Acs majordomo
Err | Majordomo::CommandCertificatesReceived (MsgField *dataFld) Processes CMD_CERTIFICATES_RECEIVED command |
Err | Majordomo::CommandControllACCount (MsgField *dataFld) Serves TO_CHECK_AC_COUNT command |
Err | Majordomo::CommandDelFinderTbl (MsgField *dataFld) Serves the TO_DEL_FINDER_TBL command |
Err | Majordomo::CommandTimeoutAllocation (MsgField *dataFld) Serves TO_ALLOC Processes timeout command for allocation |
Err | Majordomo::DRCRFSGetFields (const MsgField *dataFld, GMessage **replyToAC, TID *replyToTID, Size *fileSize, RelTime **storageTime) Parses GMessage comming with CE_REQ_FOR_STOR command |
Err | Majordomo::DRCReplyAllocation (const MsgField *dataFld) Serves the CE_REPLY_ALLOCATION message |
Err | Majordomo::DRCReplyStorage (const MsgField *dataFld) Serves the reply to CE_DATA_TO_STOR Looks into the message, whether the storage was successful and prints the result to the stdout |
Err | Majordomo::DRCRequestForFile (const MsgField *dataField, const ACID acid) Serves CMD_REQ_FOR_FILE message |
Err | Majordomo::FillRequestForFile (GMessage *outMsg, MsgField * aFFID, GMessage *transportKey, Int depth, Int width) Sets the outMsg as RequestForFile |
Err | Majordomo::FillRequestForHeaders (GMessage *outMsg, MsgField *aFAM, GMessage *transportKey, Int depth, Int width) Sets the outMsg as RequestForHeaders |
void | Majordomo::FindFile (ArrayGMessage *certificates) Tries to find file on Esos |
void | Majordomo::FindHeaders (ArrayGMessage *certificates) Tries to find headers on Esos |
GMessage* | Majordomo::LoadPublicKey () Returns Client's pubKey |
Majordomo::Majordomo (Acs * parent, LogFile * majordomoLogFile) Acs Majordomo constructor | |
Majordomo::Majordomo (Client * parent, LogFile * logFile) Constructor of Majordomo in Client | |
Majordomo::Majordomo (Eso * parent, LogFile * majordomoLogFile) Eso Majordomo constructor |
Acs majordomo.. Processes various requests for certificates comming from network and takes apropriate action like sends back the requested certificates
Reply-To-ID: ID of a message assigned by sender (Client)
File-Size: Size of file Client whishes to store
Storage-Time: RelTime for which the file should be stored
replyToAC - out parameter for Reply-To access certificate
replyToTID - out parameter for Reply-To message ID
fileSize - out parameter for size of file whished to stored
storageTime - out parameter for time for which the file should be stored
processes the incoming request for file
- searches for file on this server
- if not found, continues the search
in the search tree
- if found, sends the file back to the client
- KO in the case of bad structure of dataField
or if fatal error comes (ex. NULL ptr to Finder)
- OK otherwise
(that means even in case of mistake in any step
of the algorithm [ex. cannot send the message
back to client] - these situations are only
written to the logFile)
logFile - Log file where to write messages
logFile - LogFile to write to.
majordomoLogFile - log file for debugging messages
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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