The Naudin's ZPF Motor
N-ZMotor v1.0
Built and designed by Jean-Louis Naudin
created on 09-16-98 - JLN Labs - last update on 09-21-98
This ZPF Motor is based on the Trouton-Noble experiment that I have performed on April 24th, 1998. The Trouton-Noble experiment was intended to detect the motion of the earth through the aether: When a freely suspended parallel plate capacitor is charged at high voltage, it turns "spontaneously" so as to minimize its total energy, and seeks a stable position parallel to the direction of motion of the earth through the aether (the Zero Point Field). ( for more informations see also : The Trouton-Noble Experiment )
So, my current N-ZMotor V1.0 uses this effect so as to generate a continuous rotation of the capacitor. A special commutator energizes the plates of the capacitor twice each turn. The commutator is linked to the capacitor and turns with it (the capacitor is lined up on the 0-180 degrees commutator line). The High Voltage is sent through the commutator, by influence, to the capacitor plates from 0 to 90 degrees, then from 180 to 270 degrees (see the pictures below).
When the voltage is applied with my Wimshurst machine the rotor (the capacitor) begins to turn counter-clockwise (whichever of the HV polarities) at about 10 RPM. Until now, the effect of polarity reversal was ignored. As a result, the capacitor behaves like a simple waterwheel in the aether....
click here to see the N-ZMotor v1.0 video demo (152k)
( if you don't have the RealPlayer 5.0, you may download it freely at : )
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