Message Creator
Err | MessageCreator::AddLocalCertifs ( GMessage *callBackOnionInfo) Adds local certificates to the certificates that are used for onion creation |
void | MessageCreator::AnnotateWith4ByteLength (GMessage *onion, char **onionBottomStream, Size *onionBottomStreamLen) Add Size integer as a header denoting the lenght of data |
GMessage* | MessageCreator::CreateChunk (GMessage * chunkProperties) Creates a chunk |
GMessage* | MessageCreator::CreateOnion (GMessage *onionProperties) Creates the onion with owner identification in the bottom |
GMessage* | MessageCreator::CreateOnionBottom ( char *xOrigin, GMessage *symKeys, GMessage **pubKeyInfo) Creates an onion bottom with Six's identification (or Mix's sometimes) |
GMessage* | MessageCreator::CreateOnionFromMixCertificate ( GMessage *onionProperties) Creates the onion with Mix's identification in the bottom |
Err | MessageCreator::MakeMoreOnionLayers (GMessage *properties, GMessage *callBackOnionInfo, GMessage *onion) Add some peels on the top of given onion |
GMessage* | MessageCreator::MakeRecipientGMessage (GMessage *mixCertif, GMessage *symKey) Makes GMessage with recipient's identification |
MessageCreator::MessageCreator (ConfigFile *mcConfigFile, LogFile * messageCreatorLogFile, CertificateRepository * certificateRepository, Cipherer * cipherer, KeyManager * keyManager) Message Creator constructor | |
char* | MessageCreator::PaddOnionRestOfPath (char *restOfPath, Size restOfPathLen, Size fixedSize) Padd the rest of path field to the original length |
Err | MessageCreator::ReturnCallBackOnionInfo (GMessage *onionProperties, GMessage **callBackOnionInfo) Returns GMessage full of useful stuff for creating onions or adding new peels onto the top of them |
Err | MessageCreator::ReturnGMsgFullOfMixCertifs (int tupleWidth, Size hopCount, GMessage **certificates) Returns Mixs' certificates |
MessageCreator::~MessageCreator () Message Creator destructor |
Message Creator. Specializes in creation of messages, chunks onions and similar things. Understands structure of onions and messages.
We add layers in a loop, in each loop we do:
Note: if onion is just an onionBottom, we add in the first step a symetric
key that is never used.. This is just that we didn't want to add any
additional if, the best programmers are lazy programmers :-).
onionBottomStream - The stream that is returned.
onionBottomStreamLen - Size of returned stream.
GM_RECIPIENT_1 - see CreateOnion() above for discussion on
on recipients in a peel
GM_DEBUG - some string, for debugging purpose
GM_PROTOCOL_VERSION - Mix-Mix protocol identification
GM_DATA - encrypted data
GM_REST_OF_PATH - rest of path
GM_ONION - chunk's recipient idenfification
GM_ADD_HOPS - how many peels to add on the top of the onion
GM_DATA - the data thas are to be transmitted inside
the chunk, we are not interested in its structure
GM_HOP_COUNT - how many peels we are to create
GM_ORIGIN - whose idenfification will be in the very bottom (eg.
eso_johny, joes_acs etc., the important fact is
that this string identifies the Six above the final
Mix, so is is not the Internet address)
GM_FINAL_STOP - a nonempty field, identifies
that the peel is tha last one
GM_ADDRESS - a name of the recipient
GM_PRIVATE_KEY_INFO - private key for data decryption
GM_SYMETRIC_DATA_KEY_INFOS - symetric keys for data decryption
symKeys - Symetric keys we have to insert into the bottom.
pubKeyInfo - Symetric keys we have to insert into the bottom.
GM_DESTINATION - which Mix object will get the answer
GM_MIX_CERTIFICATE - local identification of Mix
M_HOP_COUNT - how many peels to create
GM_RECIPIENT_1 - see MakeRecipientGMessage()
GM_REST_OF_PATH - is an encrypted GMessage
GM_SYMETRIC_DATA_KEY_INFOS - used for encryption in particular
GM_MIX_CERTIFICATES - used for creation recipients'
GMessages in particular peels
properties - Contains:
GM_ADD_HOPS - when we create a chunk
GM_HOP_COUNT - when we create a onion
onion - Onion on which we have to add additional peels.
symKey - This symKey is used somewhere else for path encryption.
For recipient to be able to use it, we encrypt the
symetric key with recipient's public key.
messageCreatorLogFile - Log file.
certificateRepository - Certificate repository object.
restOfPathLen - Rest of path length.
callBackOnionInfo - Returned parameter.
hopCount - How many certificates' tuples to return.
certificates - Returned certificates.
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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