[Webfunds-users] jit on 98/nt/macos

Ian Grigg iang@systemics.com
Thu Oct 14 22:21:19 1999

In the latest releases, we are seeing a consistent
problem occur when hitting the [new] button to read
a contract in.  From what I can see, it is caused by
dodgy JITs;  the program does strange things and crashes
some time after hitting that button.

Workaround is to add -nojit to the arguments that fire
up the program.  In standard download, this is in the
file run.bat, insert it before -cp:

   \java\something\jdk   -nojit  -cp .;c:\blah\blah

In the applet download, right-click on the icon,
Properties, Program, and look there (not my baby...)

Any further clues appreciated.  As it is a JIT bug,
it has been acting like a heisenbug, it comes and goes :(
