User's Guide of NAL
Input/Output Language
In this demonstration, NAL implements the following formal language, Narsese.
The input and output of the system are Narsese judgments.
<judgment> ::= [<statement> [frequency-value, confidence-value]]
<statement> ::= <relation>(<term>, <term>)
| <compound-statement>
| <term>
<term> ::= <word>
| <variable>
| <compound-term>
| <statement>
<variable> ::= <independent-variable>
| <dependent-variable>(<independent-variable>*)
<relation> ::= inheritance
| similarity
| implication
| equivalence
| instance
| property
| inst_prop // instance-property
<compound-statement> ::= negation(<statement>)
| conjunction([<statement>, <statement>+])
| disjunction([<statement>, <statement>+])
<compound-term> ::= ext_set([<term>+]) // extensional set
| int_set([<term>+]) // intensional set
| ext_intersection([<term>, <term>+]) // extensional intersection
| int_intersection([<term>, <term>+]) // intensional intersection
| ext_difference(<term>, <term>) // extensional difference
| int_difference(<term>, <term>) // intensional difference
| product([<term>, <term>+])
| ext_image(<term>, <term>) // extensional image
| int_image(<term>, <term>) // intensional image
The frequency-value is a real number in [0, 1]; the confidence-value a real number in (0, 1).
User Interface
The program can be invoked in the following ways:
revision(J1, J2, J).
Judgment J is the result of a revision between judgments J1 and J2.
The three judgments all have the same statement in them.
choice(J1, J2, J).
Judgment J is the result of a choice between judgments J1 and J2.
inference(J1, J2, J).
Judgment J is the conclusion derived from judgments J1 and J2
as premises.
inference(J1, J).
Judgment J is the conclusion derived from judgment J1 as single premise.