Software Trusted Computing Base wrapper
Err | SWTCBWrapper::CertTableFindByACID ( const ACID acid, const shouldClose, GMessage **acPubKey, GMessage **acPrivKey, GMessage **tcbPubKey, GMessage **tcbPrivKey) Finds record in certifTable |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::CertTableInsert ( const ACID acid, const GMessage *acPubKey, const GMessage *acPrivKey, const GMessage *tcbPubKey, const GMessage *tcbPrivKey) Inserts record to certifTabel |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::ComputeMAC (const ID fid, const MsgField *oAuth, MsgField **mac) Computes MAC |
GMessage* | SWTCBWrapper::CreateReplyFileHeader (const GMessage *clientPubKey, const MsgField *ffid, const Size size) Creates a header to reply |
MsgField* | SWTCBWrapper::DecryptByACPriv (const ACID acid, const MsgField *data) Decrypts by private key |
MsgField* | SWTCBWrapper::DecryptByTCBPriv (const ACID acid, const MsgField *data) Decrypts data with private key |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::DeleteFileByFileID (const ID fid) Deletes file by file ID |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::GenerateACKeys (ACID *acid, GMessage **acPubKey, GMessage **tcbPubKey) Generates keys for access certificate |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::GetACPubKeys (const ACID acid, GMessage **acPubKey, GMessage **tcbPubKey) Returns public keys |
MsgField* | SWTCBWrapper::GetFileByFinderFID (const ACID acid, const MsgField *ffid, const GMessage *clientPubKey) Pops file with ffid |
Queue* | SWTCBWrapper::GetFileHeadersByFAM (const ACID acid, const MsgField *fam, const GMessage *clientPubKey) Searches for file by file attribute mask |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::GetRingKeys (GMessage ** ringKeys) Loads ring keys |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::InstantiateTCBTables (const GMessage *ringKeys) Initializes all TCBTables |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::LoadMasterKey () Loads master key |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::RefreshMasterKey () Create new master key and reencrypt the file that stores ring keys |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::RefreshRingKeys () Create new ring keys and reencrypt certifTable and certifTable |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::RemoveACKeys (const ACID acid) Removes access certificate keys |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::Rollback (const TID tid) Rolls back a transaction |
SWTCBWrapper::SWTCBWrapper (Eso *anEso, LogFile *aLogFile) SWTCBWrapper constructor | |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::SaveFile (const ACID acid, const ID fid, const MsgField *ffid, const MsgField *keywords, const MsgField *data) Saves file |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::StorTableFindByFFID ( const MsgField *ffid, Char **fileName, GMessage **storageKey, Keywords **keywords, Size *size) Finds record in storageTable |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::StorTableFindByFID ( const ID fid, const Int shouldClose, Char **fileName, GMessage **storageKey) Finds record in storageTable |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::StorTableInsert ( const ID fid, const MsgField *ffid, const Char *fileName, const GMessage *storageKey, const MsgField *keywords, const Size fileSize) Inserts record to storageTable |
Err | SWTCBWrapper::StorTableParseRecord (const Record *storRec, ID *fid, MsgField **ffid, Char **fileName, GMessage **storageKey, Keywords **keywords, Size *fileSize) Parses record got from storageTable |
SWTCBWrapper::~SWTCBWrapper () SWTCBWrapper destructor |
| |||||||||||
Software Trusted Computing Base wrapper. This class realizes all TCB tasks purely programmaticaly without need of any hardware.
acPubKey - Access certificate public key
acPrivKey - Access certificate private key
tcbPubKey - TCB public key
tcbPrivKey - TCB private key
oAuth - String sent by bank to verify file owner
mac - Counted hash (out parameter)
ffid - Search file ID to include in header
size - File size to include in header
data - Data whished to decrypt
data - Data to be encrypted by TCB private key
acPubKey - Generated access public key (out parameter)
tcbPubKey - Generated access public key (out parameter)
acPubKey - Access public key (out parameter)
tcbPubKey - TCB public key (out parameter)
ffid - Encrypted search file ID
clientPubKey - Client's public key to encrypt replies with
fam - Encrypted File Attribute Mask to search by
clientPubKey - Client's public key to encrypt replies with
aLogFile - log file for debugging messages
fid - file ID of file to save
ffid - search file ID of file to save
keywords - keywords for file to save
data - to save
fileName - name of save file (out parameter)
storageKey - symetric key used to encrypt saved file (out parameter)
keywords - keywords for saved file (out parameter)
size - size of saved file (out parameter)
shouldClose - Should I close the storageTable, after I'm
fileName - name of save file (out parameter)
storageKey - symetric key used to encrypt saved file (out parameter)
ffid - search file ID of saved file
fileName - name of save file
storageKey - symetric key used to encrypt saved file
keywords - keywords for saved file
fileSize - size of saved file
fid - file ID of saved file (out parameter)
ffid - search file ID of saved file (out parameter)
fileName - name of save file (out parameter)
storageKey - symetric key used to encrypt saved file (out parameter)
keywords - keywords for saved file (out parameter)
fileSize - size of saved file (out parameter)
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
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