Report for 22 Dec 2007 - 27 Dec 2007

/novamente - Novamente work
query debugging notes how did he do that ?

LEFT-WALL how did he do that ?

Object (do[4], that[5])
Subject (do[4], he[3])
Tense (do[4], past_infinitive)
Number (that[5], uncountable)
Number (he[3], singular)
Quantification (he[3], Definite)

[head [name <>
tense <>
links [_subj [name <>
noun_number <>]
_obj [name <>
noun_number <>]
how [name <<_$qVar>>
HYP <>]]

_obj(do, that)[1]
how(do, _$qVar)[1]
_subj(do, he)[1]

should be .
start implosions in earnest
And .. I'm done. Just sent out email announcing this.
The last step here is to document what's going on on the wiki page,
go through a review cycle, and polish up any rough edges, or make
any desired changes.
Completion of the Pen tree-bank stye markup.
Finished with the Penn tree-bank style phrase structure markup. Checked into both
the disco tree, and also into my experimental branch on the novaente servers.
From the file documentation:

* The PhraseMarkup class adds Penn tree-bank style phrase structure
* markup to the relex ParsedSentence/FeatureNode graph.
* An example Penn tree phrase structure is
* (S (NP I) (VP am (NP a big robot)) .)
* The head of the phrase structure is always given by "phr-head".
* This feature node will always contain the feature node
* "phr-next": pointer to the next feature node.
* It might also contain any one (and only one) of the following
* three feature nodes:
* "phr-type": can be S, VP, NP, ADJP, etc., or absent
* "phr-word": pointer to the feature node for the word.
* "phr-head": pointer to a subphrase. So, for example,
* (NP a big robot) is a sub-sub-phrase of the whole.
* The mapping is such that CDR is always given by "phr-next",
* while CAR is either "phr-type", "phr-word" or "phr-head".
* Here, CAR and CDR are the standard LISP pair primitves.

Contemplate new bases classes
Contemplate new base classes for feature node.
I want to add "pairs" in the lisp sense, so that I can represent the lisp-like trees
(NP John (VP is (OBJ a dork))) .

Nope. Scratch that. Feature node offers a workable paradigm, trying to
jam something else in there would just be painful, and would increase confusion.

More code review & cleanup
Bust up SentanceView into two pieces
a per-word piece, and a traversal piece
Cleanup and make my current cerego code publically presentable
back to hacking.
Still have problems, e.g.

physical limits to transistor miniaturization and performance are being approached .

Object (approached[10], limits[2])
Tense (approached[10], present_progressive)
Adjective (physical[1], limits[2])
to (limits[2], oh no mr bill!)
Number (limits[2], plural)
Modifier (transistor[4], miniaturization[5])

OK, that wwas a bug in my code. Now fixed.

Object (approached[10], limits[2])
Tense (approached[10], present_progressive)
Adjective (physical[1], limits[2])
to (limits[2], miniaturization[5])
to (limits[2], performance[7])
Number (limits[2], plural)
Modifier (transistor[4], miniaturization[5])
skim categorial grammar
Replying to boris' email made me look up Lambek grammar.
(aka categorial grammar!?)
Appearently, Boris took a course taught by Lambek.
fiddling with relex
The disco repository still doesn't work for me, as the hypergraph code is still crashing.
Register link grammar parser with sourceforge
wrote several emails to lafferty, temperley, sleator in the last month, no reply yet.
/novamente/linkparser - Link Gramar Parser Work
Discover that there is an existing link grammar parser maintenance site.
There is an existing link grammar maintenance project, its been in operation for a
few years, it seems. They've gone through many versions now, and appearently have
dictionaries for verious non-english languages.

Its at:

I'm contacting the author, I want to integrate in my patches, and the novamente
patches as well (e.g. the jni bindings, and the couple of fixes that Mike has made.)

/novamente/read email -
reading email, etc.
reading and replying to email