A Successful working Lifter v2.0
by Daniel Melichar

created on March 26, 2002 - JLN Labs - Last update March 26, 2002
All informations in this page are published free and are intended for private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications

Sujet : Replication of Lifter1&2 from Daniel Melichar
Date : 24/03/2002 20:26:23
De : Daniel Melichar
A : JNaudin509@aol.com
Envoyé via Internet

I made these about 3 months ago and at present I'm working on minaturizing the power source,heating the cathode ( possibly to incandesance using tungsten in a vacuum ), testing lifters in SF6 or freon R-12.

I'll write more when the results are in but in the mean time,

Thanks for posting all this info...towards optimization.


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