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Politicisation of Kargil for Parliamentary Elections

India today is a victorious nation led by a visionary leader and statesman, Mr. Vajpayee. His statesmanship has rallied the international opinion behind India….the world today condemns Pakistan but the Congress condemns the leader of the winning nation. Patriotism today sweeps the entire nation but the Congress condemns India’s patriotic leader-. Arun Jaitley of BJP.

The Kargil war has almost ended, but the political parties in the country are now active in the war of words and converting "Operation Vijay" into operation "Lok Sabha poll."

In the beginning of Kargil conflict, all the political parties kept aside their differences at the hour of "national crisis" and expressed their solidarity with the government and the army. An emotional upsurge never before seen and with the media bringing the war to the drawing rooms, people from all walks of life in the country irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, and region stood unitedly behind the government and the army fighting the Pakistani intruders. But once the government had a firm grip over the situation, the opposition parties, particularly the Congress and the Communists began to see the situation in Kargil through electoral politics. They apprehended that the favourable outcome of this conflict might benefit the BJP led Government in the ensuing midterm Lok Sabha polls. Firing its first shot, the Congress in a statement said, "Kargil shows that Lahore Bus diplomacy has been an utter failure." M.K.Dhar, a retired Joint Director in Intelligence Bureau (he has reportedly joined the Congress party) in a write-up "Death of Lahore Declaration" in a recent issue of `Nation and the World` ridiculed the Government. He said, "Remember, the euphoria generated by the BJP leadership through the media over Vajpayee`s bus journey to Lahore undertaken, firstly, to please the Americans and secondly to claim it as a diplomatic achievement of great import which would also draw the Muslim voters to the party. Never in the history of international diplomacy has a bi-lateral agreement been unilaterally disowned even before the ink has dried on it, as has happened to the ill conceived Lahore declaration, which went entirely in Pakistan favour." When almost all the newspapers in the country described the G-8 communique on Kargil crisis as vindication of India`s stand, Ajit Jogi, spokesman of Congress interpreted it as failure of the Government`s diplomacy because Pakistan had not been named explicitly as aggressor in it. Ironically, even the former Prime Minister, I.K.Gujaral who should know better described the communiqué as ambiguous.

The Congress dilemma:

To avoid face to face dialogue with the Government, Ms Sonia Gandhi stayed away from the all-party meeting convened by the government and sent her representative. She got her figures wrong when in her recent rally at Ahmedabad, said, "thousands of our brave soldiers were murdered in Kargil." When the BJP demanded an apology from her, she changed her statement in a Lucknow rally saying, "hundreds of our brave soldiers sacrificed their lives in Kargil." The BJP retorted "She had hurt the sentiments of the soldiers and the nation by distorting the truth." Later, the Congress party changed the tune and its spokesman said, "we will the discomforting questions every alternate day."

The Congress leaders are in a dilemma over the Kargil issue in their election campaign. A section in the party is of the view that the criticism of the Government on Kargil issue has not been well received by the people in the country and hence the party should avoid focussing on the alleged failure of the government on Kargil but concentrate their fire on the overall performance of the government. They feel that the post-Kargil Vajpayee has developed a much larger image, while the Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s image might get overshadowed if she stretches the Kargil issue beyond a point.

The advisers of Sonia Gandhi do not appear to be convinced of this view. In the CWC meeting of the party on July 21-22, members sensing the mind of Sonia Gandhi decided to make Vajpayee their main focus of attack and to launch an aggressive campaign against him on Kargil issue. Blaming the Prime minister for keeping the country in the dark about Pakistani infiltration in Kargil it said "revelation of truth would have exposed him to ridicule before the nation."

Communist parties:

The communist parties focussed mainly on the "failure of the government." The CPI General Secretary, A.B.Bardhan wrote to the President of India accusing the government on "back-channel diplomacy" on Kargil and the alleged secret visit of a representative of a `big industrialist` to Pakistan. Referring to an editorial "Enough is enough—teach Islami Pakistan a lesson" published in RSS mouthpiece `Panchajanya`, he accused the Sangh leaders of communalising the Kargil issue.

The CPM Polit bureau member, Sitaram Yechuri in an interview (Times of India, July 17, 99) said, "the BJP Government has a lot to explain with regard to its lapses in allowing the intrusion in Kargil." Accepting the `commendable` job done by Indian Army and Air Force, he questioned, "why did we have to sacrifice so many lives? Could this not have been nipped in bud? This was a serious lapse on the part of the government and all those responsible for such negligence should be brought to book." He did not consider the Kargil triumph as victory in true sense and said, "we have managed to push back the enemy from our own land after tremendous sacrifices. We have achieved the clearing of intrusion from our own house."

Other opposition parties:

The non-Congress, non-Communist opposition parties, particularly the Socialists were only keen to convene a special session of Rajya Sabha to censure the government on its failure in the Kargil crisis. (The government is in a minority in the Rajya sabha.)


Despite the criticism of Vajpayee Government, the morale of the BJP cadres continues to be high. The party leaders had initially pronounced that they would not make Kargil a poll issue as was evident from party General Secretary, Venkaiah Naidu`s statement (Chennai, June 21, 99), "We will not project Kargil problem during our election campaign." However, when the `diplomatic and military victory`on Kargil galvanised the people, particularly the middle class who appeared to be in a mood to support the government, the leaders could not resist the temptation to exploit the situation for getting political mileage in Lok Sabha election. Every statement of the opposition was countered aggressively by different leaders. They had assessed that the moisture of the alleged failure of the government on intelligence and security is evaporating with the heat generated by the humiliating defeat of Pakistan. Whether it is ``Atal Sandesh Yatra`` launched by Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha or ``Martyrs Day`` observed by the party, the BJP leaders invariably attacked Congress and Communists for their anti-Government attitude on Kargil issue.

Right from the day the intrusion in Kargil was detected, the BJP began its political exercise on this issue. It convened an emergency meeting (New Delhi-May 31`99) of its National Executive Committee which was also attended by Defence Minister, George Fernandes (Samata Party) as a special guest to apprise the members with the situation and the steps taken by the Government to drive away the intruders. Top Army/Air Force officers briefed the members, a step vehemently criticised by the opposition.

Replying to the Congress criticism of Lahore Bus diplomacy, Narendra Modi, General Secretary of the BJP in a write-up in party organ ‘BJP Today’said, "The Lahore Declaration is today the benchmark by which Governments across the world are judging the intrusion by Pakistan in Kargil." He maintained that the Lahore Bus ride, which was a major initiative of Indian Prime Minister is today a testimony of India`s commitment to peace. Ridiculing the Congress, he said, "Pakistan has repeatedly violated the Shimla Agreement –Does it mean that signing of Shimla Agreement was foolish or the said Agreement has collapsed?" The Foreign Affairs cell of the BJP through a statement (New Delhi, June 25`99) ridiculed the Congress leader Natwar Singh for his remarks, "G-8 communique did not name Pakistan" and also that, "pathetic attempts of the Government to clutch on to any straw to get an international certificate" said, "It is amazing that at a time when the international community is appreciative of the restraint exercised by India in dealing with the Pakistan misadventure and of the success of Indian diplomacy in convincing the G-8 and others that Pakistan has violated the LOC and thus committed aggression, Shri Natwar Singh has chosen to live in a make belief world of his own. The BJP Vice-President, K.L.Sharma wanted the Congress to answer, in unambiguous terms whether the Congress disagreed with the initiative to free Indian soil of Pakistani intruders? He maintained, "we believe all Congress pronouncements as also its demand for a special session of Rajya Sabha are driven by a single motivation: to score political points at a time when the nation`s territorial integrity is threatened by enemy forces." Lashing out at CWC resolution (July 20-21`99) of the Congress for neither making any reference on Pakistan intrusion into Kargil nor condemning it, the BJP spokesman Arun Jaitely (New Delhi-July 22`99) said, "Now that the nation has won the war, the Congress leadership feels, it has lost the election—hence its frustration."


The RSS which had all along been blaming Jawahar Lal Nehru for the Kashmir problem, in its All India Karyakari Mandal meeting (Sarnath-Varanasi-July3 and 4`99) re-iterated its stand that the impractical policies pursued by Jawahar Lal Nehru was responsible for the present Kargil crisis. The apex executive body of RSS also called upon the "swayamsevakas" to extend every possible help to make ‘Operation Vijay‘ successful and also to spread awareness in the country of the Kashmir problem. K.S.Sudarshan, Sahsarkaryavah in a press conference pointed out that the pro-active policy on Kashmir followed by the BJP-led Government at Centre was successful in curbing terrorism in the state. The Vishva Hindu Parishad, a constituent of Sangh Parivar in a recently held a meeting of its Kendriya Margdarshak Mandal at Haridwar, to discuss national security with special emphasis on Kargil and Kashmir, resolved to defend the unity and integrity of the nation and to take up a countrywide mass awareness programme from Guru Purnima (July 28`99) to Raksha Bandhan (August 26`99). During this period the saints have a plan to hold ``Rashtra Raksha Yajnas`` and public meetings at over 50,000 places throughout the country. The VHP has reportedly also donated Rs.1.5 crores to the National Defence Fund. The VHP is also out to draw political mileage for the BJP in midterm Lok Sabha poll.

Kargil- the key to electoral victory?

Against the backdrop of the politicisation of Kargil, it appears that Kargil is now the key to electoral victory and as such the political leaders in the country are busy finding various means to exploit it. It is too early to say how far the people in the country who are watching the situation very closely would respond but the ruling party has already benefited from the crisis. This was the reason that Chandrababu Naidu, Chief minister of Andhra Pradesh was inclined to be a constituent of National Democratic Alliance led by BJP. Ram Vilas Paswan and Sharad Yadav of the Janata Dal in their statements said, "communalism is no more relevant as the BJP with its secular allies have given up its communal agenda``. The Shiv Sena-BJP coalition Government in Maharashtra dissolved the state assembly and recommended for simultaneous assembly election along with Lok Sabha to overcome the anti-incumbency factor by exploiting the post-Kargil mood of the voters to support the Vajpayee led Government at the centre.

The guns in Kargil are almost silent but the political leaders in India are not comfortable and have started booming their political guns against each other to fight the electoral war.

R.Upadhyay                                                  25.7.99







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