1. AR/AP tasks:
a. Use
case: Dunning due payments in AR
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Actor: Company |
Actor: Trading Partner |
as role: dunner |
as role: customer |
The customers with an agreed debt to us have been found, and they have been noted properly.
The customer have been reminded of that his invoices is due, and about what consequences may arise.
Customer not able to pay have been given delay according to company policy or transferred to the legal dept. for suing.Roles
Company as dunner
Trading Partner as customerPreconditions
The company is fully set up in an arap facility or an arap BSP.
Invoices have been sent to customers.
Some invoices are now overdue.Steps
The dunner request an aging report showing which invoices are due and not paid.
The dunner reqoncile the differences between the Company and the customer
During the reconcilation the dunner may send the customer an account statement and request a statement from him.
The dunner duns the customer by sending him a dunning statement
The dunner transfer not paying customers to an legal dept.Trigger
The dunners contract specifies that his responsibility is to dun due invoices at certain intervals in time.Main Success Scenario
The customer have received the dunning statement
The dunning statement reflects the dunner and the customers view
The arap of both the Company and the customer are reconciled
The customer pay what is due
Not paying customers are been taken care of at legal dept and blocked, if desired, from ordering more product and services.Extensions
Test Specification
Open Issues
b. Use case: Maintain
purchases and bills
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Actor: Company |
Actor: Trading Partner |
as role: financial manager |
as role: supplier |
Drafts and commitments have been approved or rejected.
PO and bills have been approved and signed or rejected.
Request for payments have been executed.Roles
Company as Financial Manager
Trading Partner as supplierPreconditions
The company is fully set up in an arap facility or an arap BSP.
There exist drafts and commitments to be approved.
There exist PO and bills to be approved.
The financial Manager have been given the access rights to perform these tasks. He is entitled to pay up to a certain amount of money.
There exist debt that should be paid.Steps
The Financial Mangager goes through drafts and commitments, and mark the items which he approves and reject. He can cancel or confirm his work.
The Financial Mangager goes through PO and Bills, and mark the items which he approves and reject. He can cancel or confirm his work.
The Financial Mangager goes through the aging report for AP, marks the item that he wants to pay. He confirms this with the necessary steps required by his bank, for instance autenticating using a password generator.Trigger
The Financial Manager contract specifies that his responsibility is to approve documents and request payments at certain intervals in time.Main Success Scenario
The supplier is noted of acceptances of drafts and commitments.
The PO and bills states are approved.
The bank receives payments order.Extensions
Test Specification
Open Issues
b. Use case: Post
transaction based on notification of payments from bank
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Actor: Company |
Actor: BSP |
as role: financial manager |
as role: Bank |
Notification of payments are posted to the ARAP.Roles
Company perform role as Financial Manager
BSP perfor role as Bank'Preconditions
The company is fully set up in an arap facility or an arap BSP.
There exist and bank connected to the arap with ability to post.
There exist an abililty to be notified.
There exist notification of payments.
The notification include information identifying the payment against the invoice and earlier documents.
The financial Manager have been given the access rights to perform these tasks.Steps
Notification of payments are received.
Notification of success of receivement is sendt to the bank.
Notification of payments are automatically entered into an journal.
Finanacial manager approves all or the individual the entries and post them.Trigger
The contract with the bank specifies that at certain intervals in time you will receive notification.Main Success Scenario
The bank is notified that the notification succeded.
The payments are cleared against the invoices (post against post).
In the AR aging report, payments notified doesn't appear.Extensions
Test Specification
Open Issues