26 October 1999: Link to the third part transcription of NSTISSAM TEMPEST/1-92, Sections 6-12: http://crytpome.org/nt1-92-6-12.htm
25 October 1999: The second part transcription of NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92, Table of Contents, Sections 1-5: http://cryptome.org/nt1-92-1-5.htm
For comprehensive TEMPEST stuff (non-secret, that is) see The Complete, Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page: http://www.eskimo.com/~joelm/tempest.html
24 October 1999
Source: Hardcopy from the National Security Agency received October 21, 1999.
Released in response to an FOIA
request dated May 18, 1998. Of twenty-two TEMPEST-related documents
requested, only parts of two were released. NSA wrote that most remain classified
as SECRET and unreleasable. An
appeal for additional
releases has been filed.
This an initial part of transcription of a 172-page document released in which classified sections, about half of the volume, have been redacted (indicated by xxxxxxxx). Balance of transcription is underway and will be offered here as completed.
The other release, NSA/CSS Regulation 90-6, Technical Security Program, a 12-page document: http://cryptome.org/nsa-reg90-6.htm
Classification symbols: (U) = unclassified, (C) = classified, FOUO = for official use only. Overstrikes in the original.
15 December 1992 FOREWORD 1. (U) National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory Memorandum (NSTISSAM) TEMPEST/1-92, "Compromising Emanations Laboratory Test Requirements, Electromagnetics" specifies test procedures for identifying the conducted and electromagnetic radiation emanations characteristics of individual equipment in a laboratory environment. This NSTISSAM supersedes NSTISSAM TEMPEST/l-91, dated 21 March 1991. 2. (U) This document contains communications security material. Access by contractor personnel is restricted to U.S. citizens holding final U.S. Government clearances. This document is not releasable to the Defense Technical Information Center per DoD Instruction 5100.38. 3. (U) Representatives of the National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee (NSTISSC) may obtain additional copies of this advisory memorandum from: Executive Secretariat National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee National Security Agency Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000 4. (U) U.S. Government contractors are to contact their appropriate government agency or Contracting Officer Representative regarding distribution of this document. [Signature] J. M. McCONNELL Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy
[Appendix A, 4 pp., is one of A-M appendices]
A.1. (U) General. -- The Director, National Security Agency, has responsibility for providing guidance on security classification and control of inforrnation pertaining to compromising emanations, including the releasability of this information to foreign nationals.
A.2. (U) Scope. -- These guidelines cover information relating to the control of compromising emanations and supplement those in NTISSI-4002. dated 5 June 1986.
A.3. (U) Rationale. -- Compromising emanations information shall bE classified based on provisions of Executive Order 12356, "National Security Information," dated 2 April 1982.
[Two paragraphs of ten lines redacted]
FOUO b. (U) The following guidelines describe
various aspects of the compromising emanations problems and provide levels
of classification which shall be assigned to this information The levels
of classification indicate the minimum levels of protection which shall be
afforded a particular category of compromising emanations information (It
may be necessary to assign higher levels of classification to specific categoreis
of compromising emanations information depending on such factors as: [three
lines redacted]
FOUO c. (U) [Two lines redacted]
No person is entitled to possess or access information concerning compromising
emanations solely because of his office, position, or type of clearance.
No information related to the subject of compromising emanations shall be
released to the public through the press, advertising, radio, TV, or other
public media without specific written approval from the Director, National
Security Agency.
FOUO c. (U) The discussion of TEMPEST
information on commercial telephones is discouraged. [One line redacted]
Attempts to "talk around" classified TEMPEST information must be avoided.
1 Does not apply to Contractors [Note to unknown redacted section]
A.4. (U) Classification Marking. -- In accordance with the following guidelines, classification markings for compromising emanations information shall be reflected in each paragraph, and at the top and bottom of each page and the cover sheets:
a. (U) For Department of Defense contractors and bidders --
in accordance with the directives of DoD 5220 22-M and the authorization and guidelines of the contractor's/bidder's DD-254.b. (U) For all other contractors and bidders --
in accordance with appropriate department or agency guidance.c. (U) For U S. Government testing agencies --
"Classified by NSA/CSSM 123-2 Declassify On: Originating Agency's Determination Required"
A.5. (U) Foreign Release. -- Classified TEMPEST information may be released to foreign nationals only when authorized by the Director, National Security Agency. Address requests for authorization to Director, National Secunty Agency, ATTN: S1, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-6000. Each publication which contains classified TEMPEST information shall have the following notation placed on its letter of promulgation, handling instructions or title page.
"This publication or the information it contains may not be released to foreign nationals without prior specific approval from the Director, National Security Agency. All approvals will identify the specific information extracted from this publication authorized for release to specific foreign holders."
A.6. (U) Specific Guidelines. -- This apperldix contains clsssification guidelines which relate only to TEMPEST information. Terms, details of testing, test data, etc., related to standard radio frequency interference (RFI), electromagnetic interference (EMI) or electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing are unclassified and are not addressed in these guidelines. These guidelines cover the most common occurrences; if circumstances arise which are not covered by these guidelines, the originator must determine a classification based on the rationale contained in Paragraph A.3 above.
A.7. (U) TEMPEST Classification Chart Outline. -- Tne following is a TEMPEST classification chart to assist in specific problems. The contents of this chare are:
a. (U) Terms (when associated with TEMPEST) and definitions.b. (U) Policy.
c. (U) General TEMPEST statements.
d. (U) Procedures, techniques, and specifications.
e. (U) Laboratory tests.
A.8. (U) TEMPEST Classification Chart.
a. (U) Terms (when associated with TEMPEST) and Definitions. -- The definitions for the terms listed herein are contained in Appendix A, NACSIM 5000. | ||
Terminology |
Classification |
Term |
Definition |
1. (U) Acoustic Emanation | UNCLASSIFIED | CONFIDENTIAL |
2. (U) Average Depth of Correct Symbol (ADCS) | UNCLASSIFIED | CONFIDENTIAL |
3. (U) Bit Density Information | UNCLASSIFIED | CONFIDENTIAL |
4. (U) Compromising Emanations (CE) | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
5. (U) Controlled Space (CS) | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
6. (U) Digraphic Information | UNCLASSIFIED | CONFIDENTIAL |
7. (U) Emission Security | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
8. (U) Fortuitous Conductions (FC) | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
9. (U) Information Ratio (IR) | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
10. (U) Line Conduction (LC) | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
11. (U) Monographic Information | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
12. (U) Polygraphic Information | UNCLASSIFIED | CONFIDENTIAL |
13. (U) Powerline Conduction | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
14. |
xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
15. |
xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
16. |
xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx |
17. (U) Short Cycle Operation | UNCLASSIFIED | CONFIDENTIAL |
18. (U) Skewed Parallel Signal | UNCLASSIFIED | CONFIDENTIAL |
19. (U) Telecommunications | UNCLASSIFIED | UNCLASSIFIED |
21. (U) Transition Density Information | UNCLASSIFIED | CONFIDENTIAL |
Statement |
Classification |
b. (U) Policy. -- Information indicating the U.S. Goverment's national-level policies, programs, responsibilties, or resources for the control of compromising emanations. | CONFIDENTIAL |
c. (U) General TEMPEST Statements. | |
(1) (U) The statement, without gaving details, that a specific plaintext processing equipment/system has TEMPEST deficiencies. (If any specifics are provided, see Paragraph A.8.e). |
(2) (U) The statement that a TEMPEST-suppressed version of a plaintext processing equipment/system is available. (If any specifics are provided, see Paragraph A.8.e). |
(3) (U) Schematics or information regarding the technical or perforrnance characteristics of specific counterrneasures (circuits, devices or components) which are identified as being used to control or eliminate the following types of TEMPEST problems if not associated with a specific equipment or system. (If a specific equipment or system is identified, see Paragraph A.8.e). |
UNCLASSIFIED xxxxxxxxxx |
(4) (U) The statement that a specific equipment/system has been scheduled for a TEMPEST test. |
(5) (U) Complete or essentially complete listings of TEMPEST documents. |
d. (U) Procedures, Techniques and Specifications. | |
(1) (U) Procedures, techniques, and specifications for the detection of compromising emanations which compromise plaintext. |
(2) (U) Information revealing the specific analytic methods or techniques used to extract information or otherwise exploit compromising emanations related to plaintext. |
(3) (U) Information revealing newly discovered, or certain special, techniques for interception, analysis, or testing. |
e. (U) Laboratory Tests. -- The following statements provide guidance relative to system and equipment TEMPEST evaluations. | |
(1) (U) Test results, or other information, including the information ratio (IR), which indicates that the following TEMPEST vulnerabilities exist with a specific equipment/system which process national security information. |
CONFIDENTIAL xxxxxxxxxx |
(2) (U) The statement, without revealing specific details, that an equipment/ system has been modified to meet TEMPEST requirements or that TEMPEST vulnerabilities have been corrected. |
(3) (U) Information that specific TEMPEST vulnerabilities have been corrected with a specific equipment/system. |
(4) |
xxxxxxxxxx |
Note: Schematics and drawings which include TEMPEST xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are not classified. |
Transcription and HTML by Cryptome.