Permanent Magnetic Motors/Generators
created on 27 Jun 1997 - JLN Labs - Updated on 04-05-01
- The Johnson's permanent magnetic motor, now explained
- The Rotating Generator RGen 2.0 of Jean-Louis Naudin
- Curved magnetic ramp ( Magnetic field simulation )
- The RMOD (Rotary Magnetic Overunity Device) v 1.1
- The RMOD v 2.0
- The Petrus Peregrinus' wheel : An approach of the wheel design
- The Greg Watson's RMOG V1.1 - Test results
- The Stefan Hartmann's Permanent Magnetic Motor Idea
- Theory and Energy calculation :
- Do non-conservative potential perpetual running machine exist ?
- "The Master Principle of Overunity and the Japanese Overunity Engines" (T.E Bearden)