Propulsive effect on two capacitors driven by slope-asymmetrical pulses experiment


by Stavros G. Dimitriou

created on March 4th, 2001 - JLN Labs - March 18th, 2001

This is the replication of the Stavros' device for developping a directional thrust and it is very close to the original setup.
This device has been presented at the Propellantless Propulsion Conference at the University of Sussex on January 20-22, 2001
and fully explained in the paper
"Efforts in developing upward and directional thrust" by Stavros G. Dimitriou

Characteristics of the tested apparatus

Total measured capacitance of the two capacitors : 1.45 nF
Size of each capacitor : 147 x 93 mm
Capacitor armature : Aluminum plate, 5/10 mm thick
Dielectric used : a thin polyethylene sheet
An adhesive rubber ( black on the photo ) covers the edges of each capacitor for reducing the losses.
Distance between the inner edge of the capacitors : 600 mm
Weight of each capacitor : 38 g
Tether used : a thin nylon wire ( don't use a twisted wire )
Total weight of the apparatus : 134 g
Power Supply : 15 V DC @ 20 mA

Some advices :

The device is very sensitive to the air motion in the room, cautions must be taken before each test run :
- close all the windows and the doors in your room,
- put a paper mask in front of your mouth or put a hand for reducing the direct air from your respiration,
- wait a least 15 minutes before each test to be sure that there is no random motion of your apparatus,
- use a very thin nylon wire and don't use a twisted wire,
- check with an oscilloscope, if the signal is sent correctly with the correct wave shape to the twin capacitor,
- dont' forget that the torque observed is
very weak, the deviation angle is less than 2 degrees (see below)...

The original Stavros' diagram has been used for this experiment
The measured signal shape (below) sent to the Twin-Cap (C1) is fully in line with the RC-Norton waveform simulated above.

The Real signal measured across the Twin-Capacitor

" With the measured capacitance of 1.45 nF for the two capacitors, the fundamental frequency of the waveform should be = (1/(2*pi*1.45nF*376.7 ohm)) = 291.378 kHz (theoretically) or close to that as possible in practice ( Z0 is the free-space impedance ( see formula (11) ).  A peaking of the output thrust is observed when this condition is fullfilled." - Stavros Dimitriou

See the Videos of the experiment ( below )

Download the Video of the test ( size 377 kb )

Download the Video of the test ( size 264 kb )

To see thess videos, the free downloadable RealPlayer is required

The Stavros' Circular Transmission line experiment

Efforts in developing upward and directional thrust by Stavros G. Dimitriou

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