--- In jlnlabs@y..., Jon Flickinger
<jonfli@i...> wrote:
To All,
This information is to all those presently involved in or
thinking about an attempted MEG replication. I'm expressing
opinions that I've come to from the results I've obtained after
spending many lab hours with many variations in topology and
circuitry. In no way am I de-potentializing the MEG (pun intended)
but simply trying to share what I've learned about the device for
the good of
the whole!
IMHO, it is a waste of time
to attempt power measurements of the MEG standard load resistors (that is, any linear resistive device) if one expects
to see any excess energy. The output loads must be resistive (non-reactive)
and nonlinear. The resistance must decrease with increasing
voltage and the power must be calculated from the output voltage
and current. Those of you powering
up your MEG for the first time with pure resistive loads, will
find the waveforms do not match Bearden's nor JLN's! Only with
nonlinear loads and a properly "tuned" MEG will you see
the near half sine current waveform in your primary coils.
With nonlinear loads and a
properly setup MEG, you will measure COP's >1 with the proper
measurement tools and techniques. In
general, the MEG seems to like voltage build up in the secondary
windings before supplying current to the load!
If so, this would seem to align with Tom Bearden's public
disclose of this device! The problem now lies in the utilization
of this excess power to do some useful work. It would appear to me that the MEG can
be run with lower secondary voltages and properly designed loads
and still yield COP's >1. In fact, this
should be a focal point for anyone doing this project.
1) A common nonlinear load device to try would be various voltage
rated MOV's or transient absorbers.
I used Panasonic ZNR10K621U's for COP's ranging from 1.75 to 5 depending on coil turns and supply voltage. Ask JLN how
he "conditioned" his carbon load resistor as I don't
know. ( JLN
Answer, see at : http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/negres.htm )
2) Use a higher spec'd device for Vds than the BUZ11. With only a
50 v rating for Vds, this device avalanches on the primary turn
off flyback phase and results in abnormal heating. Use a device
with a Vds >200 volts and an Id >4 amps.
3) The power supply can also be a constant current source and
will actually provide some measure of safety if disaster strikes
in the switching circuitry!
4) I can't stress strongly enough the safety issues regarding the
high output voltages one will encounter on the secondaries! USE
CAUTION! Be sure your measurement devices connected to any
portion of the secondaries are capable of withstanding the
voltages you will encounter.
I can now understand why the MEG presents certain problems in
achieving a self-running state and it may not be necessary as Tom
Bearden has recently tried to point out!
If anyone should experience valid COP's >1 with standard
linear loads, please speak out!
Jon Flickinger
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