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<ledger>   (arapXML:IdType) information about the ledger this GLTransactionSet is a member of. 
     <idContent> (string) uniquely identifies the ledger of which the transaction set is a member. 
(string) the naming or numbering scheme the idContent is a member of. 
(string) ISO 639 code; the primary language of the ledger. 
(string) Name of the ledger if any.  e.g. "Peoria Branch" 
(string) (not used) 
(string) identifier of the parent ledger within the same scheme. 
(string) total net assets in the ledger, including this GLTransactionSet. 
(string) URI pointer to the schema for this instance, if other than arapXML. 
(string) URI to the data interface for the accounting system containing the ledger.   
<any> (string) any string(s), user defined.


 IdType element, and general usage of the element: 

Usage as child of ledger element:
1. idContent 

Same as ebXML, "A  character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects within the same scheme." eg. 13ABC4234 

Uniquely identifies, within the scheme "idSchemeName", the ledger of  which this GLTransactionSet is a member. 
2. idSchemeName 

A string such as DUNS, UNSPSC etc. Name compliant with ebxml data element, which may be provided by (globally disambiguated by schemaUri below in case of name collisions.)
Identifier schemes for ledgers will usually be completely different from schemes for party, product, etc.

The idSchemeName of a ledger identification scheme is a human-readable name of the ASP, system, host or software which created this GLTransactionSet instance, and which maintains unique identifers for ledgers.

3. languageCode 

An ISO 639 code: the language of the idContent, and/or its underlying record found at idName or dataUri below. 
Identifies the primary language of the ledger
4. idName 

same as ebXML. a character string. eg. widget, EXXON, etc.
Name of the ledger if any.  e.g. "Peoria Branch", "European rollup" etc. 
5. version 

version number of the full record, idContent, or scheme whichever is more granular. Enables a primitive integrity in distributed applications.
(not used) 
6. parent 

another ID within the same scheme, of which this ID is child. enables expression of hierearchy in a list.
identifier of the parent ledger within the same scheme
7. balance   type="Amount"

total balance of GL account, project, party AR/AP etc. associated with idContent, after posting this Entry
total net assets in the ledger, including this GLTransactionSet
8. schemaUri   type="xsd:uriReference"

an RFC 2396 URI pointing to an XML schema specifying the information model used in the underlying records in the scheme (ie in dataUri).
pointer to the schema for this instance, if other than arapXML. 
9. dataUri      type="xsd:uriReference" 

an RFC 2396 URI with query component which returns a record from the agency maintaining a scheme, or from a network application, filesystem, SQL database, XML repository, etc.
the data interface for the accounting system.  This is what arapXML is all about. 
10. any 

any string(s) required by user. minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" 

(string) any string(s), user defined.

Usage as child of ledger element:

idContent uniquely identifies, within the scheme "idSchemeName", the ledger of which this GLTransactionSet is a member. 

The idSchemeName of a ledger identification scheme is a human-readable name of the ASP, system, host or software which created this GLTransactionSet instance, and which maintains unique identifers for ledgers.


ISO 639 language code identifies the primary language used in the entries in this GLTransactionSet.
Name of the ledger, e.g. "Peoria Branch"
not used in the context of ledger.
identifier of the parent ledger within the same scheme
total net assets in the ledger, including this GLTransactionSet
pointer to the schema for this instance, if other than arapXML.
the data interface for the accounting system.  This is what arapXML is all about. 
(string) any string(s), user defined.