Spin waves in condensed matter are a current and well-studied topic in modern physics. However, there is a less-known backwater in this field: Torsion Fields, the quantum spin of empty space; the large-scale coherent effects of the spin of the particles in the virtual sea.Initial work in this field was performed by Einstein and Cartan in the 1920's, now known as ECT (Einstein-Cartan-theory.) Currently there are rumors that spin waves have real physical consequences, and that useful technology can be based on such things. If "torsion fields" can be used for communication, they could explain such things as telepathy and PK. Most of the recent work has been done in Russia, but now and then interesting things appear in the US as well.
R.Penrose, W.Rindler "Spinors and space-time", Cambrige university press, vol.1, 1984, vol.2, 1986.
(The term "Axion" was coined by Dr. F. Wilczek of IAS Princeton, inspired by the laundry detergent of the same name!)