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Category: iterators | Component type: type |
DBView<DataObj, ParamObj>::sql_iterator is both an Input Iterator and Output Iterator that repeatedly executes a SQL string to read or write data against a particular DBView . The SQL string that is used by this iterator is controlled by the DBView constructor. Because the SQL string can be arbitrary (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or other SQL commands) sql_iterator can do anything the other DTL iterators do and much more. In practice, the primary application for sql_iterator is for use in calling stored procedures.
As with the other subclasses of DB_iterator, parameters and columns are bound respectively through the use of BPAs and BCAs. However, for sql_iterator, it is possible to specify parameter bindings either in the BCA or BPA. This flexiblity is necessary because a user defined SQL statement may contain all parameters e.g. "INSERT INTO TABLENAME VALUES(?, ?)" or "{call InsertProcedure(?, ?)}" and we want to allow these parameters to be written through a DataObj for compatibitility with the other DBView iterator types. Conceptually, we recommend that you place information that you wish to read or write into the DataObj class and information that you want to use for WHERE clause conditions into the ParamObj class. One important note is that the BCA and BPA will determine how sql_iterator behaves for operator++. If your BCA and BPA contain only parameters, then operator++ will simply call SQLExecute(). This matches the behavior given by insert_iterator, update_iterator, and delete_iterator. Therefore, your SQL statement will not get executed until the first call to operator++ if it contains only parameters. If your BCA and BPA have at least one bound column (i.e. BoundIO["ColumnName"] == row.ColumnName) then operator++ will use SQLFetch() logic. This matches the behavior given by select_iterator which means the SQL statement will get executed only once when the iterator is initialized and subseqent calls to operator++ will read additional values through the use of SQLFetch(). (If your SQL statement exposes multiple result sets these may be retrieved through the use of the MoreResults() function described below).
Because sql_iterator can run against arbitrary SQL statements it must distinguish what kinds of parameters are being bound. The three possible types of parameters are INPUT, OUTPUT and INPUT/OUTPUT. To make this distinction, sql_iterator introduces directional binding syntax for its parameters.
Each possible form of information flow between boundIO and DataObj/ParamObj corresponds to whether the parameter passed in to the query is an input, output, or input/output parameter. The user must be able to define the direction of information flow for parameters in cases such as stored procedure calls. The new binding syntax DTL provides shows the flow of information very clearly:
Expressions | Parameter Type | Description |
boundIOs[colName] << dataObj.member boundIOs[paramNum] << paramObj.member |
INPUT | The DataObj/ParamObj member supplies data needed by the SQL query. |
boundIOs[colName] >> dataObj.member boundIOs[paramNum] >> paramObj.member |
OUTPUT | The DataObj/ParamObj member receives data back from the SQL query. |
boundIOs[colName] == dataObj.member boundIOs[paramNum] == paramObj.member |
INPUT/OUTPUT | The DataObj/ParamObj member both supplies data to and receives back data from the SQL query. |
You should always use this new syntax with any BCA's and BPA's you define. To maintain backwards compatibility with BCA's and BPA's for select_iterator's, insert_iterator's, delete_iterator's, and update_iterator's, the use of "boundIOs[colName] == dataObj.member" and "boundIOs[paramNum] == paramObj.member" is still legal. The direction of information flow can be inferred from the type of iterator used in those cases. However, the directional syntax is mandatory for sql_iterators as no information flow semantics can be inferred from a general SQL query. Examples in this documentation may use both forms of syntax where legal.
Defined in the sql_iterator.h header file.
// Define an object to hold our row data -- used for joined table examples
class JoinExample
public: // tablename.columnname:
int exampleInt; // DB_EXAMPLE.INT_VALUE
string exampleStr; // DB_EXAMPLE.STRING_VALUE
double exampleDouble; // DB_EXAMPLE.DOUBLE_VALUE
unsigned long sampleLong; // DB_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_LONG
double extraDouble; // DB_SAMPLE.EXTRA_FLOAT
// Here we define a custom parameter object for use with our JoinExample
class JoinParamObj
int intValue;
string strValue;
int sampleInt;
string sampleStr;
// BCA for JoinExample ... needed to store bindings between
// query fields and members in JoinExample objects
class BCAJoinExample
void operator()(BoundIOs &cols, JoinExample &row)
cols["INT_VALUE"] >> row.exampleInt;
cols["STRING_VALUE"] >> row.exampleStr;
cols["DOUBLE_VALUE"] >> row.exampleDouble;
cols["SAMPLE_LONG"] >> row.sampleLong;
cols["EXTRA_FLOAT"] >> row.extraDouble;
// BPA for JoinParamObj ... set SQL Query parameters from object
class BPAJoinParamObj
void operator()(BoundIOs ¶ms, JoinParamObj ¶mObj)
params[0] << paramObj.intValue;
params[1] << paramObj.strValue;
params[2] << paramObj.sampleInt;
params[3] << paramObj.sampleStr;
// Read JoinExample objects from the database using a query that
// joins the DB_EXAMPLE and DB_SAMPLE tables
vector ReadJoinedData()
vector results;
// construct view
// note here that we use a custom parameter class for JoinExample
// rather than DefaultParamObj
"(SAMPLE_INT = (?) OR SAMPLE_STR = (?)) "
"ORDER BY SAMPLE_LONG", BCAJoinExample(), "",
// loop through query results and add them to our vector
DBView<JoinExample, JoinParamObj>::sql_iterator read_it = view.begin();
// assign paramteter values as represented by the (?) placeholders
// in the where clause for our view
read_it.Params().intValue = 3;
read_it.Params().strValue = "Join Example";
read_it.Params().sampleInt = 1;
read_it.Params().sampleStr = "Joined Tables";
for ( ; read_it != view.end(); ++read_it)
return results;
// Oracle stored procedure we wish to test
// for more information on this example, see the following Oracle documentation
#if 0
Create or replace package ExampleInfo as
Type ExampleRec is record
INT_VALUE integer,
STRING_VALUE varchar2(50)
Type ExampleCursor is ref cursor return
End ExampleInfo;
Create or replace procedure ExampleInfoProc
(LONG_CRITERIA IN integer, empcursor IN OUT
Open empcursor For
from db_example
class ProcBCA {
void operator()(BoundIOs &cols, variant_row &row)
cols["INT_VALUE"] >> row._int();
cols["STRING_VALUE"] >> row._string();
class ProcParams {
long long_criteria;
class ProcBPA {
void operator()(BoundIOs &cols, ProcParams &row)
cols[0] << row.long_criteria;
// Read the contents of a table and print the resulting rows
// *** you must have Oracle ODBC driver version for this to work ***
// The reason why is that the stored procedure shown above returns a "cursor"
// to pass back multiple rows which is only supported in Oracle ODBC driver
// version or higher. (Merant drivers for Oracle also support this syntax.)
void StoredProcReadData() {
// Note: ExampleInfoProc takes an integer as an input parameter to determine
// what records to return, and returns a cursor to a set of rows as an
// output parameter. The output cursor is bound implicitly as a set of columns.
DBView<variant_row, ProcParams> view("{call ExampleInfoProc(?)}",
ProcBCA(), "", ProcBPA());
variant_row s(view.GetDataObj());
// Print out the column names
vector<string> colNames = s.GetNames();
for (vector<string>::iterator name_it = colNames.begin(); name_it != colNames.end(); ++name_it)
cout << (*name_it) << " ";
cout << endl;
// Print out all rows and columns from our query
DBView<variant_row, ProcParams>::sql_iterator print_it = view.begin();
print_it.Params().long_criteria = 22;
for (; print_it != view.end(); ++print_it)
variant_row r = *print_it;
for (size_t i = 0; i
class EmptyDataObj
class ProcOutBCA
void operator()(BoundIOs &boundIOs, EmptyDataObj &rowbuf)
class ProcOutParams {
long long_criteria;
int numRecords;
friend ostream &operator<<(OSTREAM &PARAMS) COUT } PROCOUTBPA PROCOUTPARAMS // Oracle stored procedure we wish to test
#if 0
Create or replace procedure ExampleInfoProcOutParams
select count(*)
from db_example
// simply does a select count(*) from db_example where example_long = 22
void StoredProcCountRecords() {
DBView<EmptyDataObj, ProcOutParams> view("{call ExampleInfoProcOutParams(?, ?)}",
ProcOutBCA(), "", ProcOutBPA());
// execute our stored procedure
DBView<EmptyDataObj, ProcOutParams>::sql_iterator print_it = view.begin();
print_it.Params().long_criteria = 22;
print_it++; // force the statement to execute
cout << "number of records with EXAMPLE_LONG = 22 is "
<< print_it.Params().numRecords << endl;
// *** Note: This example is specific to SQL Server ***
// for more information on processing return values from
// SQL Server stored procedures, see this documentation
// stored procedure being called in this example
#if 0
-- Example procedure returns three things:
-- 1. A set of records from the select statement: "SELECT STRING_VALUE FROM DB_EXAMPLE"
-- After all records have been retrieved, output paramenters are returned:
-- 2. OutParm
-- 3. Return value for function
SELECT @OutParm = 66
-- Execute the procedure, which returns
-- the result set from the first SELECT.
EXEC @RetVal = TestParm @OutParm = @Param OUTPUT
-- Use the return code and output parameter.
PRINT 'The return value from the procedure was: ' +
PRINT 'The value of the output parameter in the procedure was: ' +
CONVERT(CHAR(6), @Param)
class TestParmBCA {
void operator()(BoundIOs &cols, variant_row &row)
cols["STRING_VALUE"] == row._string();
cols[0] >> row._int();
cols[1] >> row._int();
// Read the contents of a table and print the resulting rows
void StoredProcReadTestParm() {
DBView<variant_row> view("{? = call TestParm(?)}",
// NOTE: We need to construct r from the view itself since we
// don't know what fields the table will contain.
// We therefore make a call to the DataObj() function to have the
// table return us a template row with the correct number of fields
// and field types.
// We use this construction since we can't be guaranteed that the table
// is non-empty & we want to still display column names in this case.
variant_row s(view.GetDataObj());
// Print out the column names
vector<string> colNames = s.GetNames();
for (vector<string>::iterator name_it = colNames.begin(); name_it !=
colNames.end(); ++name_it)
cout << COUT // Print out all rows and columns from our query
DBView<variant_row>::sql_iterator print_it = view.begin();
variant_row r;
for (++print_it; print_it != view.end(); ++print_it)
r = *print_it;
for (size_t i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i)
cout << r[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "After call to MoreResults(), "
"SQL-Server gives results in output parameters & return code." << COUT }
Parameter | Description | Default |
DataObj | The type of object that will be written to the DBView. This object will be bound through use of the BCA to the appropriate columns in the database. The set of value types of an DBView::insert_iterator consists of a single type, DataObj. | |
ParamObj | The type of object that will be used to specify the postfix parameters to the DBView. | DefaultParamObj<DataObj> |
Input Iterator, Output Iterator.
DataObj and ParamObj must each fulfill the following requirements:.
DB_iterator<DataObj, ParamObj>, iterator<input_iterator_tag, DataObj>
Member | Where defined | Description |
DBView::sql_iterator() | sql_iterator | Default constructor. |
DBView::sql_iterator(DBView<DataObj, ParamObj> &view) | sql_iterator | See below. |
DBView::sql_iterator(DBView<DataObj, ParamObj>::select_iterator&) | sql_iterator | See below. |
DBView::sql_iterator() | sql_iterator | Default constructor. |
DBView::sql_iterator(const DBView::sql_iterator&) | Input Iterator | The copy constructor. See Note [2]. |
DBView::sql_iterator& operator=(const DBView sql_iterator&) | Input Iterator | The assignment operator |
const DataObj &operator*() const | Input Iterator | Dereferencing operator. Returns the DataObj pointed to in the DBView. This operator forbids assigning to the iterator's DataObj. |
DataObj &operator*() | Output Iterator | Dereferencing operator. Returns the DataObj pointed to in the DBView. This operator will be called in non-const situations. |
CountedPtr<DataObj> operator->() | Input Iterator | Dereferencing operator. Returns a pointer to the DataObj read from the DBView. |
DBView::select_iterator& operator++() | Input Iterator, Output Iterator | Preincrement. Reads/writes an DataObj from/to the DBView. See Note [1]. |
const DBView::select_iterator operator++(int) | Input Iterator, Output Iterator | Postincrement Reads/writes an DataObj fron/to the DBView. See Note [1]. |
friend bool operator==(const select_iterator &i1, const select_iterator &i2) | Input Iterator | Returns whether the two iterators are equal, that is, do they refer to the same DataObj? |
friend bool operator!=(const select_iterator &i1, const select_iterator &i2) | Input Iterator |
Returns whether the two iterators are not equal. Equivalent to !(i1 == i2). |
bool MoreResults() | Input Iterator | See below. |
void swap(DBView::sql_iterator &other) | sql_iterator | See below. |
These members are not defined in the Input Iterator or Output Iterator requirements or in DB_iterator<DataObj, ParamObj>, but are specific to DBView::sql_iterator.
Function | Description |
DBView::sql_iterator(DBView<DataObj, ParamObj> &view) | Creates an sql_iterator which refers to view. See Note [2]. |
DBView::sql_iterator(DBView<DataObj, ParamObj>::select_iterator&) | Constructs a sql_iterator from the select_iterator passed in. This new iterator will behave like a select_iterator. |
void swap(DBView::sql_iterator &other) | Swap *this with other. | bool MoreResults() | Gets the next result set if any. Returns true if another result set is available, false otherwise. This is primarly useful if the SQL string contains multiple SELECT statements or if the SQL string calls a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets. For details, see the example above and the SQLMoreResults() statement in the ODBC documentation. |
[1] This is the operation that actually reads/writes the DataObj from/to the database via the DBView. Each DBView::sql_iterator internally owns a DBStmt object which is allocated and prepared when the underlying ODBC statement handle is first needed and not before. The handle is not opened until absolutely needed in order to make copying and assigning these iterators an inexpensive operation.
[2] There is also a variant of this constructor which takes a second argument specifying a dummy whether the iterator is at the beginning or end of the DBView. It is used internally and should never be called by the end user.
Iterator, Input
Copyright © 2002, Michael Gradman and Corwin Joy.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Corwin Joy and Michael Gradman make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.