511, 514, 515
Silent Forest 275
Silgailis, Arthur 271
Sillem brothers 269
Sillitoe, Sir Percy 622
Silone, Ignazio 477, 478
Silver, Arnold 420
Silverwood-Cope, Maclachlan 278, 396
Sima, Horia 179
SIMBA Operation 734
Simcock, Maj. 203, 347
Simpson, Adrian 192
Simpson, Mrs Wallis (later Duchess of Windsor) 407
Sims, Mitzi 45
Sinclair, Sir George 554
Sinclair, Hugh 4, 191, 224
Sinclair, Sir John 26, 31, 33, 494, 498-9, 520, 521, 522, 573, 580, 582, 586, 592, 614, 616, 619, 621
Sinn Fein 738
Sintsov, Vadim 755
Sirvys, Klemensas 294
Six, Frank 216
Six Day War 697
6th Airborne Division 549
62nd Field Security Service unit 342
Siyyam, Hassan 629, 644
Skanderbeg (Albanian national hero) 357
Skendi, Stavro 374
Skirpa, Kazys 271
Skoropadski 204
Skorzeny, Otto 217
Slansky, Rudolf 484, 485-6
SLENDER Operation 359
Slessor, Sir John 72, 77, 82, 83, 85, 136, 195, 533
Slocum, Frank 290, 374, 525
Slovak Hlinka Guard 231
Slovak Liberation Movement 182
Slovak National Council 181
Slovak National Front 181
Slovak People's Party 181
Slovene National Committee 336
Slovene National Democracy Party 342
Slovene People's Party (SPP) 330, 332, 335
Slowikowski, Rygor 250, 262
Sluzhba Bezpeky (SB) 226, 228, 234, 235, 236,244
Sluzhba Vneshnie Razvedaki (SVR) 754, 755
Smal-Stocky, Dr Roma 185, 186, 187, 195, 199, 200, 202, 206, 214, 222, 492-3
Smallholder's Party (Hungary) 174
Smellie, Craig 602, 741
Smiley, David 33, 256, 357-60, 376, 377, 378, 384, 386, 391, 402, 547-8, 663, 664, 685, 687, 688, 691, 694
Smiley, Moy 378
Smith, Bradley F. 12, 26
Smith, C.A. 435, 436
Smith, Howard 739
Smith, Joseph B. 711
Smith, Michael 77-8, 516
Smith, Raymond 43
Smyslovsky-Holmston, Boris 410, 413, 415
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) 740
Social Democratic Party (SDP) 77, 482
Social Democrats (Germany) 112
Social Democrats (Russian 6migr6s) 404
Socialist Movement for United States of Europe 447, 461
Socialist Party of Greece (SKE) 309, 314
Socialist Unity Party (SED) (East Germany) 503
Society for Individual Freedom 429
Society of Friends of Albania 361
Society of Latvians in Great Britain 284-5, 433
Sogno, Edgardo 457
Solarium Project 505
Solly-Flood, Peter 253
Sophoulis, Thernistocles 319, 320, 374
Soraya, Empress 563, 565
South Arabian Federal Treasury 692
Sova, Antanas 296
Soviet Administration for Special Tasks 410
Soviet air defence command 244
Soviet Army 16-17, 229, 231, 243, 253, 257, 426
Soviet Five Year Plan 425
Soviet Information Bureau 251
Soviet Intelligence 151, 221, 235, 406, 407, 418, 419
Soviet Ministry of Health 766
Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) 235, 235, 243, 259, 283-5, Department 10 485
Soviet Ministry of State Security (KGB, MGB) 67, 87, 117, 147, 151, 180, 183, 184, 211, 212, 244, 265, 269, 284, 287, 293, 295, 299, 394-5, 502, 507, 511-14, 517, 523, 526, 527, 672, 681, 703, 705, 706, 722-3, 742, 743, 749, 754, 755; Directorate 16 755
Soviet Nineteenth Party Congress (1952) 499
Soviet North Atlantic Fleet 524
Soviet Trade Mission, London 299
Spaak, Paul-Henri 455, 463, 464, 466, 467, 469
Spanish civil War 484
Spanish Nationalists 351
Spearman, Richard 788
Special Air Service (SAS) 98, 131, 532, 614, 663, 664, 665, 729, 778, 789; 'A' Detachment 692; Americans monitor 792; corruption 734-5; Counter-Revolutionary Warfare (CRW) 328; D Squadron 328; and 'General Support Branch' 742; 'Kremlin' war room 329; in Oman 734; STORM 733; TIE 685; training of Kuwaitis 753; in Vietnam 719
Special Boat Squadron (SBS) 742, 773, 792
Special Branch 551-2, 553, 554, 696, 740, 796
Special Counter-Intelligence (SCI) 5-6, 15, 99,320
Special Forces Club, London 33, 364
Special Liaison Centre 147, 276, 288, 298-9
Special Operations (SO) 19, 83; Albania 363, 367, 376; Americans move into 56-7; in Austria 338; Bevin and 42, 87; in Germany 93
Special Operations Executive (SOE) 71, 72, 83, 84, 120, 127, 175, 195, 250, 251, 263, 363, 366, 385, 533, 537, Albania 357, 362, 376, 379; assassination capability 611-12; in Austria 122; backs 'progressive' resistance movements 303; in the Balkans 63; disbanded (1946) 362; EU/P 250; Evaluation Committee 24; experts in guerrilla warfare 394; and the Foreign Office 303, 467, 534, 535; and the French Resistance 457; fuses with the SIS 27, 28, 32; German X Section 98; and Greek resistance 306; Harcourt and 360; Hungarian section 8; influence 33; Iran 565; NKVD arrests former agents in Poland 256; and Poland 252, 253, 254; radio networks in Poland 255; relationship with M16 19/ 20, 306, 453-4; Retinger joins 456; role 19; Russian section 413; Scandinavian Section 525; Sixth Special Force 337; and Special Operations Branch 363, 547; training school 289; Yugoslavia 331, 332, 333
Special Policy Committee (SPQ 385, 389, 396
Special Refugee Screening (SRS) Commission 204
Special Republican Guard (Iraq) 782
Spedding, Sir David 328, 752-3, 760, 777, 800
Speight, R.L. 476
Spender, Stephen 478-82
Spetznaz 160
Spiliotopoulos, Col. 306
Spinelli, Altiero 455, 457, 464, 477
Die Spinne (Spider) 95
Spofford, Charles M. 462, 465
Sporborg, Harry 31, 32, 122, 525
Spraggett, Col. 97
Springer, Ferdinand 141
Springer Verlag 141
Springhall, Douglas 8, 9
Sputnik launch 656
SS (Nazi) 93, 95, 98, 100, 101, 102, 106-10, 138, 168, 179, 187, 196, 197, 201, 216, 217, 218, 227-30, 232, 234, 240, 270-74, 276, 279-80, 285, 288, 418
SS Security Service 106, 408
SS Skanderbeg division 357, 358, 387
Stakhiv, Volodymyr 227, 232
Stalin, Joseph 55, 58, 60-61, 66, 69, 79, 81, 84, 89, 164, 179, 180, 189, 194, 211, 231, 270, 304, 461, 534; and Albania 364, 402; and British Intelligence 483; compared to Hitler 37; death 499; dissolution of the Comintern 13; and 'The Great Sweeper' 485; and Greece 319, 322; and Kerensky 493; and Kruglov 277-8; and Malenkov 501; and Mladorossy 406; and the NTS 410; 'percentage' agreement with Churchill (1944) 14-15, 39; and the Polish resistance 252; purges 484, 549; restrains revolutionaries 39; scheme for controlling the Adriatic's entrance 365; secret police 424; and Tito 63, 64, 67, 68, 78, 85, 88, 128, 341, 353, 364, 471; and the Ukraine 426-7; the Vigilance campaign 484, 499; warns of 'English duplicity' 343; western powers fear confrontation 254; and Yugoslavia 387
Stallwood, Frank 392, 652-3
Standard Oil of Ohio 595
Stankievich, Stanislaw 216, 217, 218, 220, 222,443-4
Stanley, John 631
Stanley, Oliver 460
Stark, Freya 622
Stassen, Harold 613
State Committee for the Co-ordination of Scientific Research Work 704
State-Navy-War Co-ordinating Committee 362
Staver, Robert 145
Stay Behind (SB) networks 28
Steads, Elmer 581
Steele, Frank 665, 697, 720, 739, 740, 741 Stephenson, Sir Hugh 707
Stephenson, Sir William 45, 50, 155, 610, 611
Stepinac, Aloysus, Archbishop of Zagreb 329, 346, 350
Steptoe, Harry 11, 535
Sterling, Claire 769
Stern, Dr 149
Stern Gang 544, 549
Stetsko, Jaroslav 224-8, 230, 232, 234, 235, 238, 442, 443, 444, 448, 449
Steven, Stewart 255, 256, 265, 484
Stevenson, Ralph 602
Stewart, John 425-6, 428, 429, 432, 441, 442, 445-6, 448, 449
Stewart, Sir Malcolm 462
Stewart, Sir Findlater 26, 31
Stewart-Smith, Geoffrey 414
Stiff, Peter 698, 719
Stirling, David 131, 333, 684-5, 688, 690-91, 693, 694, 695, 697, 735, 736, 738
Stockbridge, Ralph 602
Stockwell, Freddie 602, 631
Stokes, Michael 705
Stokes, Richard 202, 203, 205, 430, 431-2, 433, 434, 442, 568; Mission to Iran (1951) 568
Stone, Howard 588, 592, 594, 595, 655, 656
Stone, Shephard 463, 469, 508
Stonehouse, John 471
Stoney, Lt-Col. 289
STOPWATCH Operation 523, 526
STORM Operation 733
Storrs, Peter 554
Stourton, Hon. John 428
Strachey, Oliver 99
STRAGGLE Operation 615, 620, 628, 636, 637, 646, 655, 666
Strakaty, George 737
Strang, Sir William 59, 85, 489, 490, 541, 570
Strasbourg Consultative Assembly 467
Strassen, Harold 581
Stratis (leader of SKE) 309
Straw, Jack 796n
Street, Annette 348
Strik-Strikfelt, Wilfred 415
Stripp, Alan 56
Strong, Sir Kenneth 34, 72, 89, 396, 709
Subacic 389
Sudoplatov, Pavel 152, 224, 244, 245, 493
Suez Canal 38, 603, 635, 637, 638, 642, 646, 677
Suez Canal Company 623
Suez Group 603, 606, 628, 629, 662
Suez invasion 531, 553
Sufa, Nalil 399
'Sugar Force' 137
SUGAR Operation 130
Suharto, Thojib 718
Sukarno, Achmed 716, 718
Sulakov, Roman 207
'Sullivan, Michael' 256
Sullivan and Cromwell 595
Sultan, Prince 687, 691
Sultan's Armed Forces (SAF) 664, 731, 732, 734
Sulzberger, Cyrus 68, 306, 360, 388, 390, 392, 400-401, 486, 655
SUNFLOWER Operation 230
Sunningdale Agreement (1973) 740
SUNSHINE Operation 555, 556
'Supergun' affair 763
Supplementary Oil Agreement (1949) 558, 559
Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania (SCLL) 272, 274, 275, 277, 279, 282, 287, 292-3, 294, 296
Supreme Headquarters Allied Europe Forces (SHAEF) 99, 137, 157, 183, 258
Supreme Political Commission to Combat Banditry 254
Supreme Staff of Armed Partisans (Baltic) 283
Supreme Ukrainian Liberation Council 205
Sushko, Col, Roman 224
Susic, Lovro 337, 339, 350
Sutkos, Col. 288
Sveics, Vidvuds 291
Svendsen, Lars 524
Svenska Militdr Tjdnst (SMT) 273, 276
Swain, Geoffrey 64
Swedish Intelligence 274, 281, 620
Sweet-Escott, Bickham 60, 303, 535-6, 537
Swialto, Josef 485
Swierczewski, Karol 236
Swift, Carlton 675, 707
Swinburn, James 631, 632, 645
Swiss Bundespolizei 419
Swiss Liaison Office 118
SWOD 421
Sykes, Michael 351-2
Syria Working Group (SWG) 656, 657, 658
Syrian Army 655, 656, 657
Syrian Deuxi~me Bureau 642
Syrian Radio 645
Szalasi, Ferncz 174, 178, 444
T-Force 137, 297
'Taffy B' (ex-SAS) 736, 737, 738
Talib bin Ali 663
Tamplin, Capt. Guy 193, 194, 248, 331
Tanganyika African National Union 721
TANGO Operation 328
Tank, Kurt 146-7
Tariq (Qaboos' uncle) 733
Tariq bin Taimur 731
Tartars 196
Tasoev, J.D. 146
Taylor, John 148, 707
Taylor, Peter 129
TEA-PARTY Operation 552
Teague, John 30, 533
Tear, Hubert O'Bryan 242, 679, 687
Tebbit, Kevin 778
Technical Intelligence Section 135
Technical Security Department (TSD) 786
Tedder, Lord 82, 83, 84, 365, 366
Television International Enterprises (TIE) 685,735
Temple, Reginald 669, 734
Templer, Sir Gerald 23, 98, 638
Tepfers, Verners 281
Terrapin 624
Territorial Defence Force (TDF) 272, 273
Terry, Antony 105, 176
Thatcher Foundation 780
Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness 747, 750, 751, 752, 757, 758, 799
Thesiger, Wilfred 697-8
30th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division 217
Third Army (US) 182, 217
'Third Force' 46, 72, 73, 76, 173, 247, 431, 438,461
The Third Man (film) 120
Third (Mountain) Brigade 316
30 Assault Unit 137
Thompson, Sir Geoffrey 486
Thompson, John 472, 726, 727
Thompson, Llewelyn 383
Thompson, Sir Robert 718
Thomson, Lord 692
Thornberg, Max 567, 568
Thorneycroft, Peter 683, 689
Thornton, F. 13
Thorpe, Elizabeth 45
310th Field Security Service 232
Throne (Soviet deception) 410
Thunder Cross (Latvia) 223, 270, 271
Tiaks, Frank C. 581
Tildy, President 174
Tiso, Jozef 181
Tito, Marshal 60, 69, 81, 84, 86, 124, 126, 199, 304, 330, 336, 340, 347, 349, 352, 360, 369, 388, 414; and Albania 364, 375, 376, 387, assassination plans 499; captures Italian equipment 333; and Cominform. 366; control of the secret police and army 353; the Crusaders 341; defection to the West (1944) 365; and Greece 323, 327; installs himself in Belgrade 335; and Kosovo 361; Moscow's most zealous supporter 334; and Nasser 605; political trials 350-51; propaganda against Britain and US 344; Slovene National Democracy party opposes 342; and Stalin 63, 64, 67, 68, 78, 85, 88, 128, 341, 353, 364, 471; weapons 370
Titoism 85
Tizard, Henry 153
TOBACCO Operation 218
Tokaty-Tokaev, Grigori 146-50
Tolstoy, Count Nikolai 193, 337
Tomas, August 276
Tomlinson, Richard 761, 767, 768, 779, 783, 784, 786-92, 794-800
Toptani, Ihsan 360, 447
TORCH Operation 116, 250
Torma, August 290
Toth, Dragutin 350
Toynbee, Philip 476
Trades Union Congress (TUC) 75, 430
Transport and General Workers' Union 37
Travellers Club 4
Travis, Sir Edward 52, 54
Treasury 27, 244, 469, 575, 620, 726-7, 746, 747, 761, 780, 798, 799
Trend, Burke 709, 724, 727
Trevaskis, Kennedy 680, 685, 688, 689
Trevelyan, Humphrey 605, 620, 673, 675
Trevor-Roper, Hugh (Lord Dacre) 5, 18, 19, 477,478
Trinsky, Mikal 611
Tripartite Foreign Ministers' Conference (1950) 441
Tripartite Pact 330
Trotsky, Leon 67, 435
Troutback, Sir John 541-2
Truchnovich, Alexander 409
Trukhin, General 412
Truman, Harry S. 154, 324, 446, 464, 487, 519, 562, 574, 575, 580
Truman Doctrine 41, 45, 65, 66, 81, 324, 327, 483
Trumpys, Benediktas 294
Trusahnovich, Alexander 507
Truscott, Lucian 264-5
'Trust' (Monarchist Association of Central Russia) 264, 269, 284
Tsaldaris, Konstantinos 315, 320, 323, 380
Tube Alloys 133, 134, 136, 152, 154, 160
Tudeh Party 534, 564-7, 569, 571, 572, 579, 580, 592, 593, 596
Tudjman, Franjo 354
'Tunworth' (Libyan agent) 793
Turkestan National Unity Committee 445
Turkul, Prince Anton Vasilevich 189, 198, 362, 405, 407, 410, 419-20, 421, 514
Turnbull, Richard 683
Turner, Stansfield 797
Turnhill, Col. 732
Turp, Robert 690
Turrou, Leon G. 103
'12 Force' 98
21 Army Group 98, 100, 104
Tweedy, Bronson 642-3
Twelve Apostles 456
20th Waffen-SS Division 275
21 Army Group 23
24 Infantry Brigade 671-2
Twetten, Thomas 781
UBS (private bank) 779
Ugandan State Research Bureau 734
Uhrlau, Ernst 778
UK Intelligence Messaging Network 789
UK-USA Security Agreement 56
Ukraine National Assembly 227
Ukrainian Co-ordinating Committee 233, 237, 238
Ukrainian Committee 187
Ukrainian Division ('Galizien') 197, 198, 443
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) 199, 229, 230, 231, 235-9, 242-5, 247, 257
Ukrainian Liberation Committee 205
Ukrainian National Committee 226
Ukrainian National Council 238, 239, 493
Ukrainian Relief Committee 202
Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR) 199, 230, 236-9, 247; Foreign Representation (ZP UHVR) 230, 232, 238
Ukrainian Training Unit (SS) 226
Ulbricht, Walter 63, 113
Ulm, Rudolph 143
Ulmer, Al 57, 399, 551, 641, 712, 713
Ulster Workers' Strike (1974) 740
'Ultra' intelligence 97, 333; Menzies and 5; the SCI units 5
Umar, Yahya 734
Un-American Activities Committee 579
Underwater Establishment, Portland 704
UNFASTEN Operation 653, 658
Uniate Church 237
Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) 725
Union Minière 138
Union of Popular Democracy (ELD) 306, 314
United Baltic Corporation 261
United Democratic Resistance Organisation (UDRM) 283, 285, 286, 287, 292, 293, 294, 296, 298
United Europe Movement (UEM) 460, 464, 466; Special Finance Committee 462
United Fruit Company 546
United Nations (UN) 38, 72, 128, 181, 243, 247, 298, 431, 483, 507, 552, 565, 615, 637, 698, 721, 774, 790; Protection Force 791; Security Council 341, 636; Weapons Inspectorate 767
United Nations Atomic Energy Commission Scientific and Technical Committee 153
United Nations Refugee and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA) 208, 218, 281, 392, 415, 416
United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC) 102, 107, 111, 127, 128
United Press 121
United State Political Directorate (OGPU) 269
Unity Party (East Germany) 112
University of New York (research institute for a Post-War European Federation) 457
UNTHINKABLE Operation 25
Upans, Lodis 294-5, 297
Upelnieks, Kristaps 272
'Uranium Club' 139
Urbancic, Ljenko 332, 345, 352, 353
Uren, Ormond 8
Urwick 523
Urzad Bezpiecznstwa (UB or Bezpieka) 265, 266, 497, 703
US 430th Counter-Intelligence Corps 68
US Air Force 235, 294, 353, 486-7, 519, 709
US Army Intelligence 237, 502
US Bureau of Intelligence and Research 728
US Corps of Engineers 526
US Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) 100, 105, 109, 110, 117, 119, 171, 210, 220, 221, 233, 234, 235, 349, 350, 352, 419, 420, 574; 430th Detachment 116-17, 119
US Defense Department 487, 659
US Department of the Army 333
US Green Berets 719
US Information Service (USIS) 575
US Military Intelligence 326, 349
US National Security Council (NSC) 243, 353, 368, 396, 400, 503, 504, 505, 517, 581, 582, 601, 670, 717
US Office of Policy Co-ordination (OPC) 210, 220, 221, 239, 242, 243, 245, 246, 263-6, 291, 297, 353, 447, 454, 497; ACUE 465; Albania 373, 377, 379, 381, 382, 387, 390-93, 396-9; Iran 566; the NCFE 437; operates within the remit of the CIA 395, 400; origins 464; OSO 368-9; Project Review Board 478; Psychological and Paramilitary (PP) Warfare Staff 369, 392, 400; responsible to Bedell Smith 395-6
US State Department 239, 324-5, 349, 400, 454, 465, 488, 505, 541, 574, 640, 728; Albania 380, 382, 383, 385, 386, 389; the drugs war 776; Egypt 602, 637, 683; exile groups 446; and the Foreign Office 675; Iran 559, 579, 580, 582, 583; Israel 581; Jewish refugees 548; Office of Intelligence Research 324; Policy and Planning Staff (PPS) 242, 368, 370, 490; Political Biographic Section 373; Psychological Strategy Board 487, 490, 503; Southern European Division 373 US Technical Assistance programme ('Point Four') 575
US Treasury 338, 339
US War Department 422
US-UK agreement on the exchange of nuclear information (1958) 159
Ustashi 125, 126, 169, 171, 172, 223, 329-33, 335-50, 352, 353, 354, 434, 444; Office for Colonisation 336
Ustinov, 'Klop' 407-8, 410, 418-21
Ustinov, Peter 408
V-2 rockets 137-8, 144, 145, 149
V-men 106
Vaivada, Anthony 295
Vajta, Ference 171-2, 173, 175, 350
Vakar, Nicholas 990
Valls-Russell, Lawrie 540-41
VALUABLE Operation (BG /FIEND) 363, 367, 371, 374, 378, 384, 385, 389, 390, 391, 393-6, 398, 400, 401, 506, 653 Van Zeeland, Paul 455, 457, 458, 459, 462, 463,496,508
Vanagai (Falcons) 272
Vanden Heuvel, Count Frederick 140, 142, 168,547
Vandenberg, Arthur 45, 55; Resolution 45
Vansittart, Lord 101, 106, 353, 405, 407, 408, 417, 418, 432-3, 437, 443
Vantage plan (later Bellringer) 671
Varzia Agreement (1945) 311, 313, 314, 318
Vatican 102, 109, 115, 116, 126, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 202, 203, 219, 230, 237, 238, 239, 285, 443, 463; and Yugoslavia 330, 332, 339, 341, 342, 346-9, 353; see also Catholic Church
Vendiris, Staff Chief 318
Venner, John 31
Venteres, Konstantinos 320
Ventotene Manifesto 455
Verschoyle, Derek 547-8
Vichy 250
Vickers 462
Vietnam War 716, 717, 718, 719
Vigilance campaign 484, 499
Villiers, Charles 337, 338, 414
Vinogradov, Vladimir 499
VISTULA Operation 236, 237
Visual Inter-Service Training and Research Establishment 157
Vitolin, Margers 511, 513-14
Vituska, Gen. 220
Vivian, Valentine 7, 9, 11, 15, 21
Vladmanis, Dr Alfred 279
Vlasov, Andrei 198, 214, 230, 411, 412, 413, 415,493
Voice of Britain 643, 644
'Voice of Free Egypt' 625
Voice of Zion 635
Voight, Frederick 426-7
Volkov, Konstantin 578
Volman, Sacha 440, 447
Voloshyn, Monsignor Augustine 224, 225
Volunteer Corps (Yugoslavia) 331
Voss, Claudius 189-90, 405, 406, 407, 420
Voulgaris (Greek Prime Minister) 319
Vrancic, Dr Vjekoslav 337, 342, 350, 353
Vretsonia (Abwehr agent) 232
Vulliamy, Ed 791
Waddy, John 719
Wafd Party 601, 628, 629
Waffen-SS 240, 277, 279, 280, 285, 288, 289, 409, 432, 443
Waffen-SS Galicia Division 240, 248
Wainman, Alexander 203
WAKEFUL Operation see STRAGGL Operation
Waldegrave, William 764
Walden, Brian 471
Waldheim, Kurt 124-9
Walker, Christopher 659
Wallace, David 307-8
Waller, John 574, 594
Walli units 101
Wallinger, Mark 346
Walters, Vernon 574
Waltscheff, Dimitr 443
Wannsee Institute 109, 208
WAPPEN Operation 655
War Cabinet 385, 413
War Crimes Investigation Unit 98
War Office 26, 343, 351; Albania 359; General Staff (Research) (GS(R)) 187; Greece 320; investigation into the 'Control of special units and organisations' 32; Jewish groups 546; Military Intelligence Directorate 20; report on the Ukraine 232; Yugoslavia 346
War Office Screening Mission (WOSM) see Maclean Mission
Warburg, Frederick 479, 480
Warburgs 166
Warburton, Nick 692
Ward, Barbara 476
Ward, George 660
Warner, Christopher 38-43, 65, 69, 73, 74, 75, 77, 83, 209, 476
Warner, Fred 316
Warner, Sir Gerald 97, 753, 754, 799
Warner Brothers 379
Warsaw Pact 501, 727, 749, 754
Warsaw uprising 24, 249, 251-2, 253, 260, 428
Washington conference (1949) 368, 369
Wasilewski, Tadeusz 255
Watchguard International 697, 735, 736-7
Waterfield, Gordon 540
Waterfield, 'Pat' 730, 732
Waterhouse, Charles 603
Waterhouse, Ellis 306
Waters, Sir George 429
Watkinson, Harold 673
Watson, Adam 39, 186, 489-90, 505
Watson, Sam 63
Watt, Donald Cameron 531, 615, 676
Watts, John 664
Waugh, Evelyn 333, 346
Wavell, Gen. Sir Archibald, Ist Earl 156, 192
el-Wazir, Abdel Kerim 685
Wederneyer, Lt.-Gen. 421
Wehrmacht 104, 112, 118, 125, 127, 145, 187, 208, 216, 226, 227, 228, 240, 241, 275, 333, 408, 409, 412; Wa Pruf 9 143
Welles, Sumner 436
Welsh, Eric 134, 135, 138-41, 152, 153, 154, 156, 521, 522
'Werewolf' resistance detachments 107
West, Rebecca 427, 426
Western Union 75, 461-2
Westminster, Duke of 436
WESTWARD HO! Operation 204, 288, 296
Weygrand, Maxime 192
Wheatley, Dennis 158, 160
Wheeler, Charles 112
Wheeler, Geoffrey 535, 562, 568, 570
Wheler, David 290
Whinney, Pat 374, 378, 392, 525
White, Dick 16, 49, 99, 100, 154, 390, 408, 516, 517, 521, 531, 621-2, 625-6, 630, 637, 639-41, 645, 651, 652, 659, 661, 662, 671, 672, 675, 681, 684, 687, 692-4, 696, 704, 705, 707, 710, 718, 723, 724, 727, 738, 739
White, Tony 774, 775
White Guard (Voluntary Anti-Communist Militia) 330, 332, 337, 353
White Knights of Britain 441
White Russian Armed Services Union (ROVS) 189,190,405,407
White Russian Schutzkorps 414-15
White Russians 19, 106, 130, 187, 189, 190, 191, 215, 220, 268, 407, 413
White Ruthenian Veterans League 217
Whitelaw, William 740
Whitlock, John 140, 141
Whittal, Arthur 207, 543
Whittal, Michael 213
Wicht, Adolf 104
Wickham, Sir Charles 317
Wierzbianski, M. 441
Wiesenthal, Simon 112, 116, 544
Wigg, George 640
Wilbur, Donald 583, 584, 586, 591, 597
Wild, Noel 157
Wilkinson, Ellen 428
Wilkinson, Peter 249, 250, 253, 337, 338, 340, 496
Williams, Sir Alan 120n
Williams, Alan Lee 471
Williams, Bill 98
Williams, Michael 618, 621, 630
Wilson, Bevil 332
Wilson, Charles 587
Wilson, 'Falcon' 698
Wilson, Geoffrey 13, 167, 303
Wilson, Harold 500, 688, 716, 717, 725, 728, 731, 744, 791
Wilson, Hon. John 210
WiN see Freedom and Independence
Winch, Michael 255
Wingate, Ronald 156
Winks, Robin 361-2, 398
Winn, Rowley 690
Winterton, Gen. 120
Wiseman, Sir William 461
Wisner, Frank 210, 221, 239, 243, 246, 263, 264, 362-3, 368-71, 373, 379, 380, 391, 393, 395-9, 437, 464, 467, 478, 485, 505, 566, 583, 591, 633, 641, 648, 707
Wolodymyr (OUN-B) 227
Womersley, Dennis 687
Wood Cats 274
Woodhouse, Christopher 33, 307, 308, 316, 317, 324-7, 368, 467-8, 475, 510, 568, 569, 571, 573, 574, 577-80, 585, 587
Woodhouse, John 684, 686, 697
Woodruff, Douglas 427, 430, 438
Woods, Christopher 570
'Woody' (ex-SAS) 736, 737
Working Group on US/ UK Co-operation 670
World Anti-Communist League (WACL) 222,449
World Assembly of Youth (WAY) 468-71, 475
World Bank 607
World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) 468
World Federation of Trade Unions 43
World Jewish Congress 96, 97
World Student Congress (Prague, 1946) 471-2
Wrangel, Peter 192
Wreciona, Yevhen 231
Wright, Michael 656
Wright, Sir Oliver 548
Wright, Peter 149, 158, 190, 419, 517, 555, 556, 611, 620, 623, 633, 634, 645
Wrigley, Michael 712, 713
Wyke, John 130, 555
Wyman, John 741
Wyndham, John (later Lord Egremont) 723
Wynne, Greville 704, 708
X organisation 310, 314, 317, 320, 550
X-2 (OSS) 11
Xoxe, Kod 364, 376
'Y' intercepts 26
Y Section 130, 131
Yakuta, N.I. 416-17, 423
Yalta agreement (1945) 201, 414, 429, 434
Yaskevycz, Maj. 201, 204
Yatsevich, Gratian 391, 397, 399
Yemen Relief Fund 690
Yes, Minister (television programme) 797
Young, Courtney 419
Young, George 34, 43, 57, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 83, 84, 87, 89, 112, 113, 121, 122, 123, 126, 129, 142, 156, 176, 203, 378, 399, 487, 498-501, 509, 511, 512, 514, 516, 517, 520-23, 526, 548, 554, 562, 568-9, 570, 573, 586, 591, 592, 597-602, 608, 609-10, 614-17, 621, 625-8, 630, 636-9, 641, 644, 647-50, 653-4, 655, 662, 669, 676, 680, 710-11, 712, 715, 720, 721, 743
Young, Robin 686
Young, Rollo 378, 386
Young Russians see Mladorossy
Young, T.C. 579
Younger, Kenneth 88, 612
Yovanovitch, Slobodan 632
Yugoslav Gendarmerie 337
Yugoslav government-in-exile 335, 434
Yugoslav National Committee 151, 353
Yugoslav War Crimes: Commission 339; Liaison Detachment 349
Z-Network 124, 131, 168, 174, 426
Zacharka, V. 216, 217
Zaehner, Robert 378, 392, 534, 535, 537, 562-3, 564, 565, 570, 571, 578
Zaharoff, Sir Basil 406
Zahedi, Ardeshir 575, 592, 594
Zahedi, Faziollah 574-5, 576, 577, 582, 583, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 591, 592, 593, 594, 632
Zaheer, Seyyed Ali 563
Zahid, Sheikh Ibrahim 690
Zakevicius, Stasys 278-9
Zaleski, August 167, 170, 432
Zambia Intelligence Service 475
Zarb, James 631
Zarine, Charles 279, 280, 294, 285, 287-8, 289,433,447
Zaydi sect 678
Zbor movement 331, 332, 335, 352
Zbytek, Charles 183
Zemaitis, Jonas 292, 298
Zenon sigint project 778
Zervas, Napoleon 306, 307-8, 320, 323, 359
Zhadanov, Andrei 66, 67
Zhadanov faction 485
Zilenski, Alexander 189, 190
Zilinskas, Walter 274, 278, 281, 285
Zimbabwean intelligence service 768
Zimmerman, Fred 591
Zionists 485, 506, 534, 540, 544
Zircon 778, 780
Zirkaneh Giants 584
Zog, King 355, 356, 357, 359, 361, 362, 372, 379, 380, 388, 392, 397, 399; Zogists, 357-8, 359,397
Zymantas, Stasys 281, 282, 283, 285, 287, 288, 292
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