[Webfunds-users] (no subject)

conseja@hushmail.com conseja@hushmail.com
Sun Sep 5 17:15:06 1999

>You say that the balance is not stored, but that transactions are stored,
>and then totalled to find the balance.  But sometime you have to calculate
>a balance, otherwise you must store every transaction since the beginning
>of time.  Do completed transactions "go away"?

True!  The balance gets calculated when it is needed, and transactions
are stored forever.  Remember that the accounts are "lite-weight" and
you can always start new ones when you are tired of scrolling through
the history.

>When I receive digigold, and then write more digigold using only part of
>the amount I have received, it seems like I should also get another "SOX
>MESSAGE" making up the remainder.  The server then only serves to make
>change between digigold.  But it doesn't work that way.  How does it work?

No, each payment when settled through the server will result in a
confirmation a "receipt" which is signed by the server.  That gets
stored forever, by both the server and the client, and it becomes the
transaction in the client's history list.

>If I erase my installation of the software (and private keys), is some
>digigold lost?  What repurcussions are there if digigold in circulation 
>erased like this?

The DigiGold is still there, but you and anybody else can no longer
access it.  Not a good idea to erase your key!  If you look closely at
the source, there are special storage objects that seem to be made
to do different things with the keys and receipts - a network or backup
object could be easily added there, but its not there yet.

>If I don't copy the SOX MESSAGE out of the Pay window when it is made, is
>that also lost (I know, I can just write another one, so this may not

Your pending balance goes down, so it remembers.  If you look in
the history, you can cancel the payment.

The rest of your message I will have to leave for others!

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